A spike in donations coming from US would go further than words https://u24.gov.ua/ (Official Ukraine Government portal for defence and humanitarian donations)…
The MAGA Congressmen who were 100% behind Ukraine now have to walk a tightrope. Do they denounce Trump's lies, or do they fall into line and parrot their Master's bullshit like the cowardly cucks that they are?
The answer is obvious. They have sold their souls to the devil, and inconveniences happen
If today’s debacle with Con don and “36 seconds” boy is not an impeachable offense then I’ve lost all hope. A total embarrassment. This trash has to be picked and dumped on mars.
It’s long past due to kill Putin. We need to gut this mother fucker for the world to see. We owe Ukraine this. He’s a international war criminal and anyone of us can END THIS CLOWN 🤡
Republicans no longer exist! They are now Trumianzees! They have no souls, no principles and have given their unquestioned loyalty to the Orange Stain! Republicans shall now be referred to as Trumpanzees!
When he called Zelensky a dictator, Bacon said, "[The president] needed a do over." Like it's golf. No mulligans in real life, Bacon. He's my rep, and I'm collecting all the receipts.
at least there is one Republican that is not afraid to state the truth, we know who he is talking about, and Bacon knows that the Blue Dot in Nebraska will not put up with any foolishness on his part
They can’t cope with the fact that Trump met his match today. And wasn’t up to the job. So resorted to shouting and bullying. We all knew this would come. But his base will run rings around themselves to score it as a win.
Excellent observation, imho. Pay attention to the rhetoric, the grammar, the residual rhetoric that’s stick, and what is NOT being said. Who is talking, and who isn’t. (Suddenly, banks aren’t worried about bailouts #mortgages?) Collect it all, look at it. Think about it.
You could be wrong. But…
He won't switch parties but... he might change the way he votes. Pretty impressive background and his oath to serve the Constitution will actually supercede any party obligations. There is no way this guy feels bound to trmp
The Christian nationalists hate our constitution. The Christian nationalists love Putin because he throws gay people off of roofs in Chechnya. As long as you keep making it about Republicans, you will lose, this is about rampant Christianity run amock...
“But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security.” #Resist
World leaders are speaking more truth than the Democrats. The cavalry is not coming. Salvation lies within. Stand up for what is right. Remember Network...." I'm as mad as hell, and I'm not going to take it anymore"
That wasn't for YOU or ME or any Dem... that was a signal to the GOP that he's loyal to his oath, not the White House or any of its b.s. It's actually an impressive act of bravery because they can either follow him and take what's coming or stand by and watch him deal with being attacked
The concern is that if he's the only Republican telling the truth, he can be squashed as a warning to the spineless ones who agree with Bacon but are too chicken to speak up.
Most other Republicans completely caved and began villainizing Zelenskyy, so I give Bacon some credit. He’s my state rep & he has had a few shining moments but usually ends up disappointing.
I wonder if the severe cutting of farm subsidies and farm aid contracts wont' be the straw that breaks that disappointment. My fingers crossed for you but I get the pessmism.
Bacon is a Nazi who loves his führer. He says things like that solely to maintain deniability and to appease his base. When it matters, he will do whatever the orange Hitler asks.
This is absolutely humiliation for the United States a president and vice president siding with Putin and attacking another president.They are traders if we have traders in the White House what do we do as a people we get rid of them.Not complicated we say we want them gone and do it, tell Congress.
Just like before the election, they would talk about how bad trump was, and how unhinged, delusional, and dishonest, but when asked if they would vote for him, they just replied, I will vote for republican nominee, knowing damn well who it was going to be. Disgusting.
How about Rubio today. How long before he resigns? You think he has already figured out the appointment was always payback for his attacks on Trump during the first primary? How does Putin’s ass taste, Rubio!
Perhaps Rep. Bacon should spend more time admonishing his fellow Republicans who have lost all credibility from their unapologetic kissing of Trump’s huge ass and their complete abandonment of our Constitution. Only Republicans with integrity and decency can end Trump.
Why does he threaten to annex or buy or press his allies, including NATO (which he will leave to join BRICS), and doesn't with Russia, North Korea, or China 🤔🙄
You'd have to be blind, brainwashed, or a traitor insurrectionist to not see his aspirations of wanting to become a dictator🤬
They are all so scared of being called out on Fox and primaried. Like is the job really that awesome? Would your life really be so bad as a lawyer again? You'll just compromise yourself and be evil for the congressional gym and a nice office? LMFAO
This is actually pretty brave of him to be this direct. We should encourage and stand up for Republicans who speak out, no matter how soft it may seem.
Many are privately admitting that Trump/Musk are horrible but are too scared to say anything as they lives will be threatened. Grabs some balls bitches.
I remember Bacon was the first GOP to call Trump out on Jan 6. He walks a fine line of being a Republican but he’s in the blue dot of Omaha. Cant have it both ways. But better than our worthless senators Fischer & Ricketts who just kiss the ring.
Why havent we seen articles of impeachment yet. We need to hang them around Trump's neck and add a new one when warranted. Sure, it will never see the house floor but people need to be made aware that this is not normal.
I'll never forget reading about supposedly the # of congressional republicans that would only admit off the record that they voted against impeachment back at the time entirely out of fear & paranoia that their families would get targeted w/death threats by the most extreme part of the MAGA base
Why are all AmeriKKKan Politicians such Filthy, Lying Bastards? This Piece of SHIT didn't utter 1 word of Truth. Russia & China aren't enemies, rather Zionist IsraHELL & the Military Industrial Complex Money Launderers that need enemies to keep the Billions flowing so they can murder more innocents.
This morning Trump also attacked two Canadian🇨🇦 politicians with his usual name calling so it was attack Allies day.
Trump/Vance/Republicans have never heard of David (Zelensky) and Goliath (Trump cabal)? Zelensky was set up. A U.S. disgrace.
These f'n guys could impeach Trump and Vance, get the Dems to approve massive personal security funds and run the table on a "Unity" message but they'd rather cower and wait for their turn in the gulag. 🤷♀️
They really don't know this was President Zelensky's plan all along? They really think he's gonna sign over the mineral rights to the US? President Zelensky wants to call out the propaganda shit directly in front of the American people? What better venue than this? Brilliant move.
He knows Russia propaganda and he knows Trump's utilizing the Russia playbook. He knows how to deal with them. Just didn't expect him to have that much courage to deny them a foreign policy victory right in their face on their own turf in front of the entire US
Oh, don’t worry—a quick fix won’t erase this. We do forget things… eventually. Just give it a millennium or two. Ask the Scots about Culloden, the Finns about 1809, or any Scandinavian about, well… anything. And sure, we’ll totally forget that your ‘neighbors’ voted for this guy twice... Maybe
Cowardice of the highest order. If there were any smart GOP members, they would realize that this is the chance to take back their power. The American people overwhelmingly distrust and dislike Putin.
Please, someone write a book about the times and title it Cowardice: How Republican politicians belittled themselves and betrayed their country in appeasement to Donald trump
trmp made a deal with PUTIN. Putin said he would MAKE trmp king of America and trmp would give him whatever he wanted whenever he asked. That's what's on the Pee Pee Tape.
Did he quote himself like someone else said it? How many degrees of separation is he trying to get from his own opinion? Also sad that this is what counts for having a spine right now.
It’s time to rise up America. The enemy is here on our shores and you’ve been drafted. Russian Warlords and Tech Nazis are being assigned to rule over us by Confederates. If we allow this America is over and we perish. It’s time to cast your real final vote for Democracy.
Donald Trump and his whole administration is totally incompetent, disgraceful and detestable! Our country has become an embarrassment. Further, every single Republican in Congress is an utter coward and political hack! They are spineless minions and should go straight to hell! Sickening...🤮
Trump is destroying America! The talk was between presidents, why did horrible Vance open his filthy mouth?! This is a fall for America! We look weak ! We are weak!!
I hope Senator Bacon continues to stand on the right side of Democracy but I don't really have a lot of hope for the Republican party anymore & the felon is a complete embarrassment to our country & around the world!
And with Hegseth’s ordering US Cyber Command to stand down from all planning against Russia, I repeat: How do any of the Trump administration’s actions differ from what would be done by Russian agents were they to infiltrate the highest levels of our government?
Someone is awake, congratulations. The Krasnov allegations are being treated as tin-foil-hat stuff, which is fairly understandable, but if one applies the duck yardstick, almost everything happening in the US at the moment is a 99% match to a duck. What would a duck do? Would a duck
Seek out major computer systems and infect them with malware designed to compromise the US capacity to detect ICBM launches? Would a sociopath running a duck look at this as a one time not to be missed opportunity to get rid of a problem and nuke the US?
Ukraine sacrificed 100's of 1000's of it citizens to fight the evil of Putin and his hordes. Our support for Ukraine has been about defending its freedom and at the same time destroying one of our biggest enemies. But as expected, traitor Trump wants Ukraine to surrender to his idol Putin. Never.
The Convicted FElon and Vance today basically said to Russia go ahead and wipe out Ukraine, so Russia and the US can share lithium deposits in Ukraine.
Cowards they are, so weak and shameful that they dare not challenge a REAL MAN.
Zelenskyy: the Hero the world needed.
The Trump Administration cowers in the presence of such a badass hero.
+1 (202) 322 2616
The answer is obvious. They have sold their souls to the devil, and inconveniences happen
God bless Ukraine
I stand with Ukraine and democracy.
You could be wrong. But…
*Checks notes on Collins
If someone, anyone, is telling a lie, call it a lie, don't cloak it in vague euphemisms.
Now is not the time to offer the opportunity to save face by not calling them out, because they take it as permission.
More empowered. Do like Zelenskyy and tell him to take a spin on the middle finger.
You'd have to be blind, brainwashed, or a traitor insurrectionist to not see his aspirations of wanting to become a dictator🤬
You must be from Nebraska too!
I call him the 🍊💩
And to make sure, they pulled the pin on a live grenade and shoved it up their ass just to spite the world and please Russia.
America is the land of shame and disgrace.
As long as 1 GOP-member exists, the USA will be a pharia.
We must boycot the USA as much as possible, they are our enemy now, just like Russia & North Korea.
This must end, but it will not end.
It will become even worse!
Trump/Vance/Republicans have never heard of David (Zelensky) and Goliath (Trump cabal)? Zelensky was set up. A U.S. disgrace.
Of the world 🌎
They’re not Republicans; they are the Russlicans.
Trump and
I kinda like that.
We now have two choices. Live free or kneel to your MAGA king like a slave.
Color? Gender? Race? Immigrant? Rural? Urban? Worker? Boss? Poor? Rich? Red? Blue? Your flag is one of these.
I know which one is mine.
If I'm defenestrated you'll know why.