Seriously, so what? Global heat content continues to rise apace; whether slightly more or less than 1% of that heat goes into the atmosphere vs the ocean in any given yr is basically irrelevant.
As the IPCC says: every ton of carbon matters, every bit of action matters, and every choice matters.
As the IPCC says: every ton of carbon matters, every bit of action matters, and every choice matters.
yeah, i know. just trying to add some levity instead of crying my guts out over the incoming administration. again.
The long-term trends are clear. Messages counter to that are never helpful and only lead to more skeptical talking points.
OTOH, the unprecedented and unpredicted .3 degree jump last year which saw the world zoom past 1.5C that is now being attributed to reduced cloud cover freaked a lot of people out. Inevitably, the emerging explanations are being spun into "now the planet is cooling".
huh ? wut ?
(HT @25_cycle)
The EPP wants to suspend and adjust the agreements regarding the ban on combustion engines in Europe by 2035. The EPP surrenders to the shortcomings of the (automotive) industry. A very bad thing for the climate.
Is it better to ignore him or engage him? I can't decide.