All of those are fine as long as you are just really into killing people (and making money), but when you start getting picky about killing people who have it coming, well...
While it is true you can get away with random murder much easier with paperwork, if you want to kill one, specific person at a specific time, a gun is still your best option.
Guardian US and Arwa Mahdawi are actual feminists, intersectional in their approach and, ultimately, dedicated to supporting a better world. UK, on the other hand...
No. An objective, universal set of criteria would involve science, which validates trans people and supports compassion towards minorities.
A better world is intersectional.So that detracts from her previous point? I rather suspect that you're acting in bad faith, and love a false equivalence.
"Killing people with paperwork instead of a gun doesn't make you any less of a murderer." This needs to be italicized, bolded, written in 100 point font, carved into stone, etched into the surface of the moon... whatever it takes for people to get the point.
We need Aldo Raynes to carve it into the foreheads of politicians, news anchors, and rich assholes everywhere until the ones that haven't been gotten to yet finally get the message.
I would invite all of america, and 1% of them especially to consider that social upheaval is usually not bottom up, it usually starts with agotation by radicals at the top.
Even in court not all homicides are murder. Never mind morally.
Imagine you're on a jury. Defense says the defendant acted in self defense, to protect self & others. Provides conclusive evidence that the deceased was actively engaged in killing/harming defendant & others at time of death.
That's the point. The point is that the system sees murder as acceptable as long as its people with no face or name to the rich. No one in the top 1% gives a fuck about anyone or anything that doesn't make them more money and it's perfectly fine to be an accessory to the murder of the poor because
to the rich they don't actually exist. That's the point. It's okay to kill if it's the people who are on the receiving end of the pain and suffering who are being killed.
But I'm just laughing at the characterization of the guy as "smart". He thought Kaczynski had some good points lol. We all have different ideas of what constitutes an intellectual, I guess.
Equating "Ivy League education" with "smart" is supposed to be the kind of thing populists on BOTH sides sneer at. I'm not a populist so am not required to have ANY opinion about where somebody went to school. But college in general is easy if you want it to be.
Hello friends, I know you can hear me. I am asking for your help, please help me. The required amount is $300. Please help me so that I can get the amount.
Yes, as through this world I've wandered
I've seen lots of funny men;
Some will rob you with a six-gun,
And some with a fountain pen.
And as through your life you travel,
Yes, as through your life you roam,
You won't never see an outlaw
Drive a family from their home.
-Woody Guthrie
That's the problem. The law, as usual, is not in step with the times. That's why marijuana laws are all over the map.
We live in a corpocracy. They control it all. So, how else do you vote them out of office?
Arwa Mahdawi tells adults who drink cold milk that seeing them drink milk is unsettling.
Is that supporting a better world? Is that accepting diverse cultures?
A better world is intersectional.So that detracts from her previous point? I rather suspect that you're acting in bad faith, and love a false equivalence.
Incredibly shortsighted take man, don't know why you're being a capital class apologist but I hope you get better
Imagine you're on a jury. Defense says the defendant acted in self defense, to protect self & others. Provides conclusive evidence that the deceased was actively engaged in killing/harming defendant & others at time of death.
You're not being a unique voice of reason, you're just defending the capital class by saying Brian Thompson didn't deserve those bullets.
Pretty sure murder wasn't the first attempt at wanting reformation lol
You think America could have left the British Empire by asking?
God, this shit is so good 🔥
Maybe the UK isn't as hopelessly a POS little rainy dreary funless client state as I thought
(clout. the reason is clout.)
pretty far from smart
The Luigi situation actually had me just, not reading the guardian to be honest.
Their coverage and the angle just left me feeling kinda ill, especially when presenting yourself as the last bastion or whatever.
So this is refreshing :)
I've seen lots of funny men;
Some will rob you with a six-gun,
And some with a fountain pen.
And as through your life you travel,
Yes, as through your life you roam,
You won't never see an outlaw
Drive a family from their home.
-Woody Guthrie