There is a two-tiered system of justice in this country, and Donald Trump lives on the tier where he gets to walk into the White House without spending a single day in jail or being put on probation after being convicted of 34 felonies.
Our system of justice is not just. The scales are not equal.
I'm 54 and from Los Angeles. GenX gets it.
Where half the population does not care about the crimes of a person as long as they’re rich, and/or they have the “correct” skin color
(because “god” made them rich I guess?)
Justice is dealt depending on how much money you have to buy judges with.
*except Donald Trump
Please keep calling it what it is
He likely wouldn’t have gone to jail anyway because of it being his first [convicted] offense. Only in the U.S.
Your system is rigged
Not to mention thumbs.
Pity Merchan couldn't sentence his Digital rape culprits and Fingers in the US Till, to life in plaster.
He could wipe his nose on Musks sleeve if required. No golf. 😁 I guess someone looks after his diapers.
Infantile but who cares.
Trump’s overdrawn his account.
Free Luigi!
Just disgusting!
I have to keep reminding myself of Dr. King’s belief that the arc of history bends toward justice.
Too many people have been trained by inescapable exposure to that narcissist, to not hear what their ears hear, not see what their eyes see.
And rubbing it in our faces.
It's a dare.
Are you going to find some backbone and act like an opposition party, or are you going to rubber-stamp MAGAt nonsense like #LakenRiley?
Why are you trying to defend politicians from demands that they walk their talk about a wannabe fascist?
"A U.S. Army Officer has been part of a team of data scientists analyzing swing state election results, and is putting his career on the line to reveal their findings before it's too late."
One for the poor, one for the rich, and one for Trump.
I'm over all of it
And maybe, just maybe, Dems in Congress will start to realize they're in a gunfight, not a dance. FIGHT for us!!
Just tell them in person
Thank you for your fearless work, Congresswoman! 🕊️
He avoids meaningful punishment, we get a four year sentence.
I wonder how many criminals he will pardon to run our streets for him.
He's more Capo than President.
And our so-called blind justice not only allows it but boosts it.
#TheOnePercenters strike again. is what made the fraud into 1st degree offenses.
why dint he get the same punishment as Micheal Cohen..
They used that very argument to the Supreme Court yesterday - That Donald Trump being found guilty of crime would hurt his presidency - yet everyone is saying this doesn't change anything that he is eligible -
When will our elected leaders do something?
I steal 1 piece of classified material I get 5 years. I lie about how much my business makes, I go to jail for a long time.
This motherfucker walked away from everything. It's the damn wild west out here.
Was that just a cool catchphrase to measure 'possible genders' with drinking buddies over?
FIGHT for your freedom already cause you're rapidly losing it while you sit and cry about it
#14thAmendment #Felon #Treason