just as a matter of self-interest it completely baffles me that so many very rich people support a presidential campaign that is promising to immediately torpedo the American economy and massively spike inflation. It's hard to come up with more thoughtful explanations than "they're dumb as rocks"
Reposted from
Ned Resnikoff
To be clear, if Trump was actually able to deport 25 million people, that could in theory reduce housing demand. But in addition to being a crime against humanity, it would crank up inflation and decimate our already scarce construction labor supply.
….Ah, I see.
The thing they value most is our comparative poverty not their own wealth.
it's real, it exists
do not attribute to stupidity which is more accurately modeled by malice. — Amy's More Accurate Razor
They don't plan their lives?
They plan their legacies.
100, 200 and 300 years out.
The Black Death is the only thing that threw them for a loop, and they STILL recovered.
(this is my other possible explanation.)
They don't articulate it in so many words. But that is the gist of it.
If you assume they want to increase their privilege, what they are doing makes a lot more sense. They won't suffer hardships from torpedoing the economy. But they may gain aristocracy
Nobody should have that much money. It's bad for your mental health
so, yes, basically
They want to be more wealthy THAN