Delusional nonsense speak. It's like their language center in their brains is glitching.
We watched a film in my anthropology of religion class that showed young kids mimicking the adults in their churches doing this same 'glossolalia' nonsense.
I'm totally bewildered with this. Religion in the US seems very entertaining at a certain's one way of fleecing the sheep. At least I got to laugh watching this...
Is She having a stroke?
I think your country needs a fucking intervention.
In the bible it talks about people speaking in tongues, otherwise know as "Forrin'" to MAGAS. NOT FUCKING GIBBERISH!
This is what unchecked mental illness looks like. Please check in on your Christian Evangelical family and friends. A cultist brain is a terrible thing to waste.
I had a friend who attended an Assembly of God church growing up. Small community so I knew everyone. A woman, my Dad's age, started speaking in tongues as she was "touched by the holy spirit". I asked her where she learned Spanish. I was 8, & we didn't do that stuff in the United Methodist Church.
That congregation looks like the night of the living dead. Maybe that's what it actually means in Revaluations the dead will walk among us . Without brains .
Since watching #americanprimeval, I can better understand the soul of Americans. Donald is just the tip of the fucking iceberg.
Seit ich #americanprimeval gesehen habe, kann ich die Seele der Amerikaner besser verstehen. Donald ist nur die Spitze vom verschissenem Eisberg.
He may call her that, but he just admires her for being able to con so much money out of the rubes with the most ridiculous shtick. He has to come up with trashy merch to match her.
Bit of an oxymoron, Trump and "spiritual advisor". But considering it's Paula White, it fits. Both of them are grifters and her presence might get the 🍊🤡 some more cash from the evangelicals.
"'Ere, Gordon! Knock the Lenny Henry shit on the head and bang out some more pop songs about pederasty!"
We watched a film in my anthropology of religion class that showed young kids mimicking the adults in their churches doing this same 'glossolalia' nonsense.
God this timeline is sofa king fuct.
Typing in tongue’s.
I think your country needs a fucking intervention.
In the bible it talks about people speaking in tongues, otherwise know as "Forrin'" to MAGAS. NOT FUCKING GIBBERISH!
It's a business and tax free!
It's kind of freaking me out.
Wouldn't have surprised me if she didn't. They become the party of boobs out.
Seit ich #americanprimeval gesehen habe, kann ich die Seele der Amerikaner besser verstehen. Donald ist nur die Spitze vom verschissenem Eisberg.
For trump y’all. That’s what we’re up against.
It could be a pay-per-view--
Jesus clearing out the churches.
I'd pay to see it.
I think Tom Hanks' son, Chet Hanks, sings in that same language.
How do you say “hypocrites and suckers” in tongues?