And the RWNJs couldn’t just let it be a passing event. They had to viciously attack a woman who was only asking for kindness and mercy. I think Hannity sprouted 2 new veins in his neck over it.
I'm a Christian, and Bishop Buddes' exhortation of Trump to be merciful and show compassion was the most Christian thing I've seen in a while.
Mercy and Compassion are core to the Gospel - if being asked to follow Christs teachings makes you upset, you've got no cause to call yourself Christian.
Dawg, you should look up the chilean group christians for democracy. LGBTQ+ allies, socialists, and anti-fascists who helped get Pinochet the fuck out.
The fact that Mike Johnson tried to vilify her on social media to appease dear leader just goes to prove that despite what he claims, Jesus is not a guiding force in his life.
I never claimed that Bishop Budde spoke for Jesus, and I'm pretty sure she would say the same. I did say that she was remonstrating what ANY Christian (literally a follower of the teachings of Jesus Christ) should understand. We have been shown mercy and compassion. We are called to do likewise.
Which vulnerable group is DJT showing mercy and compassion to?
Which of the teachings of Jesus does he follow?
What about the GOP congress and senate? Which legislation are they pushing that is in line with what Jesus taught?
Okay as you know we’re all a nation of immigrants. Where’s her mercy for the first group of arrivals (you and I)
Where is this wonderful example of Godly mercy, mercy for Donald Trump
Donald is an immigrant to.
It seems that you’re picking one group of immigrants over another.
So Trump is showing mercy by not attacking people who aren't LGBTQI+ or new immigrants? By attacking the vulnerable, he protects everyone else?
Are you serious?
That is not the "mercy and compassion" that Jesus commanded us.
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There was a ghastly 'interview' about this on BBC radio this morning with the priest who did the inauguration. Actually it was as close to a stand-up row as you are likely to hear on BBC radio.
It’s because they aren’t Christians! They are hateful, sad, little trolls, and gremlins that hide behind religion, while spewing hatred, xenophobia transphobia, homophobia all well, grasping onto every thing that supports their hate and prejudices! Many thump a book they’ve never read!
The Lutheran Church has also come out with a statement. So far, the Catholic, Episcopal and Lutheran. Where are the Presbyterian and Methodist Churchs? Rachel Maddow spoke of this recently.
The problem is the cult of the evangelicals. They are MAGats. They are not Christians following the Sermon on the Mount, but instead follow this prosperity doctrine pushed by Osteen, Graham and many of the mega churches. They are evil snd what’s behind Project 2025.
As an anti-theist, I find christians as disgusting as the muslims. They too want to send their kids to massadas to train for holy war.
Look up and watch the documentary “Jesus Camp” and you’ll be shocked. Growing up roman catholic, I was very sad for those children because of the hipocracy and abuse
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Those who oppose hatred are on the right side of God, the Universe, Jesus teachings, and all major religions. We stand for unity, inclusion, empathy, and love. We do not cower from hate or division. We stand up to hate in all of its forms, and will oppose it at every corner. We are the opposition.
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WE are The People they have tried to keep silent FOREVER because they NEVER wanted to hear how WE share the fundamental values they advertise but are only cosplaying at.
Christianity stole all of its fundamental values from Paganism. I refuse to stay silent about being Pagan, we as witches aren’t going anywhere. They tried so hard to silence us but it won’t work.
we ALL exist peacefully unless or until they cross us unforgiveably... If you watch, it WILL be Women who end up saving them all... women,, pagan and secular
It's almost like there's a large majority within the Christian Faith which is representing the faith in a way that goes against the Faith- except it doesn't because this is a tried and tested formula of Hatred that has happened since its founding :/
We usually also know the contents of their holy books better than they do, too.. we te d to be curious and learn about all religions to understand WHY people still worship these ancient medieval characters
Atheist want the story told right. Christians want the story told their way. Fire and brimstone, and hell for those who will not follow. Easy to say the church has turned into the largest cult on the planet.
Left the church when I was about 17 ish but grew up VERY religious. Bishop Budde actually spoke about Jesus’ teachings. But now we all know the right just follows false prophets
Evangelist in this country are KKKristians. They do not follow the word or teaching of Jesus. The follow the teaching of white supremacist and their orange great wizard
I’m an atheist and I went and bought her book. Intelligence & common sense aren’t faith based. Gotta support brave, outspoken, sincere people. #booksky 📚💙
I’m one of them. I don’t consign to any religion but I know that her plea was made out of love for humanity. I’m sure she knows Chump and his garbage crew didn’t care about one word she said.
I don't have her religion and still think everything she said was just humane. If you do the right thing only because you are afraid of your god you are a rotten human being.
She literally said "be a decent human" and he lost his shit.
It is said that Christ will come again. What if it meant His returning would be in the hearts and minds of the people, what if the second coming of Christ is in the Christ consciousness of all people? What if that is your manifest destiny in America, to overcome evil and usher in the age of peace?
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Atheists like me live by “The Golden Rule” treating people the way we want to be treated. For me, that’s lead with kindness so we have meaningful engagement. Bishop Budde spoke truth 2 power using her chance Trump moment for good…wish the F’ing GOP will do it & save this country by dumping 🍊 💩 .
I am an Excommunicated Christian, turned Atheist! Christianity today has moved from the teachings of Christ to Hatred of all those that are different than they are!! I am glad I am Atheist now!!!
It's me! I'm one of those atheists applauding her! She showed strength of character and a true commitment to her faith. She did not remain silent when she could have. A strong example of resistance. It's going to take all of us, all types of people, all types of resistance.
My mother never cussed, never talked bad about anyone, never gossiped, can't remember her ever getting mad, never hated anyone, would help anyone who needed it, kept her beliefs to herself and...
lived her life by them but never tried to force anyone else to follow what she believed. She was the kind of Christian that ANYONE who calls themselves a Christian should be. I, as a dyed in the wool atheist, would be fine with Christians if they were like her.
It's the time of the false prophets that John warned about in Revelations. If you're a Christian & believe Revelations while following faux Christian fascist & racist ministers like Joel Osteen, Kenneth Copland, Franklin Graham et al you are on the wrong side of the prophecy. The more you know...
Maybe it hasn’t occurred to her to? Look at her words and actions now. Are they different? Change in tune is also a form of retraction. But what do I know 🤷♀️
I knew the moment that they were talking about babies in ovens and mass rape as a weapon of war that the zionists were lying.
Took me about 2 minutes to figure it out that they were trying to provide cover for themselves for what they were about to do.
I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, too.
I think this person is right to criticize her for Israel but what drives me nuts about people on the left is that they can never simultaneously be happy when a person meets them partway.
Criticizing something someone said long ago without present context and seeing if the person’s stance has changed in the present shows lack of growth on their (the criticizer’s) part.
Well, gonna risk a bit of religious, political rage here.
I would say she’s more hung than most of the #maga incels who rage against her.
Tbh I was surprised how quietly she moved considering what must be a massive pair of brass balls.
Atheists don't hate God, we just don't believe in the doctrine and trust in ourselves to do what's right. If God exists then he can speak to me directly, He shouldn't need an interpreter
Exercising kindness, showing empathy, and accepting the golden rule as your normal practice is not a religious "thing". You don't have to be a theist to follow moral or ethical standards. But if you're going to talk the talk. you should damn well walk the walk. Few things are worse than hypocrisy.
Far right "Christians" (I call them religious zealots because nothing about them resembles Christ at all) are why people who DON'T go to church DON'T WANT TO GO TO CHURCH. Absolutely nothing about them is appealing.
Did I mention I'm a former Christian evangelist?
Yeahhhh... My story is vast.
"the emergence of the unconscious opposite in the course of time." It is similar to the principle of equilibrium in the natural world, in that any extreme is opposed by the system in order to restore balance. When things get to their extreme, they turn into their opposite
Which is why I keep trying to warn our side not to hate them, but instead realize that they're our misguided and soul-sick neighbors, and keep their behavior in check with resistance and education.
I feel really bad for this lady because as soon as I saw that little speech she made, I knew she was going to get death threats. Anyone who makes Trump look bad is going to get death threats. All he has to do is make a hateful post and his Jan 6 MAGA army will go after that person.
All you had to do was see the way Melania was giving Bishop Budde the Slovenian stink-eye all through the sermon, as if transmitting, "How dare YOU tell my fooking hoosband he not BE BEST!" to know the bishop would get death threats.
Yup! I just read about Christianity and the third reich . Similar goals then . Similar now, IMO. Shut down free will. Take over media . Upend the govt. force their faith on every citizen .
I know. I’m just making sure. Real Christians are known by their actions that reflect their faith. And certainly not by there attacking Bishop who is making a simple and heartfelt plea.
The people attacking her are real Christians. We need to stop using the No True Scotsman Fallacy. That's what Evangelicals do to anyone they disagree with, including Bishop Budde
They are terrible people, who claim Christ, & pursue power & wealth. This has been a problem in Christianity for 2000yrs
I respect people's religious beliefs (unless they are zealots or use them for bad.
But can we discuss this notion about acting like a decent, caring empathic human has anything to do with religion. Not saying this pertains to you but I'm tired of religion and all the evil that comes if it.
Well, a 300 character, uneditable microblog on a global, culturally amorphous platform is not the place to refine any kind of careful position or response. One can just run through the Gospels and see the numerous times Christ had compassion on strangers, and the times he said to go and do likewise.
“They were protesting the vote because they knew the election was rigged and they were protesting the vote and you should be allowed to protest the vote.”
That’s why, as an atheist, I have so much respect for the late great president Jimmy Carter. He lived his beliefs. Building houses for those who needed them.
Jesus was my neighbor and I can confirm that he was a great hard working carpenter who had a nice thing to say about everyone. Unfortunately tanks rolled up to his house this morning (I didn't realize ICE had tanks) and they deported his ass back to the occupied West Bank.
Jesus was a rebel who spoke up for the poor and the sick, he spoke truth to power
Powerful people don't like the teachings of Jesus. They want people to believe in & fear God & figures of authority. They want FOLLOWERS, not pursuers of truth & justice
This right here. I’m an atheist and tell everyone if people followed the teachings of Jesus (as recorded in the Bible) it’s not a bad way to live your life.
I am ex-Catholic and now, from religious trauma, anti-religious as a whole. Christians have a whole in-depth instruction manual on how to be a good person, yet they somehow manage to fail. Fascinating how someone that hates the Bible knows it's morals better than supposed "God-fearing Christians".
I've been asking a whole bunch of "Christians" where they went to Sunday school... And posting a web page with 32 Bible verses on empathy that I found on a 2 second Google search...
Fearing god is the most toxic and completely insane position to take. Unsurprisingly, anyone doing that is likely to be living a life of gross contradiction.
Exactly. Kinda feel bad. My most radical take on religion is that those who lean heavily religious use it to cope with mental hardships of some degree. It's not a bad thing, but the issues they have that drove out their religiousness often reach their practice and clouds the true meaning behind it.
they are from a long life of experiencing them at all levels from catholics to protestants to extremists recruiting evangelicals .... MAINLY in a transactional relationship with their god.
They dont DO for the SAKE of doing, they DO everything with expectation of a divine reward later.
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I think the distinction may be between those who think things through to develop a set of personal morals and ethics, and those who simply do what they're told. Plenty of each in both camps.
Religion should not be the catalyst for doing what's right. (Especially considering how corrupt its leaders are!) Just be a decent fkn person with integrity ffs.
Evangelical MAGA thinks because they are “saved” that they are special and have a free pass to be horrible people. I have found white evangelicals to be the meanest and most selfish people even before Trump embraced them.
“When Republicans send their people, they’re not sending their best.They’re sending people that have lots of problems, and they’re bringing They’re bringing drugs. They’re bringing crime. They're bringing felons. They’re drunks. They’re rapists. And some, I assume, are good people”
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Christian Nationalism is a political ideology, and it has never been rooted in genuine godly beliefs. In fact, many of its adherents identify as atheists.
Shameful and disgusting the way Trump, Fix News and supporters are treating her!!! And they people ran against persecution of Christians and now they are persecuting an absolute Christian!!!!!!!!
Yes, they are ( to use a common MAGA parlance) fake Christians- “ love thy neighbour” is the first exhortation from Jesus - I’m a string atheist and even I know this
Tbf, Episcopalianism, the denomination of the Founding Fathers, is the same denomination as Mariann Budde. I agree, so many people will contest that life begins at conception despite the Bible clearly stating that it begins at first breath in Genesis 2:7.
Christians act shocked. Like this is the 1st time in history the Christian religion and those who supposedly follow it did not actually follow the teaching of Jesus. They really need to research their own history.
Indeed! It saddens me when I meet genuinely kind and reasonable Christians. They get intermingled with those mentioned here and get lumped in by those the MAGA hurt.
When I meet a genuinely kind and reasonable Christian, I figure that is because it was their true human nature to be kind and reasonable despite their being Christian. I never believe they are kind and reasonable because they are Christian. Because I know the history of Christianity.
It is said that Christ will come again. What if it meant His returning would be in the hearts and minds of the people, what if the second coming of Christ is in the Christ consciousness of all people? What if that is your manifest destiny in America, to overcome evil and usher in the age of peace?
Christians, from even before their popularity, were always cruel. Let’s start with the inquisition, and then, work our way down, and up, the centuries of nothing but hate cruelty!
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Um, technically correct, but -
Protestant countries persecuted "heretics" too. They just didn't always agree on who the heretics were
Protestant countries were actually *worse* w/ the witch-hunting than Catholic countries.
They also corralled this market: leaning on nations to boycott trade if they still traded in slaves... altho the market persists today, albeit in lesser form.
(atheist here) Her speech was incredibly powerful no matter what I believe in, she appealed to basic human empathy (showcasing once again that that's an emotion trump doesn't have)
Yep! Idolizing DonOld tRump is blasphemy. I'm a non-practicing and even I know that, I also know that Bishop Budde's speech matched what I was taught the rare times I went in a church.
Meanwhile, all the other "christians" who probably bought Convict Drumpf's $60 bibles, after hearing a sermon begging them to be more Christ-like in how they treat people...
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I'm one of the atheists.
Mercy and Compassion are core to the Gospel - if being asked to follow Christs teachings makes you upset, you've got no cause to call yourself Christian.
Which of the teachings of Jesus does he follow?
What about the GOP congress and senate? Which legislation are they pushing that is in line with what Jesus taught?
Where is this wonderful example of Godly mercy, mercy for Donald Trump
Donald is an immigrant to.
It seems that you’re picking one group of immigrants over another.
Are you serious?
That is not the "mercy and compassion" that Jesus commanded us.
But this post rings true in my mind.
Look up and watch the documentary “Jesus Camp” and you’ll be shocked. Growing up roman catholic, I was very sad for those children because of the hipocracy and abuse
..and thats jsut the START of it
Right wing "Christians" are always wrong, always.
She literally said "be a decent human" and he lost his shit.
Prophets of all religions teach this concept above all.
That's EXACTLY what's wrong here
.. get a mirror 🪞
It is the duty of every Christian to protect every vulnerable person, even if they have a lighter or darker skin than you.!
Christians are obligated to do this!
Including if it is going to be the ultimate sacrifice.!
My mother never cussed, never talked bad about anyone, never gossiped, can't remember her ever getting mad, never hated anyone, would help anyone who needed it, kept her beliefs to herself and...
Mars is far and Elon will be there
Best to support the truth, no matter who speaks it.
Several of her early statements were in support of Israel. I can't respect it.
But she hasn't.
It's too dangerous to her PMC lifestyle
Took me about 2 minutes to figure it out that they were trying to provide cover for themselves for what they were about to do.
I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed, too.
I would say she’s more hung than most of the #maga incels who rage against her.
Tbh I was surprised how quietly she moved considering what must be a massive pair of brass balls.
Did I mention I'm a former Christian evangelist?
Yeahhhh... My story is vast.
Which is why I keep trying to warn our side not to hate them, but instead realize that they're our misguided and soul-sick neighbors, and keep their behavior in check with resistance and education.
They are terrible people, who claim Christ, & pursue power & wealth. This has been a problem in Christianity for 2000yrs
But can we discuss this notion about acting like a decent, caring empathic human has anything to do with religion. Not saying this pertains to you but I'm tired of religion and all the evil that comes if it.
My point is we just need good people to stand up now and not use faith on either side to justify acting humanely.
Religion can be a double sided coin.
You heard him, party people. 🎉
How far Christians have fallen 🙃
Whereas today's Republicans make their god in their image, and don't accept Jesus' teachings anymore
Jesus was a rebel who spoke up for the poor and the sick, he spoke truth to power
Powerful people don't like the teachings of Jesus. They want people to believe in & fear God & figures of authority. They want FOLLOWERS, not pursuers of truth & justice
They dont DO for the SAKE of doing, they DO everything with expectation of a divine reward later.
for you have received your comfort
.. Jesus in Luke 6
Song by New Model Army
BTW… Trump did NOT put his hand in the Bible when he was sworn in.
Just sayin…
-Mahatma Gandhi
Mega churches, prosperity gospel, nationalism etc
Jesus himself couldn't right this ship if he was here. They refuse to understand the concept of mercy that he himself taught. Shame
Protestant countries persecuted "heretics" too. They just didn't always agree on who the heretics were
Protestant countries were actually *worse* w/ the witch-hunting than Catholic countries.
Don't butcher history in pursuit of fantasy.