STOP THIS NONSENSE AND LEAVE CANADA ALONE!!! all the distractions, all the nonsense, get down to the bare minimum. Russia has always been a terrorist country, ran by a vicious dictator. Russia has not changed. The USA has destroyed, threatened relations with every civilized
Country. WHY is the USA supporting Russia? What’s changed? TRUMP. What’s in it for the USA? what and why is trump embracing a known terrorist fascist? Russia hasn’t changed, they’ve always been a snake. Forget cars, doge, immigrants. Why is Trump, embracing Russia? What’s in it for Trump?
Oh, Mark! You are a poster child for when education fails. With all the spellcheck, Grammarly, AI tools available, you can’t even spell ‘Vermont’ or ‘Canadian’ correctly.
Typos on a resume go in the NO pile. Typos and misspells on your posts mean you just aren’t that bright of a bulb. Sad!
This is what I think too. Blue states will not put up with women losing the right to vote,etc. and having regressive red states make all the political decisions. I’m in a purple state - I wonder what would happen to places like that…
This is what tRump has wrought.
President Joe Biden, was a President for all Americans.
The man-children musk and tRump are not qualified to run a daycare.
Bernie is a passionate person for our rights and our country. Whoever wrote this is afraid of the middle class waking up and knowing their rights under the constitution.
Allow me to finish his thought for him—I suggest we give Vermont, Maine, California, Oregon, Washington, New York, and Hawaii over to Canada. A combined economic powerhouse of $8.13 trillion. The rest of the U.S. can keep their conservatives and see how well they fare without Democrats.
I have always loved Washington,from being in the army.I live now in Germany, and if I ever wanted to move back to America,I would choose Washington state to move back too
Yeah, we 🇨🇦 would take you as part of 🇨🇦 and not as a Vassal state or province, no P25 here, as long as you promise to not vote for Poilievre, in the upcoming elections, who sadly has a similar agenda to your actual lying turd..😓
Russia was always an oligarchy - and still is. The oligarchs took what was “public” and made it private, i.e., “theirs”. Most Russians are serfs. That’s what the Heritage Project 2025 oligarchs want to do to our public lands and our lives. Take away our rights and our laws and make us serfs.
I don't believe Dump ever had a "spiritual adviser." He doesn't belong to a chuch; can't come up with a single phrase from the Bible. He's an atheist probably.
I'm originally from northern NH. NH, VT, ME are all gorgeous. 🍊🤡 is talking of redrawing maps. Sure, make all border states part of Canada. Canada can then have total control of St. Lawrence and Great Lakes. I now live in Alaska. I sure would love it if Alaska became part of Canada.
I'm a recent transplant to Vermont and I'd LOVE to become part of Canada. We have such close ties, especially in the border counties. Oodles of folk here have family in Quebec and speak Canadian French. And the FOOD is so damned good in Quebec, too!
Hypothetically (because NEVER 51) we would be 13 states (10 provinces, 3 territories). That’s 26 senators who would likely all be Dems, plus roughly 54 congressional seats that would skew heavily Dem, or 41.5m voters skewing Dem.
There would never be
another GOP POTUS or congressional majority for at least 3 generations. The Canuck caucus would push through statehood for Puerto Rico & DC, adding to the carnage.
If, however, Mr Levin would like to keep only the reliably red states, we will happily take New England, the West Coast, the Great
DE IL and MN are 3 of the 5 least dependent states for federal payouts. MN pays $6.88 for each $1.00 received making it the least dependent on federal welfare unlike the Confederate Nazi GOP bloody red states. Why should MN remain a part of America MN???
Hate to break it to you, we would be glorified LABOUR CAMP COLONY as we’d all work the ore mines for overlord. We would NOT be a state no matter what. He doesn’t want 🇺🇸citizens, you think he wants centre-left 🇨🇦s?😝 Ask Puerto Rico how being 🇺🇸 is going for them, then lower that 200x. That’ll be us.🤨
That’s more like it! 😃
Can’t afford to allow this 🇷🇺myth that we’ll be a state. It allows 🇨🇦s the fantasy that we can surrender in advance &continue on living as normal, just🇺🇸.
We have to fight with all we’ve got cuz alternative is unfathomable.😔
(Not to be a downer, but 💩s getting real)
NO ! Canadians would never vote for a cowardly Democratic Party. We would vote for separatist senators & congress people who would fight for our freedom.
Id be fine with Michigan being part of Canada. 65% of our economy is attached to theirs. Free healthcare, weed, beautiful scenery, beautiful women and I already have Canadians in my family. Let's sell.
Can we seriously leave Canada alone? We are not looking to adopt a State, we are not looking to gift you a Province. Just leave us to be the good neighbors we were before your circus messed it all up.
I’m Candian and I approve this message. Seriously though, as a Quebecoise, I would welcome all of New England and we could have our own little maple syrup/ski/camping country. (Shhh quiet about the abundance of natural resources)
We’ll miss you, but we support what needs to happen. We’re boycotting some of our own states and will just spend more time (and $) up north visiting you. 🇨🇦
As a Rhode Islander, I’m down with that. Actually Canada should get New England, NY, NJ, Delaware and Maryland, as well as Washington state, Oregon and California. With that you will double your economy, have some of the best schools in the world,etc.
Are you ready to adopt our “socialist” policies?? = affordable higher education for all, free healthcare, progressive taxes? Yes? Let’s do this thing! 💃🏽🕺🏼💥
My Gran was born in Quebec, French was her first language, her maiden name difficult to spell or pronounce. We had tortiére every New Year's Day brunch. Does that count for anything?
Haha, you know, there was a time not so long ago when the political ideology of our Canadian Conservative Party was most closely aligned with US Democrats rather than Republicans.
But there it is. This whole “own the libs” thing is not about controlling them or influencing them, it’s about getting rid of them. The GOP doesn’t want to win elections, it wants to destroy the Democratic Party and make elections irrelevant and unnecessary.
You could be like Canada's West Berlin, and we could airlift in softwood lumber and maple syrup and progressive rock mix-tapes and lobster. That would be cool. Do you know the metric system?
As a citizen of New York, I would approve of this plan on the condition that New York and Vermont are reunited prior to annexation to Canada. I will even learn French if it will make Québéc feel better about their new provincial neighbors to the south.
The watershed boundary was referenced by the 1763 Proclamation. It had been the line France and England had used before England conquered France in 1760. It's a little better than half of Vermont and a good chunk of the Adirondacks.
Please send a message hold the line vote no on the Republicans' CR, don't cave the majority of Americans are behind the dems standing firm -- he is saying they will give repubs the votes don't let them! Send to everyone you know will fill it out it takes 2 mins
A certified mechanic with car assembly experience gave detail reasons why she would never buy a Tesla among them horrible manufacture & assembly That was a couple of years ago & with all the road failures? Never ever even considered buying one
Love my Japanese hybrid is pretty & well made
Oh, someone on the right finally figured out having Canada being the 51st state would be bad for the GOP. They would have more Reps in the House than CA and fewer GOP from Canada than CA.
The "51st state" bullshit is only spouted because "I plan to conquer and annex a sovereign nation who has been our ally" isn't nearly as snappy a sound bite and is a harder sell to even the minimally sane. Canada would have zero representation.
The more Trump talks about making Canada the 51st state more Canadians will continue to boycott US products. They're more pissed off about that rhetoric than the tariffs.
We're headed to another great depression, they'll call it a recession because depressions are bad. Recessions not as much
Good to see Bernie really getting up the nose of this conservative charlatan.
All the progressive have be more like Bernie by aiming their messaging directly at the people without blaming them. Allow them to see your angst is not at them but their representatives. & laws they pass that hurt them
Mark Levin should pilot the next Space X rocket. His pomposity would boost the rocket far enough away from Earth before it explodes along with his bloated sense of relevance.
Let's have them try out one of those 'genius guys' (🤮) SpaceX ships? They seem to think Musk Rat can do no wrong. Maybe an 'alpha male' Republican can go to space & save those poor people stuck for the last 6 months.
I hear Gitmo is vacant again after the immigrants were released and are now state side. That sounds like a perfect location for the whole bunch of them!!
We can’t cede one acre to these scumbags. They will destroy every national park, intensify habitat destruction and climate change, and terrorize those living in blue dots all over red states. They don’t deserve this country. We do. They must be defeated.
That’s ok, we love Bernie, but we’ve got an amazing, fiery, elderly guy of our own. 91 year old Jean Chrétien, former PM (1993-2003). Still sticking up for Canada and telling it like it is.
In a monocultural society, the voters usually take their economic and social interests into account.
Here, the MAGA crowd is so afraid of blacks and Hispanics that they vote against their economic and social interests.
They are afraid that Black people and others have taken their jobs. This is fundamentally economic. The anti-DEI is driven by the idea that jobs went to less qualified people over well qualified white men. Medicaid send out $ to lazy minorities who don't want to work. And so on.
They’d rather vote for a Caucasian gentile who fakes at being Christian than a competent multiracial woman. And I don’t believe it’s economic, it’s imagined racial resentment.
Kamala Harris’ proposal would have been a great boon to the MAGA crowd, but they chose the white guy who fires people.
Personally I'm grateful one of the prior runners for president is still speaking up for us Americans,Cause I didn't see any of the other ex presidents or runner ups except him.. so everyone can say what they want about him, he's out here with us protesting and unless anyone else is, you can sit down
Typical MAGA thinking; get rid of voters. The fewer voters, the better. And getting rid of one state would be so much easier than crafting voter suppression laws in 49. Cheating can get tiring.
Maine here. Give Maine to Canada too please? I really want good, free healthcare. I am tired of trying to complete with other companies on benefits for my employees.
Sigh. You get that the majority of Americans—and the VAST majority of Vermonters—are appalled and horrified by Trump, especially his threats to take over sovereign countries, right? We’ve essentially been hijacked.
It's ridiculous that anyone would think an annexed Canada would get to participate in American elections. At present it's not even clear if the US itself will get to participate in future elections.
What's interesting is that at various times all of these lands except California were already Canada - or at least 'Rupert's Land' run by Canadians. As was the Adirondacks, Vermont, Northern NH & Northern Maine.
I would prefer you create your own country and be an ally of Canada. Even though there are some similarities, our culture is different and we do not want to be subsumed by your culture.
I envy Canadians for having Mark Carney as their next Prime Minister. He is a very eloquent man that speaks with common sense. Maybe the US should be annexed to Canada.
We can assimilate. I lived in San Diego for 27 years. Hundreds of Mexican families made it their home, sent their kids to schools and were our neighbours. The mixing of cultures was refreshing—-& soon they learnt to assimilate to a more American culture. We can do the same. I promise.
Most Albertans would spit on Peter Lougheed and Joe Clark given the chance. Coincidentally, these two are the last conservatives I ever voted for. I lived in Alberta then, and I wouldn't move back for anything.
Not all Albertans (I am 3rd generation) have sold their souls to oil and gas, but we do have too many "me" and not enough "we" in this province...and don't get me started on the Christo Fascists here.
Yeah I was thinking of all the weird hardcore Mormons I've met from Alberta 😬 happy to say some of them have left the cult (and many Mormons are good, kind ppl), but there's still too many extremists pushing their lifestyles on everyone else. I don't need magic underwear, tyvm.
We have all sorts of classic Freedumbers here, scream to the high heavens about their freedoms, but have no trouble stomping on people's freedoms that they do not agree with.
You have to love the Evangelicals that cherrypick from the 33,000 verses of the bible to fit their agenda.
Yes, with Rachel Notley. It's funny to me because they say the NDP there is some sort of communist club, but in practice the AB NDP was very center. They prioritized the oil/gas industry and by most accounts were doing a good job.
Any time someone is able to adequately express progressive policy to those who fall for right-wing bullshit, it goes well. The issue is, the concerns of democracy are complex, & progressive solutions are necessarily complex. How do you explain this to people whose attention span is twelve seconds?
Bernie is just telling the truth. Going by his popularity & the questions he has been asking the crowds, the people are finally waking up to truth. Why is listening to American voter concerns made out to be 'Marxist' or 'Communist' in America?? More likely, fearmongering to suppress voter concerns.
Typos on a resume go in the NO pile. Typos and misspells on your posts mean you just aren’t that bright of a bulb. Sad!
Conservatives - assholes.
Got it. Understood. 10-4 dipshit Levin.
You know something is wrong in DC when
🇺🇸 patriotism is at an all time low and
🇨🇦 sings their anthem instead of mumbling through it
Each one should be a state.
That would give them 20 senators, not 2.
And they get 10 delegations in the House.
Tell me how many Senators Iraq got during the US occupation?
We HAVE a functioning government. We're not ditching the Maple Leaf because you hope we'll un-fuck yours for you.
You have a 2nd Amendment. Unfuck it yourselves.
President Joe Biden, was a President for all Americans.
The man-children musk and tRump are not qualified to run a daycare.
An enemy at the gates is less formidable.
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Un American sounds too me
He just can't leave people alone.
I guess you found Mark’s tickle spot
Geez... and we dint cut 9ff your power yet....
Hypothetically (because NEVER 51) we would be 13 states (10 provinces, 3 territories). That’s 26 senators who would likely all be Dems, plus roughly 54 congressional seats that would skew heavily Dem, or 41.5m voters skewing Dem.
There would never be
If, however, Mr Levin would like to keep only the reliably red states, we will happily take New England, the West Coast, the Great
Here’s the offer. You bring Nelson Bros. in Clearwater, the Prince archives, and send Michele Bachman…somewhere else, you’re in.
The Geneva Convention needs updating anyway.
Can’t afford to allow this 🇷🇺myth that we’ll be a state. It allows 🇨🇦s the fantasy that we can surrender in advance &continue on living as normal, just🇺🇸.
We have to fight with all we’ve got cuz alternative is unfathomable.😔
(Not to be a downer, but 💩s getting real)
Canada becomes Fajullah X 10^50.
Can I come too?
I feel there is an irony there just cant figure it out
I’ve also never been really gung ho on Shaheen or Hassan. They seem to fall into that Susan Collins category.
When in the course of (sub)human events....
This lady worked 6 years at Tesla.
Listen to what she has to say.
Love my Japanese hybrid is pretty & well made
We're headed to another great depression, they'll call it a recession because depressions are bad. Recessions not as much
All the progressive have be more like Bernie by aiming their messaging directly at the people without blaming them. Allow them to see your angst is not at them but their representatives. & laws they pass that hurt them
He’s hell bent on handing 🇨🇦 over to Russia, turnaround’s fair play.
Get in the toilet so we can flush the shit away.
(But nice try!)
Please and thank you.
That’s when you know, we’re starting to win over the conversation
“You’re a communist” is dismissive language that is trying to appeal to ideology rather than reason/logic
Here, the MAGA crowd is so afraid of blacks and Hispanics that they vote against their economic and social interests.
Kamala Harris’ proposal would have been a great boon to the MAGA crowd, but they chose the white guy who fires people.
Izzie Zenning.
Oh my gosh, you are all insufferable.
Just give the south to Trumpty Dumpty and his cohorts. FL to Texas.
Alberta, no, not so much. They are owned by US Oil companies and it shows in their culture.
You have to love the Evangelicals that cherrypick from the 33,000 verses of the bible to fit their agenda.
Gulf of No More America more like it
Maga will just be a Russian satellite state
But appreciate your sentiment
No fucking way is any MAGA allowed
This Canadian wants to know! 🤠