She’s nothing more than a no-talent, ride-hitching MAGA-boosted, media whore. I’m being kind. The convicted felon’s time in power has brought out more of these monsters than the egg farms in Alien movies.
=] you could try... but you will get fucked up and it will cost a lot of lives, not that trump cares because hes a fucking coward but all these people need some jail time
Self centered Evil.
Advocating invading and taking another country by force is horrible.
This is the true danger of stupidity.
Now we have an entire administration of genuine idiots controlling the most powerful military in the world and as we can see, this has already become dangerously stupid.
I hate to break it to ya, but the US taught Hitler far more than he taught the US. I highly recommend Rachel Maddow's book Prequel if you'd like to start learning more.
Wow, she is openly stating policy going forward in MAGA world, just not how Russia is the real beneficiary of this policy.
Who is actually having trouble passing through Panama Canal? Where is a huge NATO surveillance base? Who will control the expanding passage in the north due to climate change?
She is definitely someone that has not served in the military as she would know that you have to win people’s hearts and minds first and foremost, she’s a little Atilla, the Hun, thinking that United States can take everything in this hemisphere.
Europe did stop investing in defence after ww2. Forcing it to start again could backfire massively on the u.s. in the medium to long term . Also remember the u.s. only gained that global superiority because Europe's best minds were there as a safe place to do their work, it wasn't home grown.
WTF ... We are Americans, not Nazi Germany! Just because your neighbor owns a better swimming pool than you, you don't have the right to invade his back yard, steal his deed, or walk off with the lawn chairs.
Not from experience, that's for sure. In 2003 people like this were saying it was a foregone conclusion that we'd conquer Irag in a week or two with very low casualties, and were already gloating about how all that oil was ours, gas would be cheap, and the NATO countries were going to be SO sorry!
Of course, the smug cheerleaders like Bill Kristol were thinking of the 1991 Gulf war, which was over in a few days. But we never actually invaded Iraq that time, only drove their troops out of Kuwait. The aftermath for the Kurds and Shi'a who sided with us was -- not good.
Do you think revolting morons like her have room in their head to wonder what their life is going to be like if the rest of the world draws a line under the us and ceases trading with them because of sanctions etc?
The Pallisades took a loooooooong time to build, and yet it took ONE fire just ONE day to reduce it to smitherines. This is a metaphor for America. Building, hard; destruction, easy. MAGA's the best investment Russia ever made, and America is a thing of the past. Unreal that the demise came so fast.
No wonder we are the most hated peoples on this planet right now. We are hated in the Middle East and SE Asian countries. Now all European countries can’t stand us.
I had to research who she is. First thought it a spoof. Realize now she is just an evil, self-centered, delusional, inhumane person who should be ashamed of spreading this nonsense.
It’s becoming a narcissist/sociopath/psychopath vs non narc/soc/psych world. They’ve been made to feel free they don’t have to try to hide their true selves anymore, letting us know truly how many there are. Be careful tho, the coverts are still hiding and sowing seeds of mistrust on our side.
This is the 4D version of “Pick Me” which uses bellicosity and machisma to signal to their version of an “Alpha Male” what an excellent helpmate they’d make. To become one, you must have no sense of individual worth — your worth comes from those to whom you appeal.
I assume it is a rhetorical question, but I think that in large part Trump and the internet revealed a large portion of the American Right, rather than creating it. And in the internet attention economy, saying stuff like this leads to monetization more than to ostracization.
I think it’s very telling that the principal concern lies in ‘powering American businesses’.
The rest is absolutely rubbish, of course, but the whole protect is about feeding corporate appetites rather than caring for the common folk. Fucking wild they think this isn’t insane.
Complicated concepts like ‘people won’t trade with us if we become war mongering lunatics’ haven’t bled through the bullshit aura yet.
And also, this weird notion that the military will happily go to war with people we’ve been good allies with for decades is certainly…an interesting fantasy.
That whole “Greenland is for sale” trope is a Russian psy-op that started in 2019. The maga fell for it hook, line and sinker, and they continue to spread the disinformation. Russian tools.
To be fair, they're just following instructions from that Russian guy though. One fine day, it will be revealed how much these traitors betrayed America for Russian rubbles.
It’s so frustrating though-my sister has fallen for the propaganda and thinks I’m evil-we’ve stopped speaking. That Russian guy has been on a decades long quest to sow discord by dividing us and he’s been successful, sadly. I hope someday the fever will break and maga will see reality, but doubtful.
It really is. What's scary is how they just cannot see that they will be among the throngs being washed into the sea when Putin's goals are fully realized. America truly is a disappointment.
People laugh at Trump and brush off his stupid comments as trolling but the concern is the influence he has in whipping up support for these outrageous ideas.
lol! Sounds like an Alt-right or Qanon nunchuck that read The Turner Diaries sitting on the commode one too many times. Forgive her. She hit all the anal retentive check marks!
I don't know but IMO by the end of Trump's 2nd term, the USA will be the most hated country in the world & the strong western alliances will be focused on protection from us, not current enemies.
I’m slowly removing my presence from that hellscape but, I’d bet in her bio she lists herself as a “Christian”, it seems so many that refer to themselves as Christians spout the least Christian values.
FTR no, I don’t consider myself one, but I do remember my schooling.
World History, colonizers, imperialist, slavers, the practice has never stopped its just verbalized by arrogant people who either don't know History or don't care.
Good question. It's not like we can't just buy those things from Greenland. Someone should tell them by buying instead of owning, we're outsourcing the resource grab and letting foreigners do all the work. They love outsourcing jobs.
Wikipedia says Delaware/methodist-evangelical-Russian Orthodox (religious journey), a meth and heroine phase and a stint in a religion based “rehab” camp. I’ve had family that went to religious rehab camp and did meth and my guess is that those were foundational experiences.
The exact same wording you hear out of Putin representatives on Russian TV. Also, why do the right act like Europe isn’t a continent full of nuclear powers?
Normally, I make long posts and replies that can drift off topic based on the content and where my mind is at the time. Other than the first part of this reply all I can say is...
She doesn’t have a clue that “we” does not include more than half the American people. There will be massive resistance to their idiotic administration is they even try. It won’t be easy to attempt to take over foreign countries and fight a civil war.
Thought we left Twitter en masse to get away from all this. Is there any benefit to sharing this here, now? What are you hoping to achieve with this post?
Fucking twat is thinking someone else is going to do the “war thing” for her stupid fucking idea. That someone used to be me. I’m out of that business now. Today I’d be inclined to shoot war mongers first.
South Korea is the largest consumer of video games and they don’t have MAGA, mass murders and this level of assholery. It’s the same with other countries that consume as much gaming as here. There citizens have not lost their moral compass.
Lauren knows the USA needs to make the transition to a hydrocarbon free future, deep down. Yes, she's no Greta, but she's really saying,"Let's Make America Green Again". In her narrow minded ignorant way. God love her.
"a former drug user arrested in 2017 for possession of meth and heroin, driving under the influence, and resisting arrest ... reformed through a Pentecostal faith-based recovery program for which she became program director. Converted from evangelical to Russian Orthodox..." wikipedia
Just be the bully on the school playground everyone is telling their kids NOT to be. Great example would it make to the countries of the world, only for them to turn their backs to the US.
We need more diversity.
We can bring war to anywhere because we’re the Mastercard?
Advocating invading and taking another country by force is horrible.
This is the true danger of stupidity.
Now we have an entire administration of genuine idiots controlling the most powerful military in the world and as we can see, this has already become dangerously stupid.
I have been told in more than one country that Americans can be identified within seconds when they/you enter a restaurant or shop.
I‘m told it’s an attitude that shows in body language.
1100 S Ocean Blvd, Palm Beach, FL 33480
Who is actually having trouble passing through Panama Canal? Where is a huge NATO surveillance base? Who will control the expanding passage in the north due to climate change?
This is NOT a moral compass policy.
I was there. We were not.
Now their hearts are beating so fast they need to take beta blockers.....
The rest is absolutely rubbish, of course, but the whole protect is about feeding corporate appetites rather than caring for the common folk. Fucking wild they think this isn’t insane.
Goddamnit, I really hope they add an edit button ASAP because that’s gonna drive me nuts.
And also, this weird notion that the military will happily go to war with people we’ve been good allies with for decades is certainly…an interesting fantasy.
#US #Republican #FarRight #QAnon
She’s delusional and needs to seek professional help immediately. 👍
FTR no, I don’t consider myself one, but I do remember my schooling.
She's going full on Hitler.
Hey! At least this time, we didn’t run the witch.
Wtf is wrong with these people?!?