Reskeet with how old you are, using a vague proxy:
I still buy songs on the iTunes Store
I still buy songs on the iTunes Store
In fact, most of my purchases are for (*creaking old limbs*) whole albums!
I have an old laptop that has a way older OS so I still have the old store and can ignore the new Spotify-ish way of things there.
Haven’t thought about that in years! 😳
Life was much slower back then.
I do have several hundred 45s, which I've not listened to in over 30 years, in storage at my mom's. But no desire to rip: I assume there are better rips than I can ever make on youtube.
I rewind my tapes with a pencil when required
My last big CD-R project was 48 discs long.
Used to sell the TEACs ‘in the days
Of course, I also had a Walkman. 😁