34,000 already employed by NYPD. Before overtime, $11 billion in taxpayer funds. Largest police force in world.
Cuomo calling for 5000 more. Base starting salary alone: $300 million more.
Could instead fund violence interruption & summer youth employment in every NYC neighborhood for 5 years.
Cuomo calling for 5000 more. Base starting salary alone: $300 million more.
Could instead fund violence interruption & summer youth employment in every NYC neighborhood for 5 years.
Let’s not forget the women Cuomo also violated. These smelly fucking filthy birds of the same feather fly together and crap on the rest of us.
direct money to programs that actually help please...
One just needs to look at their current Mayor to see the kind of crooks they produce.
The NYPD is the largest, most dangerous criminal gang in America.
Tappanzee bridge forever!
Cuomo killed untold numbers of New York Seniors who were in nursing homes. He's a MASS MURDERER!
Injury / disability claims are rampant. +35% of retirees were early disability. In 2014 100+ were indicted for SSDI fraud.
Counterintuitive, but think of all the things that only become a crime when a cop sees it happen.
How long do you think it would take for a police officer driving behind you to find a reason to pull you over? Five minutes? Ten minutes? Longer?
Cops create crime.
Until a police officer sees it happen.
Now it's jaywalking. And when the jaywalker objects to the harassment it becomes obstruction, resisting, and maybe assault.
According to NYPD, all citywide measures of crime are down from 2000:
A few are trending upwards, so maybe a few hundred more police are needed, but 5,000? Seems like he's just pandering.