Exactly! This is why we need the "We the People" Amendment: Corporations are NOT people and Money is NOT speech. More than a half million Americans agree as well as 90 reps in the last session. We need more for an amendment. Direct Action: https://www.movetoamend.org/motion
The banner on the chain-link fence really should add a definition of "Voting Rights," because most passers-by won't know what the old building was actually for.
In my opinion, the Supreme Court died the day they gave a known, convicted sexual offender & fraudster who stole not only on his business taxes but also secret military documents and from his charity, who tried a quid pro quo & later tried to overturned a fair election with ultimate immunity. Hello!
Citizens United must be overturned. When Congress changes, this must be the absolute top priority to put into law so the Supreme Court can't mess with it.
As long as there is capitalism of any kind, this will only get worse. All the politicians are comfortable& rich. Owned by billionaires. ALL OF THEM. The more homeless there are, the more money they make. Making the billionaires even richer. Socialism is the golden rule.
When the page is finally turned, and these organisations and corrupt individuals shut out of public life, give the Roberts “I won’t forget” Scotus and Citizens United their own museums so people can see how they conspired to fuck everything up - and then blow the fucking museums to pieces….
That’s why oligarchs didn’t only buy republicans. When the truth comes out it’ll be staggering the width of who and what they were able to buy along the political spectrum.
Yes. Something is so different now. You can blame Trump thoroughly for the mafia vibe — but it more than that — it’s the big money. It has corrupted our government.
John Roberts wrote that dissenters were being "hysterical" about what the decision meant (wholesale bribery). John Roberts fucking LIED about what the decision meant.
Then, SCOTUS proceeded to make certain types of bribes legal.
Now, we've allowed a pernicious Nazi billionaire to buy an election.
If we get out of this mess, DOJ should be its own entity, separate from government interests and political appointments. SCOTUS should not be lifetime appointments and impeachable by citizens. All elected officials should be able to be recalled by citizens, including the president. And no felons.
On the subject of Felons, The founders didn't think anyone would be damn stupid enough to vote for one, let alone elect one! They were human and made mistakes. I pray that one won't see the end of all they worked so hard for. So many years and so quickly undone. Fight him, EVERYONE please FIGHT!
Fuckin' a. It's a part of the white, rural power structure entrenched in the Electoral College. As much as white people bitch about unfair advantages, those fucking hypocrites would NEVER give up their unfair electoral advantage.
Roberts doesn't want to give up all the Crt's power, per se, & has already voted against Cheeto in one case.But I think he's going to be very careful to try to avoid any direct conflicts with the Administration that highlight the fact that he has 0 power when a president just says "Niener niener."
I don't think he "fucking LIED" at all. I think he's just a sincere, certifiable moron. This same guy also genuinely believed he'd win bipartisan praise for the immunity decision (the only decision *worse* than Citizens United) and was flabbergasted when he wasn't. He's a fucking idiot.
Right. I guess I assumed this had something to do with Trump, but MBB just said it was a metaphor, not that he actually tried to do it, although I wouldn't put anything past him.
I hope someone sends SCROTUS Roberts that photo! 🤬
Roberts & all SCROTUSES should be disbarred immediately for betraying the Constitution that they swore, & now their allegiance is to an 🍊💩🧷 felon convict??
They were conned, threatened, bullied, etc to do their job! Americans must do the same!
I predict that someday, perhaps soon, John Roberts is going to regret having pushed his pet project to destroy voting rights, as well as the completely unnecessary intervention in "presidential immunity". Trump is not interested in laws, lawyers, or judges unless they enable his criminal bidding.
Indeed, they “fixed” it quite a while ago now. And helped further split the country in two instead of back in the day (before social media) when everyone “pretty much” agreed on what facts were.
Requiring identification to legally vote is NOT a violation of voting rights.
Voting rights ONLY apply to individuals who have legally obtained U.S. Citizenship.
Fun fact: making people pay for a required Federal identification in order to vote is a poll tax, and thus unconstitutional.
And FEDERAL is the only authority that confers citizenship, so to prove citizenship, the only kind of person who can vote for federal office, you’ll need federal ID.
It’s a driver’s license. So… YES. I don’t know of any state that hands out driver’s licenses for free. Except maybe New York, Illinois, or California. Even then, the only way you get one free is if you’re an illegal alien.
ALRIGHT ALL. Had this idea today and I think it should go viral. A great was to protest peacefully and get a message across. Please, please, please reshare everywhere.
Irony: It originated as elitist idea that the smart people voted R, but since MAGANazis hijack of GOP, I sometimes (rarely) feel a glimmer of hope that Roberts may recognize the opposite is the truth now...dumbest dupes on Earth vote R. That wasn't the original idea, but it's cult embedded now.
Mitch and the pos federalist society and all the other right wng bs that has been perpetrated on us means, it is our turn to do what we know needs to be done!
Yep, it started with Reagan's trickle down nonsense, moved into Citizen United destroying our electoral system, and now we have Trump selling the nation to the highest bidders...sad....but the USofA is now gone....
Absolutely! Citizens United v. FEC was like opening Pandora's box, unleashing the floodgates of corporate influence in our political system. The consequences of that decision continue to shape our democracy today.
Best Meme Of The Day.....I'd Bet That 80% Of Americans Don't Even Know What That Decision Did To Our Democracy.....A Clarence Thomas And Sam Alito Sucker Punch To The Constitution.....
Roberts shook his head and mouthed something pathetic like "not true." Most Americans had no idea what we going on. People who follow politics from the grassroots perspective just nodded, "Yep, demoracy is fucked. Obama is correct."
Democrats should run on overturning corporate/billionaire rule. A Citizen's Oversight Movement. Corporations operate at OUR pleasure and we can revoke charters. We need a death sentence for the worst actors.
As long as there is capitalism of any kind, this will only get worse. All the politicians are comfortable& rich. Owned by billionaires. ALL OF THEM. The more homeless there are, the more money they make. Making the billionaires even richer. Socialism is the golden rule.
Our duopoly showing us who they always have been. Both perfectly in support of slavery genocide landtheft exploitation zionism. The very things our great nation needs to continue.Capitalism can't go on without all these things. Don't trust the liberals. They will betray you
I'm 78. I think it's safe to say: not in my lifetime. It's too radical an ideology for most, and too easily conflated with communism because of years of misinformation. But planting the ideas will help, and pointing out those facets that already work, e.g., highway construction, fire departments,
It was Clarence Thomas who wrote the majority opinion on Citizens United and it became clear at that point that he had no earthly idea of what's going on as he apparently thought that it was about Gay Marriage. Roberts gets things right sometimes. The same is NEVER true for "Inj. Ginny Thomas"*
We have to get the scotus changed over and reverse this disgrace. I'm worried Trump will be able to put 2 more in after they retire. They need accountability. Disgusting for them to suggest they are able reproach.
The Supreme Court really fucked this country in the ass with that absurd ruling. We will never have a free and fair election again until they reverse that anti-democratic ruling and rid the system of all the dark money from corporations masquerading as people.
It really is our national mental disorder at work though, because even actual human citizens are held to higher standards and more tightly restricted from political participation than the imaginary "Corporate Persons" (sock puppets for white billionaires that get to vote in every state)
Russia will be occupying those buildings that trump has no rights to sell!!! So remember everything he sells off, WHEN we get our country back every one of these places will need to be investigated from top to bottom.
I’m Ukrainian🇺🇦, and I can honestly say that we’re living through a nightmare. Yet it seems that Americans 🇺🇸are facing even greater turmoil right now. I truly feel sorry for all of you - your obsession with show and demagoguery will cost you trillions of $ and millions of lifes ...☹️
“Dark money expenditures increased from less than $5 million in 2006 to more than $1 billion in 2024. Since donor identities are hidden, dark money groups allow for foreign countries to hide their activity from American voters and law enforcement agencies.”
To think our own people did this - to "own" the libs. We were not even invaded or bombed. Washington sits on their hands, quietly watching, worried about getting primaried. Surreal.
The Supreme Court is rigged. One is bought and paid for. His wife was due to be changed with treason.One has his wife and himself as insurrectionist on January 6, and a rapist. They are all members of The heritage foundation.
The conservatives on the Supreme Court, who have been purchased by the Federalist Society and Heritage Foundation, have abandoned America and the dispensing of fair rulings. America can no longer have faith in or trust the Supreme Court to protect Democracy, Rights and Freedoms.
My fiver is on the table: this building becomes a combo Starbucks and hot yoga studio. Also, two rival private investigators will occupy combination office space and small efficiency apartments on the top floor, with leggy redheads as their long-suffering secretaries.
I want to be clear and say that I agree with everything on this thread, but I do want to point out that I believe the picture is showing the old location of the museum. The new museum I think is also unfortunately closed at the moment but it's because it's being redone.
Please please someone, anyone plaster the fence with #TrumpDidThis #ETTD signs, art and banners. Use it as a site for a protest, voter registration, town hallsand call the media. Do the things, take back the space, change the facts on the ground. #OccupyDemocracy #Resist #artsky
I feel like I'm going to be sick. T**** and Musk clearly hate this country. With the exception of their inner circle, they want our history,heritage and heck, the rest of the people, to vanish.
Citizens United was an audible slam on the coffin lid of American Democracy.
If corporations are people I should head over to Arby’s and yell at the kids who work there for supporting Project 2025.
SCOTUS rulings US v Burr 1807, Haupt v US 1947, &Cramer v US 1945 set precedent. TREASON requires an ‘assemblage of men’ with ‘treasonous purpose’ committing ‘overt acts.'
They tried to do a citizens united in the 1970's too. it didn't last because people weren't distracted and fed a bunch of bullshit. Billionaires money is NOT equal to free speech no matter how you spin it. They have EQUAL rights to the poorest human, and it should NOT be tied to money ever.
Yep. It stems from that horrible decision based on a completely flawed rationale. Will go down in history as one of the worst decisions and hopefully will be overturned in the future.
typical resistlib grifter
you’re dogshit
you didn’t take this pic
so who did? or you don’t care?
what else could he do? the Federal and civil suits in his path dropped bread crumbs to
a brother with a solution.
Our tragic times.
As long as there is capitalism of any kind, this will only get worse. All the politicians are comfortable& rich. Owned by billionaires. ALL OF THEM. The more homeless there are, the more money they make. Making the billionaires even richer. Socialism is the golden rule.
Just hope if the Supreme Court ever corrects its mistake it doesn’t take as long as it did to correct Plessy v. Ferguson (1896).
Dark money has polluted our political system almost beyond repair
Any political plan that does not fix this problem, is an enabler. Being silent on this is a moral wrong
A city for sale and doomed to speedy destruction should it find a buyer.
~Jugurtha, describing Rome
Then, SCOTUS proceeded to make certain types of bribes legal.
Now, we've allowed a pernicious Nazi billionaire to buy an election.
Heritage- Reagan- Scalia- Project 2025 white wealth supremacy
I think "Billionaires Buying Elections" sounds much more true to reality.
This great interview from Francesca touches on this exact message:
https://indivisible.org/coup (Excellent organization! They can help you.)
Museum and Institute of Facist and Russian Invation of America.
When money is your god…
We wouldn't be run by a handful of billionaires if Citizen's United had been overturned by congress.
But here we are.
Roberts & all SCROTUSES should be disbarred immediately for betraying the Constitution that they swore, & now their allegiance is to an 🍊💩🧷 felon convict??
They were conned, threatened, bullied, etc to do their job! Americans must do the same!
federalist society was founded in 1982, in response against recent SCOTUS decisions favoring minorities, women, and working class.
The Society members represent < 5% of all US attorneys yet hold a 2/3 SCOTUS majority
bTW - the Society was NOT founded by nerdy college students
That story is total BS!!
This is and has always been a wealth/corporate driven agenda to control US policy b/c they could not legislate anti-worker policies otherwise
Requiring identification to legally vote is NOT a violation of voting rights.
Voting rights ONLY apply to individuals who have legally obtained U.S. Citizenship.
And FEDERAL is the only authority that confers citizenship, so to prove citizenship, the only kind of person who can vote for federal office, you’ll need federal ID.
#FL-01 District
#FL-06 District
#VoteBlue 💙
Capitol Switchboard:
(202) 224-3121
As long as there is capitalism of any kind, this will only get worse. All the politicians are comfortable& rich. Owned by billionaires. ALL OF THEM. The more homeless there are, the more money they make. Making the billionaires even richer. Socialism is the golden rule.
Our duopoly showing us who they always have been. Both perfectly in support of slavery genocide landtheft exploitation zionism. The very things our great nation needs to continue.Capitalism can't go on without all these things. Don't trust the liberals. They will betray you
Good pic though.
AKA, The Bipartisan Campaign Reform Act of 2002.
Give @twesq.bsky.social credit for this.
Trump made elections a thing from the past.
He won't allow another election
Citizens United was an audible slam on the coffin lid of American Democracy.
If corporations are people I should head over to Arby’s and yell at the kids who work there for supporting Project 2025.
There’s no one specific person, but definitely a few who worked harder towards neo-totalitarianism than others.
SCOTUS rulings US v Burr 1807, Haupt v US 1947, &Cramer v US 1945 set precedent. TREASON requires an ‘assemblage of men’ with ‘treasonous purpose’ committing ‘overt acts.'
Article 3 Section 3 & USC title 18 ch115 s2381 TREASON.