We are here
This ain’t the f-ing movies
Bad guys can win.
This ain’t the f-ing movies
Bad guys can win.
They already have.
The UK did it in 1939 & the odds were against us. Then you stepped up lending us £3billion which took us until 2008 to pay you back. We, Europe & Ukraine, will do it again. Americans could show some backbone & tell bully boys MAGA where to go in no uncertain terms.
Everybody rolls with their fingers crossed
Everybody knows the war is over
Everybody knows the good guys lost
Everybody knows the fight was fixed
The poor stay poor, the rich get rich
That's how it goes
Everybody knows
Watch Trump lose his fucking mind as we crush him economically... CRUSH HIM!
They can't do anything without our tax, they NEED IT
We are America. We are united in power.
This ain't no disco.
'Russian Party of America'
…well gargled some gibberish anyway,
It’s still not to late for fat ladies to sing his oratory.
It will be a catchy tune in all major key.
I still believe there are enough good guys left in America to stop the Trump/Must-Project 2025 Oligarchy.
ALL propaganda.
These are the last of the stupid republican nazi traitors going back to Operation Paperclip (and before).
The cracks are showing
"Bad Guys"-Are Called BAD-For A Reason!
Trump Got @35% of @245 Million Eligible Votes!
@100 Million Registered Voters-Voted Against Trump!
More People Didn't Vote (@90 Million) Than Voted For Trump!
America Knows!
That's how bad guys win.
This one in particular is not over yet though
They will use rubber bullets and water cannons without discretion. Purchase PPE now before it's all gone.
And I would add another proof: Trump is implementing tariffs on every friendly country... But you don't see him implementing tariffs on RUSSIA! 🤔 TRUMP AND J.D. VANCE ARE JUST TRAITORS!
Read more 👇
Whatever. It. Takes.
Please check out this site. Join the Discord server. Sign the Strike Card.
Every Dollar counts. Reposts helps too.
They are 1%.
We got this!!
It'll be the fault of whoever they hate, not their own doing.
And NO ONE is going to fucking save us..
Not enough.
Quickly. 👍
Far fucking from it.
Burn the phones down!!
Make calls #5calls
Capitol Switchboard (202) 224-3121
Attend town hall meetings
Write letters boycott
#Bluestormrising #resist
Sixty-eight percent of eligible American voters let this happen.
Blame We, The People.
They abdicated principle, morality and courage to ignorance, apathy and greed.
And they did it with their eyes wide open, dragging the rest of us down for Hate's sake.
That's why you try and limit the damage they do and sometimes that means negotiate peace and give up territory.
Or we Americans can continue to insist that Ukrainian and Russian women sacrifice their men to a war whose front has not moved in over a year.
Progression always wins.
But it takes action.
On God
You know this. When a big dog growls. Duct tape on all extremities. Duct, Duct, Duct Trump.
Bad guys win in the movies as well (Infinity War)...
...but the sequel (Endgame) provides the opportunity to rectify that.
It's time to remind them of that.
"Scenes not from a movie"
When it's not that, it's because all of the good guys are too busy bickering amongst themselves.
Other thing is, we don't know how close or far "forever" is.
Trump and Vance will get their own. Of that I’m sure. Maybe not real soon. But they will.
It's tough being the bluest thing in Bedford County.
There will be overreach. They always overreach.
also... as bad as things may look, they are not over for as long as I remain.
But remember how other dictators and monsters have ended — people can only take so much before they rise up and fight back.