Chuck Schumer tells the New York Times that he stands by his decision.
He says “I’ll take some of the bullets.”
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Chuck Schumer tells the New York Times that he stands by his decision.
He says “I’ll take some of the bullets.”
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Chuck, that's just one of the things leaders do.
I only hope he has a savvy tactic up his sleeve in the end, but it’s not his usual way, so
Be a shame if Cuck Schumer's Philly March 20 1pm event was filled with people who would like to discuss his cloture vote with him...
Out of touch dinosaur playing checkers when the GOP is playing 3-D chess. Chuck Schumer is done. He needs to step aside & let others who care lead the Democrats.
Metaphorically, of course.
If this rule were in effect Schumer would be the senior Senator from New York and nothing else.
Fuck off until you see a sign that says to stop, climb over it and keep fucking off forever. I've lost all respect for you. What leader rolls over and dies? You and the Felon. You picked the wrong side.
Mister Schumer, you are a deceitful, cowardly fraud.
And hear me out.
He's completely and massively fucking out of touch living in a thick bubble.
Time to leave.
Get him OUT!!
Stand up to the bully!
Bro's acting like this is going to meaningfully affect him and not everyone else.
If he does get to 60 -- he should step down immediately.
Consider it his curtain call. He is done.
Bring on the New Democratic Party.