Shouldn't she be dressed up like Sherlock Holmes or a 1920's gumshoe detective or some other goofy shit while delivering this "news"? She cosplays for every other occasion that she's on camera.
She was so afraid of being discriminated against because of her age, she had to do something... She must have had insider knowledge that discrimination was going to be popular again & got her work done first.
Gotta love the hair extensions and the new glam look. Only his Chief of Staff looks creepily normal. My professional opinion is Susie Wiles won’t stay around too long unless she likes playing Aunt Lydia. Pete Hegseth was thinking about trying out for the role for the role of Jack Reacher.
And don’t get me started on the flagrant flaunting of information security protocols. In InfoSec it’s not called “efficiency” it’s called “catastrophic breach” 🫠
And now he wants the ORIGINAL Constitution in the Oval Office. Apparently will get one of the 10 RARE copies.
Just another item for him to sell off to highest bidder.
Why is she asking in a video? Why not contact Bindi or the DOJ through official channels. It is because all these idiots think we now live in a reality show and it's all performative?
silicon leakage in the synovial space in her facial area and a secondary effect of silicon invading synaptic spaces in her brain which explains her thought processes or what there is of them...
Well I meant better than now. She looks like a swarm of bees attacked that face and she was allergic to them . 😆 She’s a vile creature either way . A puppy killer and always will be.
Maybe people figured out where the next raid was going to be by noticing all the ICE people standing around waiting while Noem finished her hair and makeup?
Is everyone getting that advertisement from her? The one that says leave the US if you're not white. Er I mean if you leave now you can come back later. Who is stupid enough to believe that?
Is this their version of a PSA?
My cats hate her or maybe its because I scream at the tv idk.
Why do the people at the highest levels of American government aspire to be mediocre reality tv stars? One would think getting to the highest level of government would be the thing to aspire to.
Rodeo Barbie has always been so fake. She’s in a battle still back here in South Dakota about abusing her state issued credit card on high end purchases. She’s always been horrible.
Yet another picture of JD skis in jeans Vance's summer get together? 🤪🤪🤪🤣🤣? Nothing but hard working racists showing their hillbilly pride and ignorance.. yet not a single one is wearing a costume.. Send them on an all expenses paid trip to west Texas.
I was thinking these MAGA folk are vain and really need a story to post via SM. Most DOJ folk would keep open investigations CLOSE to their vests until the judge says otherwise.
Noem was on a TV ad in Boston today.
I neither appreciated seeing the animal torturer nor her message.
This use to be Boston's most respected TV station. Today it became a shill for Trump propaganda.
Sanctuary states are blue and wealthy. Destroy our economies and businesses bcuz our local law enforcement won't do the feds job, they'll be no tax dollars supporting crime ridden, poor red states. Idiots.
It air here in Los Angeles on ABC my brother had just changed the station from the CW and thought what’s wrong with channel 5 which is the CW
I said that’s ABC showing propaganda. They’re all gonna be showing that garbage
I suspect (no proof, just guessing based on human nature) that this entire administration is probably leaking like a sieve, and the more criminal they get, the more leaks there will be. The number of news stories quoting “sources granted anonymity” keeps growing.
I don't re-post videos from the republikkkan dictatorship. If they want to have a dictator in our country, they should move to Russia China north Korea. She should be removed with all republikkkans and be prosecuted. She is violenting our constitution
Somehow I don’t believe she has any evidence on other people. In fact, they are probably trying to alert people of what’s coming our way with people pilfering in our pvt. information. Let’s hold her accountable. I hope they whistle blow to all of us. Time to fight back people.
So our game plan-in Trump world it’s easy. Upside down is always right side up. Opposite of what he and his followers say/shouts is actual truth. He and his tribe never gives only takes. That’s it! We’ve got it - right?
How much time and focus do you think she’s spends on hair, makeup and lighting as opposed to actually doing her job? She’s a Barbie doll playing a role. Not a serious person in any respect. And perfect for this administration.
The dog-killing devil is abusing the super beauty filter in her videos!
Look at one real example:the difference before and after is downright shocking, like a total transformation.
This scam artist is fooling the world with a fake face! 😄
Oh, good work there, Kristi. DHS employees leaking info--probably about more depredations by the Trump outfit--is definitely our most serious security issue in the US.
The Secretary of Homeland Security felt the need to post on social media that two of her employees are doing illegal things. She is over that dept! All performative BS.
By appointing proven Russian assets as DNI or DFBI, the Trump II administration has permanently forfeited the right to invoke "putting the lives of government personnel at risk" in any argument of indictment by its DOJ.
Very theatrical, wonder who her lip plumper is??.. No cosplay today.
There is a very good reason that the Native Americans from SD did not allow her on their land..
OF cam boys exist too.
If ever any of these regime cabinet members would remotely qualify for that job, I will be sure to call them out as well.
We all call the Orange one a clown after all.
It's THAT embarrassing for her? trump and elonia already compromised the real secrets of the nation. These poor goobers probably didn't realize her garbage warranted secrecy.
And that's all I have to say about that.
Just another item for him to sell off to highest bidder.
Is this their version of a PSA?
My cats hate her or maybe its because I scream at the tv idk.
So much to do so little to show for it.
qu'est-ce que c'est?
Fa, fa, fa, fa, fa, fa, fa, far better
Run, run, run, run, run, run, run away…🎶
But, man, are they doing some heavy lifting.
What a fraud… 🤣
I said it.
I neither appreciated seeing the animal torturer nor her message.
This use to be Boston's most respected TV station. Today it became a shill for Trump propaganda.
Sanctuary states are blue and wealthy. Destroy our economies and businesses bcuz our local law enforcement won't do the feds job, they'll be no tax dollars supporting crime ridden, poor red states. Idiots.
I said that’s ABC showing propaganda. They’re all gonna be showing that garbage
To stroke "its" ego
Look at one real example:the difference before and after is downright shocking, like a total transformation.
This scam artist is fooling the world with a fake face! 😄
She could slam her face in a birthday cake every morning and still never cover that up.
😒🎂 🤢🤮
We are living in a pathocracy.
I guess I’ve never heard the term but I will certainly use it now.
GFY Really Hard you sanctimonious twat
There is no public record or evidence to suggest that Zelenskyy wrote to Trump after the meeting to say he wanted to come back.
There is a very good reason that the Native Americans from SD did not allow her on their land..
If ever any of these regime cabinet members would remotely qualify for that job, I will be sure to call them out as well.
We all call the Orange one a clown after all.
I'd guess it's Gabbard and Rubio leaking information to Putin.
Thanks for the update dog killer.
I guess I'm grateful that he chose such a stupid leech for this position.
and what'd she do with this real shrew👇🏼
She plans on giving the accused individuals the 'puppy treatment'.
Kristi Noem = puppy killer