She's going to side with the leopards that keep eating her face. She aligns with the people that view her as an existential threat to children and an abomination before God.
We need to stop talking about this stupid bathroom issue. It is intended to cover the real issue of sex trafficking and rapist that Trump wants in his cabinet.
You are absolutely correct. She thinks she’s very special, and solely entitled to gender reassignment. Actually she is a pompous trunt who needs to STFU.
She’s a blatant hypocrite. She’s all about trans women can’t play with “biological” women and then bam, taking her six something testosterone riddled frame right straight onto the golf course competing against….women. Pfffffft, what an insufferable assclown.
The trans rep agreed to use her own private restroom, and if necessary, she’ll use the men’s. Same with the changing/locker rooms. No need for Caitlyn to weigh in.
Caitlyn Jenner is a sell out. Instead of being proud of herself, she sold herself to MAGA as a pet in order to fight to keep as much of the white male privilege he was blessed with. The hell with anyone else. She laughs at the attacks on the antiLGBTQ+ because she is spared as a "good one".
If they’re talking about trans issues, it’s just to distract everyone from what’s really going on with the nominations. Keep your eye on the ball. It worked for them during the election so now they’re going to use it again and again.
As a elected official, her duty is to the constitution and her voters. Inside the capitol building and everywhere else, she and everyone else, have the same rights.
She makes me sick to my stomach. Not because of who she is, but because of who she's not. She doesn't stick up for her people. She's shits on lgbtq every time she gets the chance. She voted for people that shit all over them too. It's sickening and I have zero respect for her.
I hope this woman makes it a point to go in and piss next to Maga Mike every single time he goes to the bathroom. Make small talk at the urinal. Ask him what's the latest pornhub video he's watched.....
If there are no unisex public bathrooms at the Capitol is it because the right wants conflict the same as they do by blocking immigration reform, a drum they can beat constantly?
She had an opportunity 2 use her celebrity as a platform 2 help educate people about the trans community, but she chose 2 vote against her own best interests instead.
I truly wanted 2 like her when she came out, but she's turned out 2 be an unlikable person, like most Trump supporters. It's sad. 😥
Most of them are too Narcissistic or ignorant to care about others.
Compassion and common sense are among the rarest and most precious resources we possess💙!
Shortly after Caitlyn transitioned with a splashy Vanity Fair cover story, she realized that she had little in common with most other trans folk, so she threw them under the bus, and ran off to seek comfort and insincere “acceptance” at Mar A Lago
Ha! I certainly hope she never has to appear before Congress. She'll have to use the "special" bathroom they will have created for her and other transgender females. Will that be just fine and dandy for her, I wonder?
Her wealth insulates her from the struggles of less fortunate members of the LGBTQ community who don't have the luxury of drawing up the bridge from across the moat
Exactly! Did you hear that Joe Rogan was “impressed” that Trump didn’t need a potty break in their 3 hr BS session. Uh, Joey, haven’t you heard of Depends? 🙄
If you are a Fox watcher you might think Republican congressmen & women tremble in fear they will have sex change operations in congressional bathrooms. Write your Republican congress person & say that’s all made up lies & they can stop trembling.
Someone needs to put her in charge of cleaning them. Send her in with her toothbrush and toothpaste to scrub each bowl and urinal. Just watch for missing urinal cakes. She might snack on a few.
I haven't heard from her for a while though.
That is kinda foul.
I truly wanted 2 like her when she came out, but she's turned out 2 be an unlikable person, like most Trump supporters. It's sad. 😥
Compassion and common sense are among the rarest and most precious resources we possess💙!
BREAKING news on my page--election was hacked
At least Matthew Broderick and Vince Neil have expressed remorse and regret.
She’ll take her crap to the Oval Office where she’ll fit in nicely with all the other crap.
National Enquiring Minds Want to Know.
Me me me me.
Nothin' from nothin' leaves nothin'
Of all the ways to make money after Kris kicked her out, shilling for the right has to be the worst one.