That's just how many they let in. Others had to be seated as well and the public gallery isn't super huge. That's actually a lot. If they're trying to make him appear all Charles Manson it's totally backfiring.
I spent years of my professional life fighting the hell that United Healthcare put people who needed medical care through. I have nothing in terms of sympathy. Fighting to keep a NICU baby "authorized" for pittance is beyond disgusting. Meanwhile, major league ball fields wear the UHC banner!
It is disgusting that they are parading him around like an animal. They didn't do that with mass murderers, yet this is what they are doing to him. Twisted assholes.
Luigi has already saved thousands of lives in my opinion. When the we're not going to pay for anesthesia nonsense came up it got shut right down. People don't realize but surgeons would have hesitated to do surgeries with rules like that in place. Would you do work you weren't paid for?
My husband was a coroner for years he was there for the arraignment of BALMHAMMER he killed 7 people .2 deputies this is BULLSHIT they are desperate to get this guy .Yet Trump walks free .We are fucked no doubt .
On the other hand, his family runs one of the lowest rated nursing home chains in MD. If Luigi wanted to do away with a CEO exploiting the healthcare system, there was one across the dining room table.
They're using those funds to pay for his attorneys too.
Media and people have made him into a social bandit. He's a wealthy kid that murdered an unarmed person IN THE BACK! Do you really think ALL CEOs in Health Insurance need to be afraid? Be careful of your answer 😉
I am not defending his actions and I will answer any damn way I want. I am calling out the MSM, NYPD and pearl clutching CEOs for making him into a martyr.
The overblown coverage is a reminder that the US healthcare system sucks. It is not rocket science why people see him as the good guy.
No I don't ask there are choices always made and must be done in an informed manner. There are also Healthcare systems that work with people that are in financial straits to help them in various ways. But if course you wouldn't know that.
But why are you clutching your pearls about 1 murder, when the 16000 a year caused by health care insurance companies are so much more tragic, considering every one of those people PAID for health insurance and were denied.
I live in a civilised country with a national health service.
Lastly, it's EVERYONES responsibility here to ask questions and be INFORMED of the Plans/coverage they're picking NOT based solely on cost. There can be consequences of consumers in making bad choices.
First off, I don't have "pearls" to clutch. I'm not even that type of person. I meet things head-on. 2nd- I'm a Witch, a Bruja.
3rd- I've been in the Healthcare industry for 30 years here and I don't feel any person in this industry "murders" anyone based on a decision.
Everybody in the healthcare industry should be afraid. People will take out their retribution on the customer service reps because those are easier to find than the CEO.
There is a phobia named after this I saw it this morning
Men do it too I can’t imagine fucking Casey Anthony 🤮
Y’all remember the mug shot guy the FLORIDA guy who ran people over Richard Ramirez was known for his body odor bad breath
Gary Ridgeway is still kicking. He was a good husband. 😉
soooo many useless gen x/boomer bootlickers in the comments lmao. can’t wait for you all to d*e so we can finally make some progress. not gonna happen until you’re gone probably
Most of the support is actually for the healthcare issues, but the media would like to direct your attention to the thirst traps *for a reason*, that reason being to trivialize public sympathy and make it seem it's just a few unhinged women like the groupies of serial killers.
So let me see if I've got this right we've got rich people killing rich people over the lack of their insurance coverage I just need to know where I need to tune in this is going to be entertaining
It probably won’t change much, but if you can’t understand why people don’t give a shit about (or even celebrate) this monster being killed, then I don’t know what to tell you.
I know you don’t, I wouldn’t worry about it. I know too many of them. Do they kill and cause harm? Of course. Will this change any of that? It won’t, I’m sorry.😣
Happy Holidays!✌🏼
Kyle represents all true Americans that buy an AR15, then voluntarily drive 20 miles into a race riot and take down 2 guys trying to disarm them 💪 #comeandtakeit
This is a pretty clear effort to dismiss the public support of him as just female silliness. If they can create a narrative that ppl only support him bc he’s hot, the insurance industry can ignore that people support him bc the industry maximizes profits with legalized violence that kills people.
I just did a video on the reasons for this wild phenomenon, along with a lot of contextual analysis on issues surrounding the case, if you're interested in helping me get it out there.
So did Charles Manson and the Menendez brothers—how’d that work for them? Some insecure woman who has zero self esteem will likely marry Luigi one day when he is sentenced to life in prison without parole-such a pathetic existence for these women!
It’ll be tough to find an impartial jury given UHC is the largest health insurance company in the country so millions of customers. And regardless of your health insurance provider, who hasn’t been denied coverage, procedures, or payment at some point?
I get it. They were lied to & misled. Cut them some slack, in a court of law, lying gets you jailed. So they'll be exposed to the evidence (facts) & truthful statements. I'm confident 12 jurors will arrive at a just verdict once they're seen & heard all the evidence
You know what I didn't ask you for your opinion. My opinion is that people are making him some kind of hero for murder. It's my opinion. Last time I looked it was still a free world. Murder is not the answer.
I am ashamed of our left wing big creators. You make fun of the right or fear and rage bait, but when there is a call to action, you do NOTHING.
Americans don't want to be inconvenienced, and this is why we will DESERVE our rights being taken away.
This is why we lost and will continue to lose.
This is a good example of how goverment agencies hype a small event into a major 'look at us work this bad boy over'. Meanwhile serial killers are not even worth their time.
Gee...if he was big and fat..and an you think those poor deluded simpletons would still be there. Better you think if he was big and fat & an African-American...he would still be alive to STAND trial?
Why does he have such a huge group escorting him? Are all those people necessary or is this just another photo op? Why is he being displayed like a new toy everywhere he goes?
Luigi and his lawyer should come out and speak every day as the 34 count convicted felon did. He got a get out of jail free card. At least Luigi is bringing a major issue to the forefront of our society
Barf!! 🤮🤢
I really hope MTN stops platforming this BS and capitalizing on and showcasing this kind of misplaced and disgusting display just because KFA is his attorney. That’s gross as well - and a conflict of interest IMO. Murder is wrong. 😑
We are a very sick country. I get the desperate appeal of his killing a healthcare CEO, but working hard together to enlighten all the “deplorables” of all political stripes should be the mission.
This criminal defendant has such an inflated sense of himself, his high powered attorney was stumbling and mumbling today in court, she was dressed so slovenly and Luigi was being treated like he was the reincarnation of a young prince of Egypt. Amazing how curly hair and unibrow are hot? Not!
Hate to break it to you. I am a woman in my 60s and retired. It's embarrassing for me to see your post too. That's why the NYT article has a lot more meaningful discussions about the health insurance and the system rather than your take about women. Don't use a broad brush and that's embarrassing
It would fall to preppy gym rat and Renaissance-prince-cum-.001%-assassin to make "[O]Estrogen Brigades" a thing again. The first one I ever knew of was formed by actor Paul McGann's ardent female fans. Here he is in his pre-Dr.-Who, "Withnail & I" [1987] days:
Sure ABC. Whatever. Spin it only women so you can demoralize the movement like female empowerment but it's going to bite you worse than that $15,000,000 you just paid to a guy who is despicable. You may need corporate sponsorship to survive but they won't pay you shite if we stop watching.
Unless you are 65000 times as upset
at the people killed by needless denials of required care, you condone MASS murder. Pretending to be above others on such a question is a horrid lack of ethics or values.
American health care is mass murder, nothing less.
I am going through health issues and insurance denials and have been for a little over a year. Hell, they wont even pay for my $3000 ambulance ride. That does not mean I am going to find the CEO of Blue Cross and gun him down.
That's not what I said. You never got on social media and tried to talk down to people who defended those who are denying health care as condoning mass murder. Youe ethics are inconsistent and whack.
You’re absolutely pathetic. Why are you still yammering on?? We get it, you’re special. Go someplace else to defend these horrid people. No one here cares.
Also you do know they want to kill Luigi as punishment? But you’re ok with that murder?? How about the whole slaughter of Gaza? You good with that!?? Biden saying vax and unmask so we have millions more dead here? But you’re better than me right?! Please.
Where did I say I agreed with him getting the death penalty? The rest of your post is you speculating what I think. How about sticking to one subject instead of deflecting. Too much to ask?
I don’t kowtow to your wishes. No one’s forcing you to read my comments. I’m not speculating anything. See the many question marks?? Maybe you can start there.
James Kopp shot an abortion provider in the back. He was convinced of his righteousness. Mangione shot a CEO in the back. He is convinced of his righteousness. Both had 'fans'. The law says shooting someone in the back is never righteous. I'll go with the law, not the fan clubs.
His wealthy family can afford to hire the best attorneys who will make certain they have paid demonstrators outside the courthouse every day shouting "Free Luigi." Disgusting.
What a juxtaposition between his arrest and detention versus the alleged Idaho student killer, who killed four people and was driven cross country by two deputies and escorted into jail by one person and he certainly didn’t have a hand around his neck!
School shooters have mostly been kids - same age as the kids they shot.
Difficult 2 imagine taking yet another child's life.
Life in prison, I think, is worse than death.
It is time 2 end the death penalty. It is not just about killing someone - also about having it B someone's JOB
2 take a life.
Although I agree that insurance companies need to change their policies and we need to stop denying claims to
Patients-cold blooded murder on the street is NEVER the answer! EVER!!!
Murder: The killing of another person without justification or excuse, especially the crime of killing a person with malice aforethought or with recklessness manifesting extreme indifference to the value of human life.
people like you are the biggest barrier to progress in the US. you’re OK letting billionaires trap us in a system designed to murder us for profit, but we can’t respond with violence? I can’t with you pearl clutchers. you have any sympathy for the THOUSANDS of people this serial killer ceo killed?
maybe question *why* it got to that point. peaceful protests have been ignored *and* vilified (with an almost military-like response). the American people got pushed to this point when cornered with no alternative in sight
I'm sorry, but denying claims that lead to death is extremely cold-blooded, too. I don't understand how you can even pretend that those two are not the same. They are. Killing is killing. That guy was a mass murder who killed people every day for money. THAT is cold.
I agree fully that murder is always wrong. Don't misunderstand. I'm not saying this is good. I'm saying that this was inevitable. Kill enough people, and you become a target, too. Fuck around with peoples lives and find out.🤷♀️
I get what you’re saying, but this has happened throughout history. It’s not new…just look at Manson as a recent example. Isn’t there even a Bravo reality show about women who fall in love with prisoners?
11,000 people died between January and September, 2024, from gun violence in the US. I wouldn't be surprised if outrage and horror about gun related deaths is somewhat blunted. Lugui killed one adult. Not the most egregious shooting in the US that week.
This is a rare instance of something truly bad happening to a rich ghoul profiting off of misery, and the system has mobilized against it in a way it doesn't when the victims are protesters or kindergartners.
We live in a world without justice, so people are willing to settle for vengeance.
Sorry Not Sorry
"The state case is expected to go to trial"
They're using those funds to pay for his attorneys too.
The overblown coverage is a reminder that the US healthcare system sucks. It is not rocket science why people see him as the good guy.
Do you not consider 16000 deaths from refusal of paid for health insurance to be murder?
pro-corporate murder isn't the flex you think it is.
I live in a civilised country with a national health service.
3rd- I've been in the Healthcare industry for 30 years here and I don't feel any person in this industry "murders" anyone based on a decision.
Men do it too I can’t imagine fucking Casey Anthony 🤮
Y’all remember the mug shot guy the FLORIDA guy who ran people over Richard Ramirez was known for his body odor bad breath
Gary Ridgeway is still kicking. He was a good husband. 😉
MDC Brooklyn
Metropolitan Detention Center
P.O. Box 329002
Brooklyn, NY 11232
Please be aware inmate’s mail is not private and will be read before it’s given to him.
U R 🔥 and not guilty. Down with US Healthcare and their CEOs
-someone’s letter
Sure, that makes sense.
Yeah if you boil it down to such a ridiculously basic level, sure 🤦♀️
I’ve sat across the negotiating table from these people, they’ll hire more security.
Sometimes, ridiculously simple truth, is the best wake up call. What’s your experience been with these CEOs, different?
Happy Holidays!✌🏼
We're insane.
Yes, our health system needs some serious help, but, this guy is a murderer.
The man is a MURDERER.
Sorry Not Sorry
Americans don't want to be inconvenienced, and this is why we will DESERVE our rights being taken away.
This is why we lost and will continue to lose.
Hey, it's my boy Luigi. Getting some love today in court. That's good man
(Luigi must go free!)
I’m new here .. and I don’t know how to edit ( or if we can ) posts ….
I'M JUST REPORTING!,acquitting%20her%20of%20murdering%202%2Dyear%2Dold%20daughter%20Caylee.
Stupid people love criminals.
Oh, wait. I forgot Hannibal's Frumpf's friend.
I really hope MTN stops platforming this BS and capitalizing on and showcasing this kind of misplaced and disgusting display just because KFA is his attorney. That’s gross as well - and a conflict of interest IMO. Murder is wrong. 😑
i don't care who it was, it was murder.
at the people killed by needless denials of required care, you condone MASS murder. Pretending to be above others on such a question is a horrid lack of ethics or values.
American health care is mass murder, nothing less.
Difficult 2 imagine taking yet another child's life.
Life in prison, I think, is worse than death.
It is time 2 end the death penalty. It is not just about killing someone - also about having it B someone's JOB
2 take a life.
Patients-cold blooded murder on the street is NEVER the answer! EVER!!!
We live in a world without justice, so people are willing to settle for vengeance.