The beauty of convincing executives that Among Us is radicalising people is that they’re going to suspect every future meeting contains at least two secret assassins
Crap I can't add alt text after the fact. So alt text: The main picture is of a beautiful japanese geisha, holding a parasol overhead. Photoshopped onto her face is the meme face of the "WAT Grandma". In text near the bottom it says: konichiwat.
Ooo... now see, I didn't know that this was a known meme, I'm gonna go check that out myself. And yeah... I wish we could edit, but from what some folks have said, the programming would be pretty difficult.
Let me see if I understand this comment correctly... You're saying that... You have hookers that are dressed up as bigfoot and you're putting them in cages as some sort of foreplay? Sounds fun. LMAO
Idk what you’re on ab Most people ik that are gamers most certainly did not, in fact, vote for the Cheeto
You know who did? All the rednecks and racists. The “thou shall fear god” assholes. The women who continue to put themselves down bc “the Bible tells them where they should be” type shit
Grow up
I've found the in game trolls with trump supporting usernames/tags to be in the minority. Not to mention a lot of people I would think identify as gamers would be left-leaning, rather than a troll who plays games. If that makes sense.
I mentioned China because I've played w/people from China and we've had indepth talks about this topic. Sure, Japan, Korea, and a ton of other countries could be mentioned. I also play with a Korean who now lives in Canada and US gun culture is shocking to him.
I totally get that, I was trying to point out to the other commenter above myself that the example country could be changed if they needed help seeing glaring differences. I feel like Japan is fairly well known for having low crime despite accepting graphic imagery. Negates the cause-effect argument
Well. They probably won't as long as they stay even falsely polite, but I can't help but think it wouldn't take much to make them crack. I just can't believe how incredibly VILE some of them are... and how incredibly outraged they act when they get what they deserve.
Well, some haven’t been polite. And the ones that have, I’ve been reporting. I suggest you do the same(make sure to put “other” and tell Bluesky to ban the user). Hopefully that’ll work. Like, they won. You think they’d be happy that X is all theirs now and that they won the election……Weird, huh?
Hah. I have a blocklist a mile long and subscribe to several others. Damn straight I do those things. And a lovely Elec-TROLL-ux vacuum I whip out when they appear. And a large supply of dirtbags. ::smirks::
Two wrongs don't make a right? Time things change. I love my NHS. It's not perfect but. My brother and grandmother survived cancer without the worry of cost.
The important thing is they blame anything other than the real reason. That's what matters. Can't let reality into the narrative because then they'd have to talk about the real problems that led us to this place.
I can’t understand these new fangled lyrics! It must be satanic!
“Have you tried to listen to any orrrr…?”
No I just assumed well before ever hearing anything that I don’t already listen to.
“Fucking seriously. 😐”
Have they checked the stats on how many of us have played Among Us? Do you know what would happen if that game turned people into CEO killers? This place would be a fucking UTOPIA by now!
They throw all the spaghetti on the wall for the distraction that sticks, anything other than the real problems - like corpos and wealthy individuals controlling too much and consumers forced into undesirable contracts with them for necessary services and goods and being screwed for profit.
It gets dumber. They said NASA is run by Nazis and invented flamethrowers, they couldn't use internet links or the dictionary, and they said Billy the Kid was a goat.
I saw something about this one the news in passing. There was a memo found or an email (something like that) that basically told the troll farm to just throw anything no matter how absurd and see what gets traction then ride that... I'm not surprised by what you've listed. 🙄
I don’t condone murder for revenge or because you disagree with them. If we all did that then we may as well go back to the 1800s Wild West. Your vote is more powerful than a gun. Vote out politicians who are supported by the insurance scammers. Then we will have the power back.
"I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot somebody, and I wouldn't lose any voters, OK? It's, like, incredible." - the convicted felon and adjudicated rapist in chief
OMD, we laughed so hard at that. Who knew we'd been training as stealth killers the whole time? We just thought we were having a laugh with our friends. Cannot wait for co-op Monopoly to turn me into a 1%er, should be any day now.
Please refer to knowyourmeme for 'wat grandma'.
Philly wouldn't have turned him though.
Before he got a bus to Pittsburgh
‘Tbf we have lured every animal besides Bigfoot into some sort of cage.’
You know who did? All the rednecks and racists. The “thou shall fear god” assholes. The women who continue to put themselves down bc “the Bible tells them where they should be” type shit
Grow up
So many people were fed so much misinformation & lies that it just made it seem like he'd help
They did no research or looked at the track record
That or they're racists/sexist
Correction -only racist/sexist/liars deserve Trump
Putting all your energy into us non-Trump voters vs them Trump voters will take away from pushing back at the real enemy
Trump and his cronies
Fight the lies, misinformation, and hate
We need to be "we the people" as a whole to fight back
his whole discography is worth a watch/listen. 💝
Unfortunately the culture in the US breeds the violence and toxicity we see on a regular basis.
my daughter read me that particular gem yesterday evening, and we laughed ao hard...
Comedy becomes tragedy becomes comedy
“Have you tried to listen to any orrrr…?”
No I just assumed well before ever hearing anything that I don’t already listen to.
“Fucking seriously. 😐”
“It’s these darn violent video games” - 🤡
Sorry, too soon?
I've known smarter fourth graders
What next, the McDonald's he was eating at still had a video game kiosk in the abandoned play place? Come the frick on.
I know of no reason the CEO’s treason should ever be forgot.
C'mon now, most guys played Mortal Kombat but still can't finish her
(But actually you’re right, even if you’re sus)