You have to laugh at petitions like this.... well, laugh or despair at the futility of fandom, humanity, existence etc etc.
Reposted from
Andrew Hsieh
WTF is this garbage anti #DoctorWho petition? 🤣
Honestly, there are some Garth Marenghi premises that hold together better than some Doctor Who.
I really do hang my head in shame at this world on a horribly regular basis.
The twerp who wrote that is from another group entirely: dull, humourless, unimaginative and always angry.
Absolute shower
Plus, you created nothing shelli, nothing.
“We need to go back to the dark storytelling, get rid of the humour…” it’s like season 18 all over again! 🫠
To be fair though, that sums that particular sect of "fans" perfectly
Demons of the Punjab
Can You Hear Me?
Dot and Bubble...
I love that we’re at Day of Action levels without the show having gone off air.
I doubt he had anything to do with writing this.
I take great pleasure in not signing.