I think this is the last day to prevent Dem Senators from voting yes on the Musk/Trump continuing resolution. If you care about this it's time to contact your senator. Please let us know what you hear for our tally. https://talkingpointsmemo.com/edblog/the-last-day-3
Schiff went straight to voicemail as usual.
Time to get tough. They are going to screw us anyway. So you might as well shut the government down.
ALL democrats (including Fetterman who is confused about his party affiliation) need to vote NO.
Call your senators. Took 2 minutes
Auto response. Leave a voicemail or send a message through the website. (did both)
Overwhelming volume of calls, put on hold. A minute later told to leave a message or go to website. (I did)
It's pretty alarming. You used to be able to talk to someone.
Will be calling you all today!
Left a message with Ron Wyden.
They are monitoring
Will calll again later to try and talk to staffer
@blumenthal.senate.gov Left a VM on his D.C. line demanding NO on the GOP CR and NO on any cloture trying to force the vote. 202.224.2823 @chrismurphyct.bsky.social D.C. VM box is full so I called his Hartford office instead and left the same message. 860.549.8463