All these people do is lie. Everyone in this administration lies about everything.
It's literally like they went to a sociopath convention and hired everyone there.
Can they finally call him back to active duty and pull a few stars off his O-9 pension?!? If Ronny Candyman Jackson could be held accountable and demoted, why can't this nut job?
Trying to forcefully turn Ukraine into the enemy is a cowardice/deplorable action that should be met with swift rebuke. And that fact that fuckface Flynn, who is actively training secret ‘militias’ (gravy seals 🙄) to kill us, idgaf what he says. He's on the List, a Traitor to his fucking uniform 😡😡
Meal Team Six, Shank Hill and the Tubbymooners, Duck Mangynesty… you know… They all walk around holding their manginas in offense of being called a snowflake but expect everyone to except being called a n*gg** 😡😡
Flynn so fast to hang it on the "C.I.A.". Anything to turn Americans against Americans. Cause people to doubt the very workable government we used to have. His computational skills are flawed. Or he just likes to trigger people.
Who is "The CIA"? Do they ever have name? Of a single person. It's always "The CIA" or, "The democrats", or "THEY". Generalities. "Activists". They use generalities to overwhelm their audience. It's always some mass of nebulous individuals. The purpose is to overwhelm others. It's gaslighting.
They, as in the two people in the communication exchange posted in the screenshot above. Limited space here for a text. I could have said Elon Musk and General Michael Flynn in the exchange being discussed. But there are two so "they" is a specific reference.
I. Recall a story Mr. Axelrod told upon entering the Obama WH. He was approached by a W staffer and told. "What ever you do, don't piss off the CIA." TFG went there days into his 1st admin. Was that to make up or kiss ass for calling them Nazis? What about now?
They just make up anything they want because they know that fact checking is impossible when they control most of the media outlets. Even if you do find absolute proof, it will be drowned out by propaganda. Reality has become a shouting contest and they own all the megaphones.
I hope the Ukrainians, anonymous and the cia are working together. They are throwing around accusations like it’s an insult to hack twitter. That’s hero stuff.
Mike Flynn is a convicted felon and a tool for the Russians. He should stop referring to himself as General, he is a disgrace to the US Army. Another disgraced criminal pardoned by Trumpf.(Drumpf)
I’m so torn. On one hand, Mike Flynn is cuckoo for Cocoa Puffs and how would he know? On the other hand, kinda hoping it is true and the CIA has gone rogue to bring down Felon and F’Elon.
A much simpler explanation is that Elon has no idea what he's doing and what's left of Twitter is crashing because he fired all the competent people, and whoever is left can barely keep things running.
These Q’s and MAGA are a paranoid, fearful, cynical bunch; I am surprised they crawl out of their bunkers into the daylight. They need my grandson's spy glasses. That way, they can be sure they aren't being followed.🙄 I wonder if that's what Flynn wears.
The US govt is tearing itself to bits; the markets are tumbling in free fall; the orange idiot has halted work that defended against election interference. So, yeah, of course. Bad actors want to go for the lynchpin of the US..."X" Right, sure, yeah, that's it.
Dark Storm Team already claimed credit ... so I mean I guess if they still want to see if the CIA did it ... and then threaten to fire those people as though that wouldn't make things far worse for them ... idiocy abounds.
Flynn was a shit intel officer. So bad they gave him command command of a single solitary desk ... his own. Otherwises he would know who already claimed credit for the attacks.
Yea, and if Flynn and Musk have any brains at all, they better quit their fucking over the good citizenry of the US as well as the CIA. EVERYONE KNOWS WHAT YOU TWO TUMOROUS, CANCER-RIDDENED HEMORRHOIDS ARE UP TO ALONG WITH DJT & HIS CABAL OF CARNIVORES THAT HE CALLS A WH CABINET!
Oddly, I feel better about the chances that THIS is the truth than about what Musk & the Unripe Incels* are doing to USA citizens with their illegal, unvetted and unsupervised snooping (and hacking).
They’re too busy running down to the laundromat … they should be able to get right on it as soon as their new appliances get hooked up in those Fed bldgs.
Flynn makes up stuff to fit his paranoia. Musk makes up stuff to make himself think he knows something that he doesn't. Trump makes up stuff to con the rubes. Vance makes up stuff to please his overlords. They are all liars and deplorable.
Oh General flynn came out of his cave to speak to the masses.I've been wondering where he's hiding in the middle of all of this Mess..HIM and his BROTHER.. TRUST ME, THEY'RE IN THE MIDDLE OF THIS BS SOMEHOW SOME WAY
Apart from Napo-Elon, X is not a govt platform and shouldn't be associated with govt communication in any way. The Don even has his own social media platform for his self-delusional outbursts.
Isn't it kind of suspicious for Flynn to assert that hacking X is undermining the govt administration??
How Mike Flynn was ever considered a leader of men is beyond me. I've met many ranking officers in my time and while I didn't see eye to eye with them all, not one of them was just a straight up lunatic.
It's literally like they went to a sociopath convention and hired everyone there.
It’s purposefully vague so that people never actually think hard about how stuff actually works
Very on brand
Why do we think it’s different here?
rump has more control over the government than anyone should...
but "the government" is out to get him
Dear fascists, at least try to get along and use the same propaganda.
Musk shared on X that the hack involves so many resources that he believes it could only be the work of a 'coordinated group' or a foreign country.
Sowing distrust of the government
Continuous Firehose of disinformation
Rile up and divide the people against each other
Overthrow the government
Assert authoritarian control
*moniker credit to JoJoFromJeerz
Think about that.
I know i keep saying I'm at a lose for words but holy hell!
I’m rooting for Russia on this one. Would just be sweet sweet irony.
Isn't it kind of suspicious for Flynn to assert that hacking X is undermining the govt administration??
ok we will yell louder!
hiring russian puppets and then blaming people online.
such a stupid govmt of morons.