Rule 34.
If you kill a big animal in self defense, you must gut it. Every team behind you that comes across you has to help gut it.
No other team can leave until the team that started the gutting continues.
If you kill a big animal in self defense, you must gut it. Every team behind you that comes across you has to help gut it.
No other team can leave until the team that started the gutting continues.
The Iditarod officials will, later, after musher recovery, arrive to assess the gutting of the moose.
If the moose has been determined to have not been gutted and cleaned to a satisfactory degree, as was the case for our musher last year, the officials will ASSESS A TIME PENALTY TO THE MUSHER for the inadequacy.
And the musher who arrived directly ahead of him at the checkpoint post moose incident reported that he had, earlier, in the same-ish location, punched a moose in the face.