VERY IMPORTANT to label this as what it is, The Police State Executive Order. it's not an exaggeration. This is the inner wiring of a police state.
Reposted from
Josh Marshall
The first and most important thing to know about last night's Exec order is that it's intended to break current law and allow people throughout the federal gov look at yr tax returns. Beyond that it's intended to compel states to turn over all their data to the fed govt.
an autocratic *Russian puppet regime.*
The second step is to make everybody else call it what it is. ESPECIALLY the media who are helping to keep up the pretense.
🧊 then after that, I'm sure his/their hate for people who are old, disabled, poor, low income, female, or tan... would somehow be used for their gain.
Utah. WIRED mag. data center.
The gov has had these resources for just such anything.
With a lot of police and military voting for #TrumpTheRapist
Judges and officials appointed on all levels and a Congress in thrall of him..
This is not a drill.
Arresting someone for critizising #TheRapistInTheWH & fire someone for not accepting harrasment..
Wanting access to Social Security data..
america hates that party.
Unlike the GOP, who was smart enough to recognize that trump had momentum and got on board, the democrats consistently fight the left harder than they fight the fascists. Kinda how we got here in the first place.
I agree that it's terrible. But it's not an EO, according to WaPo's (woefully late) coverage.
I had gotten the impression that it was issued on Friday.
What a *disaster*.
Also, again probably not legal.
Is this really how Americans want to treat people- ANY people???
They are words that may guide an executive branch under the administrative procedure act etc., but are meaningless if inconsistent with existing law.
While true in principle, you could say that about ANY dictator's decrees.
When he has the full government and military and SCOTUS behind him, this IS the law of the land.
The only thing we have is the ability to spread awareness!
Both have expressed an interest in bringing articles of impeachment against Trump, Green has gone so far as to propose bringing them endlessly until one sticks.
Please put pressure on them to make good on things
Here's the order.
And don’t blame it on fear of martial law. We are already f***ing there.
Is the home of the brave also becoming the home of the timid?
So, to respect the elders. Time to provide that knowledge, cause unfortunately age has taken its toll on physical ability to fight.
The ones who railed against the thought of the IRS investigating The Felon King?
I believe this is the EO referred to in these comments. Scary 😱
Also, worded so that DOGE in any of its incarnations, legal definition or not, has access.
Strong work, America!
The purpose of a system is what it does.
What's the response now, if/when something like that happens in our country?
Do all of the people, loyal to Trump, go into cover your own ass mode?
>people don't think elections will happen so they don't vote.
>republicans win because nobody votes.
>everyone says "see elections are rigged"
I'm sorry, but the 'walls are closing in' and 'mueller' malarkey won't work a second time.
The Democrats will probably give Bannon, Musk, & Thiel medals.
Decreased autonomy for agencies and states.
Federal data consolidation infrastructure, particularly useful for AI surveillance or predictive analytics systems.
Increased data mining, surveillance, and potential politicization.
Time to recall every politician that disagrees.
after they've done all their damage, kill them.
we don't need any witnesses
This is the real question… they won’t hack the old cobal stuff … the code will be bolted on somewhere.
I wonder about offsite and locked away backups. Every business I ever worked with now has backups in their safe and offsite because I told them to. Does the gov't?
This is what DOGE’s mission is.
It’s nothing to do with efficiency or economy. It’s a cyber-tour of America’s invisible wealth, DATA on its citizens. And Musk and his juvenile hackers are marauders ransacking our records.
The EO is issued to attack judges who are stopping them.
but still, this moment feels like a rat trap & I'm not sure we have a clear path out yet.
Hit the streets. Is there a Tesla dealer near you? Protests every Saturday. Talk to people. Get to know them.
There are anti-war groups all over the country. Veterans groups. Unions. If there’s a group doing work, join them.
Death by 1000 paper cuts.
while also 2025 concerns of cross gov classification data sharing, due to this EO.
Oracle/Facebook/Palantir have made it clear they’ll be extremely happy to help build this.