If you’re in the US, what’s your plan for maintaining your sanity through the incoming administration?
My favorite ideas so far: novels and poetry instead of doomscrolling, daily exercise (even 15 minutes is better than nothing), and maybe we don’t need to check the news more than 1x/day
My favorite ideas so far: novels and poetry instead of doomscrolling, daily exercise (even 15 minutes is better than nothing), and maybe we don’t need to check the news more than 1x/day
I knew someone who was climbing a mountain on 9/11/01 and he got 8 extra hours of not knowing about that horror.
Reading challenge. Packing days full. Exercise, yes.
News diet. Carefully curated online browsing.
And thank gawd I'm an avid reader. I agree, less news, more reading.
I'm also looking for more mutual aid and community activities that aren't part of my job.
I didn’t meet my sous chef until he was about 2 (12 years ago)
"Stop looking for me. I'm not missing; I do not want to be found. I wish to remain vanishing."
2. 80s music
3. Britbox
4. Baseball!
I don’t want to put my head on the sand totally. But I don’t need the daily waterfall of garbage.
Plus I'm more active in my sangha, which provides a strong sense of community.
And I have a big garden project planned for spring.
Don’t let the bastards get you too down to resist!!
Hope when I wake up this nightmare will be over.
Planting gardens. Teaching people about plants. Helping pull certain insect and plant species back from the brink of extinction.
Writing my way out. (Querying a dystopian YA I wrote last year, now resembles our current timeline a little too closely, sigh.)
I think I need to do something with my hands. Anything with embroidery thread or yarn is probably out because cats 🐈⬛ I was thinking about taking up watercolor painting, which I haven’t done since I was in HS over 3 decades ago!
I’ve also been running and writing.
Last year, I had multiple types of bees, hummingbirds, and butterflies and it felt like a small bulwark against climate change.
Also watching for opportunities to be more active.