How do you jumpstart yourself when you can feel that you’re stalled out getting started with work for the day and/or choose what to do when your task list is overwhelmingly long?
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Mmm...I'm an extremely motivated person, but even then I find it best to just compartmentalize each item/thing as one small mini-goal to achieve at a time. So get the fire going to do ONE thing, and then just try to stack a success after that one. Then look back at the stack and feel accomplishment
I guess it really depends on whatever job you have but I would say a prioritized list of what needs to be done immediately and then looking at what can be put on hold. And caffeine. Lots of it!
I put on some Star Trek in the background and negotiate with myself to just do the first 5 minutes of a task. Typically, once I get started, I keep going.
I ask myself, underneath the action, what value am I serving/honoring that connects to my self-interest? Then I ask how it’s serving the greater good? If I can feel a spark of joy, connection, energy, I let that carry me forward.
I try to find a song that puts me in the mindset I want. Like, if I need energy to do something physical, I'll listen to some pop punk; for socially important stuff I'll listen to a protest song; if I just need to grudgingly face an unpleasant task I'll listen to Tom Waits' "Get Behind The Mule."
Warm beverages just make me feel like getting started on something productive. Like, sometimes I'll warm up a mug of water and it just gets me in the mood to work. I can't explain it.
Sometimes I start but setting myself up an easy win, starting with some small task I've been putting off that I know I can complete quickly in the hopes of building momentum
I have one 15 minute yoga video that for whatever reason is a true physical re-set for me… I pop that bad boy on and my mind quiets and I feel wildly more focused and back on track
Music can definitely help. Usually I just pick something and go. Better to accomplish something over wasting my time waffling about it. Maybe I don't get two things done. Let alone my whole list. But I got something done and it's one less thing I need to do later.
Success rate no where near 100%, but again, most of the time I at least get started. And I find it's often easier for me to jump to the next task when I'm already finishing up another so it can lead to multiple completions.
Mutual accountability, baybee! Seriously, telling people I'm doing the Thing is one thing that WILL get me to do the Thing, is . Generally it's people with 0 stake in the Thing.
a v quick way is to play "the day starts...NOW": you close your eyes, mutter "the day starts...." then open your eyes and say "NOW!" and you can start your day fresh! (anything you've already done is a bonus) It sounds silly but it legit helps reset a day if I'm on the verge of writing it off
Like the most randomest thing like if you usually get sandwiches for lunch, try someplace different. Or change your socks to silly ones. Something that you'll notice is different like stepping into an alternate reality
walk to the nearby coffee shop to work there for an hour - I don't drink coffee, but the walk gives you time to reflect, and the change of scenery removes you from the faffing mindset
I tell myself I’m only going to work on it for 10 mins and then I just kept going - but I know I have the option to stop. Usually works! For prioritizing, I tend to do whatever is least painful followed by the most painful and then I’ll do everything in between after those are done.
To-do lists are crucial for me. Pick a time-sensitive task and possibly condense it into smaller parts. Or, start w/ something quick or fun. A walk or even a break to wash dishes when I’m stuck on an issue, helps. Also: Caffeine, a healthy-ish snack and music. You'll get there!
routine, mostly. always shower, always put on Outside Clothes even if im not going outside, always cook and eat proper breakfast, etc, then start work immediately after
what fires together wires together and so i train myself that that's the start of work time
Take a few deep breaths and conquer the ones that need to be done by a certain time, and, then, move on to the smaller things to feel like you accomplished something or the things that bring you a bit more joy to do rather than dread. Listening to music while doing the tasks if possible helps.
I light a candle and play a little game where if I stop working (pick up my phone, go to another room, go to make a cup of tea etc) I have to blow it out, and relight it when I start work again. I don't wanna blow the candle out 😣
(The music not the state of mind)
Make a list and rank things by how important they are, how hard they are, and how much you want to do them, then look at that with more clarity.
If the task list is too long, I rewrite it according to how much time tasks take, and I start with the highest priority short task.
For prioritizing, choose 3 things: 1 INside chore (housework etc), 1 OUTside chore (work emails count), self-care, repeat
Sometimes whatever it picks I reject and realize I wanna do x, other times I go with the spin.
what fires together wires together and so i train myself that that's the start of work time
does it work? sadly, also yes