“Obviously true”? Are they ketamine addicts too? Screw over old people, poor people, and people needing healthcare, so billionaires (him) can get more tax cuts THAT THEY DON’T NEED. Who paid for the roads his ugly cars drive on? Taxpayers - that’s not him. That’s not TRUE. That’s GREED!
All hail to Emperor Musk , the sun , moon and stars sings his praises , by his mere presence fields of flowers releases their fragrance and blooms gloriously towards his paths to worship the grounds he walks , hail Emperor Musk , power , real power on earth
This makes the old man looks weak , feeble , compliant and submissively obedient to the real undisputed power , the real force that stand before the old man without doubt and unchallenged is Emperor Musk , the 21st century Caesar
Imagine what it will be like when Trump has Elon give the State of the Union speech!
Will Elon live-tweet himself, with a compliment at the end of every sentence?
Nobody loves Donald Trump as much as Donald. Nobody loves Elon as much as Elon.
“Last year, Silicon Valley Bank failed to hedge its interest rate risk and suffered a run, receiving an arguably rule-breaking bailout after venture capitalists fomented panic online. (One of the companies that banked with SVB? Andreessen Horowitz.)”
Hundreds of hours from hundreds of bipartisan representatives and their respective dozens of staff members who each mostly have hundreds of hours of policy expertise to create a 1500pg doc
His power comes from his money and control of information. anyone that goes against his will shall be hit with propaganda via his artificial twitter algorithm and their opponents shall receive millions in donations.
Musk and Trump are immense sociopaths… the amount of validation and adoration they need is inconceivable. They should add a new chapter in the DSM for them 🤡
There is a difference: malignant narcissists associate narcissistic personality with sociopathy (different from psychopathy).
Psychopaths often have clear lesions in the brain in areas involved in emotion processing.
I disagree with your take on them not having sociopathic traits that’s why I said malignant narcissism. That captures better IMP. I don’t see psychopathy here tbh
This is a normal psychological profile of most males in positions like this. Because they don’t care who they crush on their way up. This is definitely an example “good guys finish last”
…and that’s because people with psychopathic traits are often found in positions of power maybe because they can crush others without empathy. There is a correlation but not causality.
Plus, many in position of power become hubristic. Hubris, was described by David Owen as "acquired psychopathy".
I don't know how most nazis console themselves, but he could create bots that adore his every word, stroke his ego at every turn, thus self promoting. They do seem to love themselves to the exclusion of all else but money, hope he dies on a pile of it.
Ironically nearly everything he says is obviously and proven false
Why else claim it to be “obviously true”
He buys the right to have that said to millions - that’s the fallacy of the ‘alleged power’
It will collapse under its own weight
I have never been on X (or Ex Lax) but I can see how Leon would manipulate the message to make himself look good (he got that from his mentor Vladimir)...
This is announcing a big war between him and his Vice-President because they both want to be glorified and recognized as THE Supreme Leader so they don’t like to share the spotlight. There could only one Supreme Leader to whom people show devotion.
Why post Twitter stuff Ron? You're helping him get his propaganda out. Shouldn't we not post any twitter content here and move on. That's how you remove his power and influence
Musk encapsulates the definition of insecurity. He's a white middle aged man with all the money in the world -made off the backs of working people- and he still spends his time chasing acceptance & false praise. Billionaires really are the dumbest among us. Zero morals and stupidity pay really well.
Elon Musk is a South African NAZI. He may have some $$ but he’s not smart & never has been. His daddy gave him money & he purchased companies. He hired smart people & took credit for their success. He’s not successful. He’s a fraud & a con man. He’s playing dress up. He’s a freak dressed like a 🤡
Fragility is the usual tell, when watching the typical outspoken ego driven deviant blowhards … the other marker is projection … always pointing to their lie and actual personal actions. The kicker is when they sometimes blatantly push the absurd, like naming their deception platform “truth” social
I'd get off Twitter. Why subject yourself to that cesspool and also help pad his statistics? I recognize that there's "breakage" impact from embedded impressions, but at a certain point, is it really worth it?
“And, for an instant, she stared directly into those soft blue eyes and knew, with an instinctive mammalian certainty, that the exceedingly rich were no longer even remotely human.”
― William Gibson, Count Zero
Man, I am so jealous. I want to build a site where everyone always agrees with me. Because I'm awesome! And smart. And good looking. And the bestest best ever. And...
Since I left twitter my anxiety has decreased…I rarely see the disinformation garbage it spews. The internet duped America and Elon was behind it all …he’s never going to stop, he will pull trumps strings for the next 4 years
Ever know a couple where one of the pair abuses the other with power? The weaker partner makes excuses as why they “give in” to the abuser.
However everyone else readily sees the abuse and power struggle that the weaker person never sees as they are “controlled” by the stronger person.
And the rest is Crypto scam and ads from Saudi Arabian investors, sprinkled with Illuminati and Qanon wisdom tweets. That site has become its own Monty Python episode in quite a short while.
Never mind that he's an ass and often wrong. The fact that he thinks 'saying things that are obviously true' is some kind of flex, shows how lame his is. "Hey, Mrs Gunderson in 3rd period is really fat!!!"
They'll be just buying red nazi hats.
We don't have to suffer his existence.
The Right always painted themselves in red white and blue but my family came over on the Mayflower.
Maybe it never will.
Feel free to repost me and say "yup"
When you buy a social media company and program the algorithm to praise you…that screams small dick energy.
Will Elon live-tweet himself, with a compliment at the end of every sentence?
Nobody loves Donald Trump as much as Donald. Nobody loves Elon as much as Elon.
“As an initial matter, Andreessen is comprehensively mistaken about almost every aspect of how the CFPB works..”
that Elon poops on in a single tweet.
Sure. Marc. Sure.
So disappointed.
This is oligarchy
Who else agrees with me? 🙋🏾♂️
Psychopaths often have clear lesions in the brain in areas involved in emotion processing.
I’m a forensic psychiatrist myself.
Plus, many in position of power become hubristic. Hubris, was described by David Owen as "acquired psychopathy".
Why else claim it to be “obviously true”
He buys the right to have that said to millions - that’s the fallacy of the ‘alleged power’
It will collapse under its own weight
Maybe for a Top Secret, etc.
but not for the Public Trust positions, not even the High Public Trust.
We’d lose too many people in stuff like marijuana since it’s still illegal.
The Proles see Musk as taking their side against the indoctrination they have endured for so long from the Elitists in the NY Media.
Somebody is wrong. On of 11.6.24 a Convicted Felon won the popular vote (true democracy) over the Elitist Candidate.
Only children refer to him by his first name.
(and we fought a world war already because of this cult shit)
What wit. What insight.
Hopefully, soon, we can stop caring about Xitter, and it can go the way of MySpace.
This eventually led to disco.
It’s my theory that disco eventually led to the Internet as people desperately sought any solution to find a new source of music.
It’s not a good theory.
― William Gibson, Count Zero
However everyone else readily sees the abuse and power struggle that the weaker person never sees as they are “controlled” by the stronger person.
the………the sky
is um…………
*somewhere on mars crowd goes wild*