OK, so I'm seeing one set of quadruplets and one set of triplets and, between them, three coats that can still can be zipped up and a general feeling of peckishness that will be answered at an all-you-can-eat buffet immediately after this photo.
They followed him to every rally, bought every commemorative item, shelled out thousands to attend the inauguration, but the only ticket holders will be those making 7mil or over. Suckers.
You didn't know the leopard dressed up like a lamb was going to eat your face. He told you, & we told you. Your leader has never been loyal to anyone or anything. He sold you an ugly red hat & you thought he gave you a gift. He also gave you a social disease called "Fear of the unknown."
I think it's funny how a lot of the MAGA base is out here making excuses for Trump canceling the outdoor inauguration. They are like, "we are glad Trump is thinking of everyone's safety." This is the same man that left supporters stranded with no buses, miles from the venu...in the COLD!
The fat boys are back in town, fat boys are back in town. . Asked if he is around, they sure are crazy. Said he was uptown. Well, that's too far to walk, so we just sat down.
So the schmucks who paid money for tickets to seats in the bleachers are shit out of luck. No refunds. Hmm me thinks this was the plan all along. Move it indoors so the pitifully low attendance won’t be noticeable and make some money in the process.
It’s just a suckers and losers convention. Maga wore their very best parkas for the fake news inauguration. PAB is having it indoors so he is toasty warm and the hell with the cult that paid for outside tickets.
If they break in, they'll let the cold air in and the hot air out. Trump should just do the damned thing outside LIKE EVERY OTHER POTUS BEFORE HIM! If he can't even handle winter in DC how is he supposed to be able to run this country?! This whole thing is a shambles. He's making US a joke!
Wait til you’re inside, you can go anywhere in there
What we’ve got here is a failure to communicate.
Just make the doorways narrower.
Do it, break in for trump’s inaugural… wouldn’t that be grand… 😜🤪
I usually can identify a male Trumper by that profile.
There is a possibility they might be related,however ...
Inbreed .No kidding😎