It’s quite hypocritical for the senator to gleefully support the genocide & ethnic cleansing & terrorist violence against innocent Palestinian children/civilians w/our WMDs while scolding people over a man that benefited substantially at the misery and death of many.
Senator, I support most of your views…but the reason this story has gained traction is not because it’s a murder story…it’s a story about the massive failure of this country to do what every other democracy on Earth has done…provide a sensible and affordable universal health care option.
It’s not a matter of agreeing or disagreeing. People have lost loved ones because of decisions by health insurers. UHS denied the most claims. I don’t know what the kid knew. The gov’t lets these guys get filthy rich. That in no way justifies murder. People bring their personal experiences to this.
Giant chunk of what I don't understand, not this person in particular, but political prisoners. Yes, they have children who have memories, stories... and would I seek revenge. Would I?
You’re right but it’s on congress. They let our f’d up healthcare system get to this point. Instead of fixing it, they get paid off by big healthcare and big Pharma.
And it’s only gonna get worse. Now that venture capital, private equity, and hedge funds are buying healthcare, dictating how doctors work we’re gonna see more of this. Healthcare should not be for profit.
It was the wrong way to go about it, but you’ve got a guy who oversaw the destruction of tens of thousands of people’s lives by denying as many claims as they could. How many of their kids lost loved ones, how many lives were destroyed financially? So… boo hoo. And John get rid of that f’in hoodie!
This is why people are acting the way they are about this. The politicians want to keep us subdued and apathetic so that they can keep their money, insider info, and control. I’m not celebrating the death of anyone, but to be so out of touch with the “why” is what should be disturbing to everyone.
It’s also the same old game plan of trying to make us feel like we are “bad” for what we are feeling. They belittle us and condescend us so we stay down. We need to get up though and not let them do this anymore.
Please never ever forget this sanctimonious POS heard "gunfire" (it was fireworks), saw a Black man "running" (guy was jogging) so he grabbed a shotgun, chased the jogger down and held him at gunpoint until the police came.
He can fuck all the way off with this sanctimonious bullshit
I get Fetterman's point, but let's not dismiss that there needs to be a serious conversation-scratch that, serious changes made to insurance and healthcare.
Obsessing over the morality of the shooting cheats ourselves out of a chance to address the root cause. But sure, let's keep wringing hands and clutching pearls; just save some for the next time this happens, and it will.
I agree with Fetterman, though I do suspect mental illness may have played a role. Based on what ppl who know Luigi have said, it seems completely out of character.
Why is he crying over some guy he didn’t know who served as the face of a company that massively profited on pain and suffering? Was that guy his biggest campaign donor? Lots of soldiers who worked in the concentration camps went home to their families every night. His kids are rich.
We all are next to be honest. We've been kept at the bottom of every major crisis in this country so we are killing each other either by a gun, a vote, or greed
How many people did United Health kill over the last couple of years? How many families were destroyed by death or bankruptcy? That CEO gave no fucks about his clients, they were just numbers. Fuck you Fetterman.
Well, UHC has about 28% of the American health insurance market, and that market kills about 68,000 Americans a year, so UHC kills about 19,000 Americans a year. Roughly one 9/11 every 60 days.
The dead dude killed thousands but I guess that just doesn’t matter because it made him a lot of money. Like fuck you, Fetterman. Think of the thousands of people who don’t have their father, mother, sister, brother, etc. because they couldn’t afford life saving treatment!
Between this and his zionism, it's been a while since there's been such a swing between how excited I was about a candidate before he ran and how disappointing he's been in office. I guess Oz would've been even worse but... Low bar.
I see a lot of comments here about "why" the killing might have happened. To those same people, same "why" for Oct 7th. If you can't see that, then you have no right to comment.
This came to be because no one read the room! No one has been paying attention to the outcry from people who are victims of a system they were sold fools gold is there to protect! Politicians like Fetterman have been in the back pockets of corporate 🇺🇸, & people have had enough! 🙈🙉🙊 from Congress!
Please ignore the blood raining from the ceiling at the heart of our death cult, as well as the screams of the thousands sacrificed to ensure its operation on a daily basis, to consider these words of kindness and equanimity
Easy to say when fetterman and family have free Healthcare, Dental, Vision for Life 401K 176,000 a yr retirement, paid for by taxpaying American citizens.
What about all the kids whose experimental treatment UHC denied? All the grandparents who didn't get the time to recover and died before their time, John? What about all the people who we paid to kill in Gaza, John? Or the people the police kill every year in America for not complying? What about th
At some point people are going to have to start fighting the oligarchs of our Gilded Age and stop getting made at people who hate them. If you don't, then you are just going to see more violence against the oligarchs.
Fuck that guy. How many kids grew up motherless or fatherless because they couldn’t get the meds or procedures they needed approved so this piece of shit could buy some extra home or car or yacht or whatever.
Comments are DERANGED. Fetterman is correct and morally consistent with his stance on I/P. Both about defending civilization against terrorists, vigilantes and their apologists.
The murder was just plain wrong and Mangione deserves whatever he gets. That said, it’s undeniable that the murder has amplified the discussion about the evils of for profit health insurance, something long overdue especially in light of the GOP wanting to privatize Medicare.
He’s actually right. We do not need my more disaffected young white guys shooting people, I matter the reason. This time it’s for something you agree with, next time it’ll be someone who “shouldn’t” be murdered. This is crazy.
Dear John….
It’s not joy The People are feeling. It’s excitement that the massive killings resulting from western consumerism will get a megaphone because of this. It’s not hard to understand.
Looks to me like the people we send to Washington to do the work of the people and regulate businesses like United Health Care are not quite doing their job. Be Better John Fetterman. Start working more for the people and less for big business.
Yes. It would only begin to be justifiable if there was an extremely strong reason to believe that the murder would save lives. Otherwise, it is just Trumpism/vigilantism.
Lot of people on social media have convinced themselves it’s okay to murder someone because they don’t agree with the business they work for—Fetterman is absolutely right. You can both criticize insurance companies and also acknowledge this is not the right approach.
This bloodthisty ogre celebrates everytime a bomb is dropped on gaza but has the gall to play the moral authority when a greedy ceo who worked for an insurance company that profits off of the deaths of hundreds of americans gets clapped. He can go fuck himself.
Brian Thompson has murdered thousands while hiding behind UnitedHealthcare’s bureaucracy. Thompson didn’t pull the trigger on a gun, he set policies & made decisions that any reasonable person could see would kill people.
That is the responsible thing to say as a politician, it is important to note. I don’t think anyone thinks murder is good or the fix. I suspect that since it happened there is hope it will bring attention to the fact that causing death by denial of care is also reprehensible and people unite.
Once a family has gone bankrupt trying to pay for medical care, & have no other financial option to obtain additional needed medical care, they are supposed to quietly die & stop bothering everyone. Inevitably, some will not cooperate. Ins companies will have to figure this into their calculations.
they're used to calculating the worth
of the human lives they take, always discovering that knowingly killing people is less expensive than filling prescriptions and authorizing care
now they need to factor the cost of personal security
who deserves it and who doesn't
He’s got a point. For about three seconds we agreed to stop focusing on all these American shooters -mass shooters, school shooters, domestic terrorists-because we don’t want to see a bunch of future copycats
In 2016, a man shot up a pizzeria because he thought he was saving children from Democrat child traffickers. I know Batman makes vigilantism look cool, but these are not the 'heroes' we need. It's the same mentality why children schools and hospitals get bomb threats.
You can know that murdering him was wrong and also curious as to why so many people are celebrating this act. These aren’t nameless faceless people. These are people on Tik Tok sharing their horror stories with the healthcare industry. Ignore them at your party’s own peril.
It's possible that, when this regime gets the bit in its mouth and really starts to run, ignoring the Constitution, Americans will unite against wealth and power.
These thugs are gonna impoverish us, and lecture us about "hard work," and ridicule our suffering. is a troll and I cannot have sympathy for the economic plight of you and your family until you stop spreading misinformation. Start a gofundme and find a hobby that improves the life of you and your family instead.
l'm trying to tell you that you can do better than spread misinformation and I would actually empathize with your plight if you did a little self-reflection, maybe figured out why you are a troll.
Because yes Fetterman is disappointing for all the "suckers" who thought he would be an agent for change and not his pocketbook. Big boy loves him some donations, every time he speaks in front of a camera it's like he's Cameo for elite interests.
The mental gymnastics and silly rationalizations required to condemn one act of murder while allowing thousands of other acts of murder is simply baffling. What’s more, those Palestinians (avg age 19, no water, power, food, etc) didn’t have the blood of thousands of sick people on their hands.
The sentiment that those two situations are unrelated and trying to “two wrongs don’t make a right” it is supremely disrespectful to the innocent children that are being killed as I type this by an overwhelming military power. Why are people still making excuses for what is undeniably evil?
Every person who he denied healthcare to in the name of profit. United Health has that largest claim denial rate, and it’s also the biggest insurer. Go look up the stories online, fool. For some reason your brain can’t comprehend that you can murder people through your lust for wealth.
By your logic Adolf Eichmann, and Adolf Hitler killed no one and are not morally responsible. Go read about the “Banality of Evil” from Hannah Arendt. It might make you think more about how the world works. Stop being a bootlicker for the rich.
And it’s only gonna get worse. Now that venture capital, private equity, and hedge funds are buying healthcare, dictating how doctors work we’re gonna see more of this. Healthcare should not be for profit.
Maybe some parasitic sociopaths aren't like the rest of us?
He can fuck all the way off with this sanctimonious bullshit
Absolute grifter. I wish we could return him to wherever he came from and get our money back.
Now he's just a wannabe Republican who dresses slightly more casually than Jim Jordan. Boy, bye. 😑
Like when somebody gets hit by a coconut in a cartoon.
Whatever Mangione is, I can say with absolutely certainly he acts with just as much empathy and morality as Fetterman.
It’s not joy The People are feeling. It’s excitement that the massive killings resulting from western consumerism will get a megaphone because of this. It’s not hard to understand.
over a slim majority with defectors like fetterman
making up their numbers
Luigi Mangione looks to be a flawed hero.
of the human lives they take, always discovering that knowingly killing people is less expensive than filling prescriptions and authorizing care
now they need to factor the cost of personal security
who deserves it and who doesn't
the hunter becomes the hunted
These thugs are gonna impoverish us, and lecture us about "hard work," and ridicule our suffering.
Might be a tipping point.
*Checks earpiece*
Hang on...
...I'm being told that United Healthcare couldn't give two shits about your kids when they deny coverage, huh, strange.
At the end of the day, all of our bodies betray us eventually
Both the involved in that incident were murderers. One just did it on an industrial scale under the guise of profit.
opinion discarded