Such a petty petty man. Nothing surprises me anymore. Next he is going to claim someone told him to do the Roman Salute or that it wasn't actually him.
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*Tetris is great for those of us with PTSD. Tetris Shown to Lessen PTSD and Flashbacks | Scientific American
Trump cheats at golf. Elon cheats in video games. Now I understand why their character holds so much appeal to the Christians. I mean, the phony "Christians" who do exactly the opposite of the real precepts of the religion.
I think I reached 22nd once on Centipede at my local bowling alley. Not a huge accomplishment in my life. Not sure why any one would give a shit about how high his video game rank is. Doesn’t make him any less awkward
Next, there will be fake gamer magazine covers proclaiming him the "Bestest ever" framed and hanging in the halls of Twitter. Maybe a trophy case. Possibly a gaming competition where all of the other players will have their thumbs taped down.
What a jerk! Real jerk pretends to be good at something. Something that matters not at all. And then claims he wants to save humanity while showing that he cares NOT about people one bit.
No wonder he and the orange guy get along, they both like to lie. That may also be why there seems to be trouble in their relationship, they both like to lie.
No different than Musk taking credit for real engineering work at Paypal, Tesla, SpaceX, brain chip company, AI company, and of course X. His contribution is money to exploit workers.
Especially because video of Trump during the actual swearing-in makes it pretty clear that he was stoned. It's almost a perfect metaphor for his whole career -- steal other people's work and take credit for it while getting stoned a lot and feeling superior to everyone.
Remember when the account was streaming a game, and Elon, as "Adrian Dittman" tried to claim that it was proof that they were two different people. The same Adrian Dittman who went to 4Chan to claim that "Elon Musk is a father who has lots of sex." Money can't make you not be a loser and a weirdo.
I assume the voters of Trump’s regime are comfy with deceit. They must have never heard of truth and honesty. Will they learn? Or Wil they continue to enjoy chaos.
We've known for decades (based on first-hand testimony from world leaders who have played with him) that Donald Trump cheats at golf. Maybe that's what attracted him to Elon Musk, who has claimed for years to be a "gaming wizard."
I can’t believe this is really something he brags about. Gamers have been hacking and cheating their way through leaderboards for at *least* the last 25 years now. It’s utterly meaningless even before the admission that his is a crowd-sourced feat.
🎶 Can't buy me looooove...also can't buy morals, integrity, character, class, respect, trust, a winning personality or the admiration he clearly desperately craves.
It is not surprising since he paid people to register in Pennsylvania. The difference between him and Trump is the fact that he uses his own money to cheat while Trump uses the money he grifted from others.
But, like, why? One would think the CEO of so many companies and co-POTUS would have more important things to focus on than being a top rated player on a video game. I guess narcissists are going to narcissist.
Next you’ll tell me he paid someone to take his sat, or cheated at golf. Or fudged his immigration. But we love these guys for “just speaking the truth” #lameduckdon #boycotttesla
Imagine being so pathetically impotent that you write your own fan fiction and pay people to increase your video games stats. And he's not even embarrassed 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
I figured he either bought someone's account or someone is playing it for him. There's just no way in hell he would have the free time required to reach that level.
What's the goal for him? He doesn't win; it's all phony. He still has $400 billion and can flit off to his next bizarre adventure. Is he just bored or needy or what?
There is “no low too low” …no bottom to their “moral decay!” Their willingness to “WIN” by any means possible… including by lying, cheating and stealing!
We need “leaders” who have “honor and integrity!” And without it well… I guess just watch!
Youd have to very devoid of game knowledge (not a slight at any one) to think that was ever Musk.
- If it was him, he’d stream it. He’s so attention starved
- He has no time to reach that level of skill in any game
Pity he doesn’t spend more time actually playing video games rather than pretending to. Maybe then he wouldn’t be such a nefarious menace to the world.
Elon’s 290M X followers are as real as his “surgically enhanced” face. Proof? Nowhere else has numbers that wild. His Insta and Facebook are private—guess it’s harder to inflate stats when you don’t own the platform.
an unelected
assistant president of the US, supposedly the wealthiest being on this planet
in such desperate need of narcissistic fuel
as to pay players to win in his name
There has to be someone out there who can do that image??11 children, 3 wives, licking trumps balls, whilst playing a computer game vs 5 kids, 3 wives, 2 porn stars, licking elon’s balls, whilst losing/ going bankrupt on a roulette table🤪🤪
The fact that so much of his ego is tied up in this absurd digital penis measurement is terrifying given the access to open power he now he actually is. His vulnerabilities are obvious and easily exploitatable. His loyalty is non-existent.
This is what kind of bothers me the most. Using Musk as an example, but the wealthy are only wealthy due to us here in the lower end of the financial spectrum or one of those work visa hostages. Everything these rich fucks claim can't be done by themselves alone.
People don't realize the tell this gives. He is a child with no integrity or character. It's likencheatingnat golf. They'll even cheat themselves. The world seems to celebrate this at the moment.
Crafting the facade.
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*Tetris is great for those of us with PTSD. Tetris Shown to Lessen PTSD and Flashbacks | Scientific American
If he feels the need to pay someone to cheat at video games for him, I wonder what the books look like at each of his companies 🤔
Every last one of them
Musk is a troll, a coward, a fraud, and a Nazi. Yep, exactly the kind of person to whom the USG should award more contracts. 🤬
Others due the hard work, he comes in with his money, and then takes the credit.....
Remember folks, much in life depends on reputation, protect yours at all costs!
Musk is a fraud
If that doesn't sum the asshole up...
There is “no low too low” …no bottom to their “moral decay!” Their willingness to “WIN” by any means possible… including by lying, cheating and stealing!
We need “leaders” who have “honor and integrity!” And without it well… I guess just watch!
How old is he?
He’s as big a man child as Trump
Yep, this is definitely what happened.
- If it was him, he’d stream it. He’s so attention starved
- He has no time to reach that level of skill in any game
Pity he doesn’t spend more time actually playing video games rather than pretending to. Maybe then he wouldn’t be such a nefarious menace to the world.
assistant president of the US, supposedly the wealthiest being on this planet
in such desperate need of narcissistic fuel
as to pay players to win in his name
Should be terrifying to us all.
nothing about Elon Musk is "real" . . .
... except maybe the Nazi salute.
💠 🧐 💠
Please stop looking for it.
OTP vp
And yet, he has time to play computer games and lick trumps balls?
But this is just sad. He's a grown-ass man, with a business empire, trying to impress gamers half his age.
It's very indicative of his mindset.
It just proves he is willing to lie about the most trivial thing, so we can never trust him about anything important.
Same as Trump lying about his golf prowess.
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Yup. On brand.