A Lesson In Preserving Democracy—S. Koreans Protested Until The “Wannabe Dictator” Was Impeached -First Time Failure. Protests Continued-Week Later Second Impeachment—Success! Americans Our Country’s Democracy Is Protected By “We The People” Resisting Oppression!
Trump Wannabe Fascist Dictatorship!
So he says he wants to be a dictator for one day and he’s impeached. Trump says he wants to be a dictator on day one and he’s elected president? Have y’all lost your minds? Looking at u #MoscowMitch
America chose decades of authoritarianism which will likely bring millions of deaths, deportations, political incarcerations, economic collapse, & countless tragedies in order to “own the libs” and make sure their daughter’s shitty basketball team didn’t get beat by a tall, black girl named Bob.
these power hungry goons are as inept as they are deranged; which says a lot, I think. Drunk on power.
Now he can go sleep it off, bender over (see what I did there?)
This is me that other countries like South Korea take words like that serious enough to do something about it not us. We accept it and we normalize it.
You don't have to look any further than S Korea or Syria to see that a movement's afoot. The peons & marginalized are tired of the oppression from corrupt, dictatorial govts. Putin might be next. Team Trump best be paying close attention, they may just be in for a rude awakening. Fingers crossed.
didn't work out to good for him; wait till trump tries this "day one dictatorship bullshit".... maybe his fat ass will get thrown to the wolves?
oh yeah, forgot....nothing but sheep in the Group Of Pedophile party.
Trump Wannabe Fascist Dictatorship!
Just for one day
Nobody gets the power
They don't see it cuz they don't understand
Spinning info all day long, me and money put the world in my hand
*apologies Bowie
Just for oooone da-ay.🎶
I wonder how much the world will trend towards autocracy during the next Trump term? 🤔
"If we could be dictators, just for one day"
Now he can go sleep it off, bender over (see what I did there?)
He wants to be dictator forever (well his "forever" anyway).
🤔 Fuck, and I truly do mean this, ALL them assholes.
Maybe Jan. 21?
But Time to get to work
oh yeah, forgot....nothing but sheep in the Group Of Pedophile party.