the person of interest in the shooting of the United CEO has been ID’d as Luigi Mangione, an Ivy League grad and fan of Breloom, the mushroom Pokémon.
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Don’t elect a President who wants to shaft you all by removing health care benefits & support gun proliferation.
This has nothing to do with CEOs and everything to do with America’s f*ck you mentality.
You all reap what you sow.
If he blamed insurance companies rather than the surgeon for a failed procedure that's messed up
Also . . . are you sure that this guy who is recovering from a spinal cord injury is the guy that evaded the NYPD and made a clean getaway?
It's a bit hard to believe.
Nao que eu ja nao tivesse convecida antes mas, madonna mia!! Please come to brazil
And it can learn bullet seed 😅 ope
Or, he completely misunderstood the limits on white male privilege for non- millionaires.
Enough to buy healthcare in America?
10 from NYPD
Autocorrect wanted to change effective to executive
So y’know - to start that out in your 20’s -
the guy could turn out to be not related at all in the end.
I guess that didn’t have any relevance
would you believe me if I told you I searched high and low because I couldn’t find it
but as it turned out, it was there the whole time
and I simply passed over it because I couldn’t believe that could possibly be his mugshot?