Vivek Ramaswamy dumping his company's stock--before the public announcement that the drug the stock's value was based upon had failed all tests--is the clearest example of illegal insider trading. And another example of how the rich skirt consequences for committing crimes in America.
was making a bad joke about Martha going to federal prison camp for insider trading- probably more enforced because she is a lady & insecure men seem to hate when they profit more than their greedy lusts … or not … just an outside fuzzy reflection
Hey, why are people in conflict about Luigi?
If it were cured, it'd be on the top of the news for months and there would be Nobel Prizes being handed out.
And I'm revolted at someone saying, "remember when AD was a big thing?"
Of course he cashed in before the truth came out.
Say your prayers and take your vitamins America!🙏🇺🇸
See this account for what we can urgently do about it. Non-violent, grassroots, but if AOC's story proves anything, possible.
Get $$MONEY$$ out of politics!
Another one who belongs behind bars.
And also, that makes it crystal clear why they want to get rid of the SEC
They have two opposing narrratives:
- Drain the swamp
- Have more billionaires in its team than any other administration
It took maga way too long to realise this, but it is maga.
You didn’t include the complicity of his Mother.
Yes, his Mother.
This pipsqueak should be relegated to dental hygiene commercials the trotted back to his rubber cell.
Yeah I remember. Because it still fucking is, you moron