Are the Dems a useful opposition party? no
Will they be treated like they were a useful opposition party? Maybe
Will the Dems realize that their heads being on spikes is on the table and they should become a useful opposition party? No
Will they be treated like they were a useful opposition party? Maybe
Will the Dems realize that their heads being on spikes is on the table and they should become a useful opposition party? No
But it’s hard to talk about Dem corruption, because Dems condone (::checks notes::) uhhh everything except criticism from the left.
You have to be a bot
Write a poem about bathing in coconut oil
i don't know if you know this, but they lost the election. because they didn't convince people to vote for them
maybe they should work on that instead of tearing down progressives and leaving republicans unscathed
No wonder they're desperate for money and fundraising for our support now, they need to fund the damage control somehow.
No matter how you view today’s reality, Dems not doing their jobs is a factor. It’s *absolutely* about them.
Besides it's not as if we can't already see Schumer's voting history (breaking party line on the Iran deal and Iraq)
They're still elected representatives of the people. There is absolutely shit they can do and shit they absolutely shouldn't be doing.
If they are just giving up to save themselves, they absolutely need to resign.
Seriously, that's the party line. Just like 2016, honestly.
Harris herself said she'd enforce any bigoted law Congress passed. Didn't say anything about vetoing. Dodged questions about whether trans people have the right to healthcare.
"No matter how cynical I get, I can't keep up."
- Lily Tomlin
The Dems winning every government spot in this country would still end with ecocide.
But after spending years talking about brick wall "resistors" I'm just extremely not surprised and also bitter lmao 🤣
They been yelling at me for two days straight cuz how dare I not vote for a genocidal cop based solely on her skin color. Fuckin white supremacy shit from black folk.
I get that we can’t perfectly predict when a metaphorical dam breaks, but still- none of what Schumer et al are doing is a surprise. They’ve been in office literally for decades. We know exactly who they are.
Dems would absolutely fall for it. And then they’re fully compromised forever.
Parties are made up of people who vote for them: Opposition requires individuals to join together and fight. So get in there and help.
Bernie didn’t win for two reasons: 1) He wasn’t a part of the party. 2) he didn’t get enough votes among people who held similar views like him.
Bernie told people to support the Dems, they have. Still not enough.
“Stab in the back” works both ways. Just showing up for presidential elections is not the way to go. Most “stab in the back” requires having the proper numbers both in and out of the Party.
You cannot expect a D from coal country to be unbiased about coal.
Clinton ran because Biden lost his son. Obama beat Clinton, so Bernie should have done the same.
But this is 2025. Time to put down old grievance aside as we have bigger threat.
Get your friends to change it.
Complaining about it will not help.
Get active.
We are in this position because of apathy.
By rallying for them you can influence them by speaking loudly of your views.
The Democrats have to go where the voters are located. The country started going to the right under Nixon. Citizens United forced them seek corporate sponsors.
All the other issues: comes down to votes and the voters. 👇
What it takes is people to agree to support each-other in their causes. And realize that some things are out of a President control.
that this shakes out EXACTLY the way we're saying and the Dems will be purged through violence the moment the Trump regime is tired of pretending we're still a two-party democracy
or if their shameless bootlicking DOES get them a seat at the table