If you’re going to mourn, mourn for the parents bankrupted trying to save their children. Mourn for the cancer patients who died because their treatment was “too expensive.”
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It doesn't have to be cancer. It can be something like insulin, something that the rest of the world manages to provide, but not us. Insulin (or lack of access to insulin) is killing people.
"This path you have chosen and spilled the blood of the innocent for your power. I pity your folly, but still more I pity those slain in pursuit of avaricious goals."
- Calling 8:20
One might ask - how do they sleep?? No conscious? No soul?? It is chilling how one could separate good vs bad- right vs wrong. I guess if you truly do not get it- you just don’t- broken society-
When school kids face the threat of mass murder, I feel it’s fine for executives and CEOs to enjoy the same threat. There is absolutely nothing wrong with the wealthiest being as physically secure as children.
Fuck mourning. A lot more ppl, especially rich, powerful, influential ppl have to die before We, The People, of this dying planet can reach utopia
We won't escape suffering until we make them suffer, and to do that, just put someone like me in a room with them, 1 of them, all of them, same result. 💀
We don't need to make them suffer as much as we need to tax the shit out of them and strictly regulate their industries. This is how countries that actually care for their vulnerable citizens do it.
Fuck taxes, they'll try to use whatever loophole they want to escape accountability.
You know what doesn't escape?
The bullet from their brainstem.
Want to take care of the citizens? Destroy Citizens United, the corpos, and every greedy executive who doesn't pay their fair share
Or, make them bleed
That's part of what I mean tho. Good government wouldn't allow the loopholes. Shooting them is cool too, as long as their heirs are sufficiently taxed so as to pay their fair share.
Oh, We, The People, won't stop at the CEOs, their families, their servants, their followers, and their enablers get it too...
It's like a whole party for the entire upper echelon of society! Think of it like The Dark Knight, where Scarecrow got to have those court sessions where no one won anything
It's funny.. The murder of one man with a gun gets some people's panties in a twist, while they ignore the thousands of agonizing deaths caused by cold business pen strokes.
An accountant could have been murdered right there and there wouldn't have been a million dollar investigation.* The file would languish in a pile of other murder files.
*Unless the victim was white, pretty and blonde and it was a slow news day.
Idk…maybe CEO’s should be afraid. They’ve gotten away with screwing the middle class for like ever. I’m not a violent person but when is enough enough? *sad sigh*
Yes in agreement with all of this but I suggest that we also mourn for all the children who were gunned down for sitting in their class rooms as well. There are lots of people to mourn for. People who are just living there lives.
Maybe we should mourn because humans do not know how to sit down and just have a decent conversation.
No matter what the argument murder is, never the answer.
When do we stop electing reps who pass legislation that allows manslaughter for profit. The industry didn't do this alone. ERISA is the Act that protects this blood for money mob.
My daughter has hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM)
She was on her second defibrillator at the age of 39. She almost died before the insurance allowed the first one. It was a fight for the second one,but she got it because the heart surgeon spoke up with dark facts. Thank God for this gifted man.
My eldest son was diagnosed with leukemia at age 3; went through 5 years of chemo. My inability to work and the inadequate insurance my husband's job provided left us in bankruptcy. My son survived, ❤️ that was the most important part. But damaged us financially for years.
We’ve normalized the freaking robbery of the middle class and working people for forty fucking years. It only gets worse every year. Republicans are the worst with milquetoast democrats following ten steps behind their wealthy masters. Nobody in power wants to give up money, power or privilege.
Shen Bapiro can kiss my shiny ass. If he had to scrape by on $45k and pay for expensive healthcare because the insurance he pays for won’t cover meds or treatment, he’d be singing a different tune. He can get bent.
My thoughts and prayers are with the family of the Slain CEO. Now that I have expressed the same outrage that they give any school shooting, corporate greed over healthcare is unacceptable
I’m not for murder but I’m not going to shred a tear for any CEO. Personally I think it’s their own greediness that made them a target. The average person struggles while the filthy rich just get richer
Cancer survivor here (pancreatic neuroendocrine tumor). But probably won’t live much longer, because after my surgery I was supposed to get monthly injections for 2 years… at a cost of $20,000 per injection! And my health insurance at the time was garbage, so I opted out.
My cousin is a pediatric nurse. In the cancer ward. She becomes part of the family. It takes a great person to do that. Knowing that when it's all over the family will be financially destroyed is a pain that should not be piled on.
I have zero empathy for healthcare insurance. They should rename it, "SickCare".
Meanwhile, millions are struggling. Families work 2-3 jobs to keep up endless bills; mortgage payments, sick veterans on the streets, homelessness increasing, etc. Inevitablely, they end up committing suicide.
None of it justifies murder! It's disheartening to see what is basically hero worship going on. Yes, insurance companies are in it primarily for profit. Yes, bad decisions are made. But, again, it does not justify murder!
Insurance co. kill 1000s every day.
Its not a far stretch to call the killing of a single CEO an act of preservation for the millions more that will faithfully pay their exorbitant premiums only to be denied care because the shareholders need their dividends and the CSuite needs it's bonus cheques.
"Bad decisions" implies they make mistakes. It's not a mistake, it's cold-blooded profiteering. It's not an aberration, it's literally how they were described prior to the HMO Act. "All the incentives are toward less medical care, because the less care they give them, the more money they make."
I know that they are not mistakes. That care is deliberately withheld. I know that people die because of that. I'm NOT excusing the companies. That said, cold blooded, premeditated murder is wrong.
Those were the words spoken to Nixon by his top advisor. Nixon's reply was "Fine. Not bad." The crook saw fellow criminals and approved of their business.
Is it, though? Morally bankrupt, I mean? How morally bankrupt must you be to condemn thousands of people to death , for a service you were supposed to provide for them, that THEY pay for, because YOU don’t want to spend? THAT is sick!
They better be scared. They have stolen everything from people at their wits end in a country full of weapons and the ability to just print a youdamned weapon is pretty fn stupid. Keep taking and see where it goes. Trump better keep his promises that people voted for if he knows what's good for him.
Just about. Still need something like a nail to hit the primer, and a rubber band for the hammer. It would not last due to heat; better to use barrel liner or a real barrel.
Mourn for the terminal that get denied housing because their credit is so bad from the medical bills. Watched that happen in front of my eyes when I was a case worker for a DV shelter.
Even if it were illegal, they’d never enforce it. I have 2 kids. DV and SA, the DA did not press charges in spite of massive evidence. They never even interviewed him. He doesn’t pay a penny either. I literally have no clue what I’m going to do. I’ve called EVERYWHERE.
😭😭 I can absolutely say working at a DV shelter was the most ive ever cried at a job. Please make sure everyone is following VAWA ( violence against women act ) because if you're a victim you have that protection and DESERVE support.
I tried. I’ve all but given up. All I can do now is cry and hope for a miracle to stay in our home. I mean, I’ve called like every single organization locally. Waiting for a call back from the county but even that is a nightmare We tell women to leave, but then what? Then what?
Hi, I’m interested in affordable housing issues. Can you tell me where you are from and what the statistics are around 65+ demographic increasing? Thank you!
Hello ! I lived in the state ND when I worked at the shelter. I got my information from with homeless coalition meetings that I was required to attend n I've seen the shelter have 1 or 2 65+ and toward the end of my time ( almost 2 years) there it was 6+ and many more calling to get it.
Only thing I worry about is that violence, once unleashed, has a very real habit of turning (Robespierre got led to the guillotine after all) so my worry is that it'll have very unwanted spinoffs.
Is it morally sick when soldiers kill for a cause? What about cops, on the rare occurrence when they kill someone to protect innocents? It would be nice to live in a world of absolutes. We don't live there.
Your Whatabout... it's bs. We are a morally sick country that was founded on the exploitation of indigenous peoples, the kidnapping and oppression of black people all for the sake of profit... it's polluted and rotten from foundation. And if you want to whatabout its the entire colonized world.
I do not condone violence of any kind. That said, would we be having the conversation about private health insurance ripping us off without this horrid event?
I look forward to the day that we address problems in our country without violence being involved.
Most people vote based on how a politician will benefit them personally. If that means disadvantaging others, it is not considered. If they perceive a policy to be irrelevant to their own agenda, they consider it "liberal." To win we need to acknowledge that aspect of human nature.
We are a morally sick country. When your children start killing each other indiscriminately in the schoolroom out of frustration and it becomes an accepted part of your culture for 3 decades it’s not surprising that people cheer when someone finally points the gun at one of the people
Who are actually part of the problem. It needs to happen much more often too. Am I morally sick for wanting to see these people get murdered? Probably. But they caused the sickness. Now it’s time for them to reap what they’ve sown.
Exactly and people can only be pushed so far. It’s disgraceful that money is more important to companies than people. This next administration will be responsible for much damage which will take a very long time to repair. If we ever can.
The exploding pay of CEOs and especially those in healthcare is not sustainable as an equitable compensation package compared to the benefits, they bring to society.
You know how much they really care when they make their post.. for example Elon ending his upset rant about everyone supporting the shooter with his “hashtag doge!” Bullcrap. Sorry, but if you’re ending it with that, you clearly didn’t give a damn about that CEO either.
I'm not "celebrating the killing, but giving it the same consideration that conservatives have for medical staff who are murdered by "pro-life" fanatics...
Fun fact: it's SUPER easy to live a life where millions of people won't cheer at your untimely demise. You actually have to TRY to make that many people wish they were within pissing distance of your grave.
Revolutions don’t start in a day. They keep bubbling up like this. I hope government forces all healthcare to be operating like non profit. All executive pay capped. Bring focus back to patient care first.
My friends husband has been in hospice care for 11 years due to dementia. 11 YEARS!!! He's otherwise a healthy 68 year old. They have nothing left. Hospice is too expensive.
I will mourn for those two poor caterpillars that are sacrificed to the devil each day, forced to serve as Ben Shapiro's eyebrows for 24 hours... its a true horror story
CEOs are afraid, the bullshit thing about it is that the CEOs are afraid, but instead of paying for their own security, I can almost guarantee they are going to find ways for us to pay the bill for it, by demanding a tax break for executive security or they just make us pay more
Can tell u 1st hand about a guy with a $19,000 deductible & a single infusion treatment costing $35,000 so immediate $19,000 due in 1 year.
Even car salesman would give you 6 years. Our system is absurd.
Biological meds cost my family zero. "But your taxes in Canada" this person pays less in annual tax than the cost of two infusions and can afford to stay home in a bad flare.
Do you know who else agrees with Bill Burr? Ben Shapiro's audience. He's getting a lot of comments along the lines of "I'm a righty and I think this was good."
Who thought it was a good idea to make money by blocking access to healthcare?
Because it seems to me that’s really bad idea.
But I’m from the UK where we have free healthcare.
Like most other countries in the world.
My only wish is that other celebrities (like Stephen Colbert) who keep using their position to put more shame on Luigi than the MASS MURDERER start to feel terrified too. His jokes about CBS giving him treatments to stay young hit REAL different seeing him defend Brian Thompson.
I’m truly scared for the billionaires in this country. When given the opportunity to do good or evil they chose the latter and it seems the little people are finally recognizing their power. I, for one, am not afraid to cheer them on from the sidelines.
Didn’t the CEO of UHG say they were holding the line on unnecessary care AFTER their healthcare CEO was taken out? They watched that man hunted on video and kept it pushing. Sympathy and compassion are out of network.
Let’s remember corporate greed has the blessing of our US Congress who after receiving millions in political contributions wrote cruel laws to enable billions in profits.
Unregulated capitalism killed democracy. Citizens United is healthy, the rest of us are dying penniless.
As a nurse who has told too many patients "I'm sorry........" in my career and watch the aftermath, fuck everything about insurance companies. Fuck every greedy asshole that ruins people's lives like this while they're out buying their third yacht. I'm sorry it's come to this, but it's come to this.
You are WAY off track. Mourning need not be limited to one pov or another. I mourn voter apathy that allowed the gutting of the AHCA letting slip shot carriers sell bad policies across state lines and not supporting people like E. Warren who led an effort to end a pharmaceutical co to set rates.
So now they want to talk about morals? Where was this discussion when a felon lied, cheated, and bullied his way back Into the presidency....not to mention all the immoral unqualified nominees that are about to run our country. I am so sick of morals being a convenience where we pick and choose.
Yes, they should be. But what about politicians who Ben talks shit about, and now they get death threats? How much is too much money? 14 or 20 billion is an obscene amount of money on the backs of cheating people out of their healthcare.
Dear God, what has become of humanity? Who are the people working for these insurance companies declining families of the money required to save their loved ones? You must be so heartbroken to see so many claiming to be Christians! Don’t bother sending any more of your children here to save us! 💔
- Calling 8:20
Also, it is NOT ok for the right to politicize this so soon after. We are in mourning….
I mean, if the above is good enough for school kids, I think wealthy CEOs deserve the same.
Why are people surprised that the rebels are celebrated?
The “Aristocracy “
Sorta lost their heads over it…
Luigi’s motto:
Scopa e scoprilo
We won't escape suffering until we make them suffer, and to do that, just put someone like me in a room with them, 1 of them, all of them, same result. 💀
You know what doesn't escape?
The bullet from their brainstem.
Want to take care of the citizens? Destroy Citizens United, the corpos, and every greedy executive who doesn't pay their fair share
Or, make them bleed
It's like a whole party for the entire upper echelon of society! Think of it like The Dark Knight, where Scarecrow got to have those court sessions where no one won anything
*Unless the victim was white, pretty and blonde and it was a slow news day.
No matter what the argument murder is, never the answer.
That would work just as well as convincing 47 and his Project 2025 cronies not to screw over a bunch of Americans to suit their own prejudice.
She was on her second defibrillator at the age of 39. She almost died before the insurance allowed the first one. It was a fight for the second one,but she got it because the heart surgeon spoke up with dark facts. Thank God for this gifted man.
They can be programmed with a range of income brackets and will be let loose, governed only by AI
Mourn and then fix whatever problem caused it
Meanwhile, millions are struggling. Families work 2-3 jobs to keep up endless bills; mortgage payments, sick veterans on the streets, homelessness increasing, etc. Inevitablely, they end up committing suicide.
Because they don’t.
Its not a far stretch to call the killing of a single CEO an act of preservation for the millions more that will faithfully pay their exorbitant premiums only to be denied care because the shareholders need their dividends and the CSuite needs it's bonus cheques.
Change only happens when people get sick and tired of being sick and tired.
These people can't be reasoned with. If they were reasonable they would change the way they do business.
If you dumb asses can’t figure out that every life matters, there can be no solidarity.
How can I trust you won’t just kill me?
This is like 2nd grade ethics and y’all failed.
Because it’s fucking wrong to murder others by direct or indirect action.
Same reason we wore masks.
Same reason we wash our hands.
I look forward to the day that we address problems in our country without violence being involved.
Way scarier than one handsome Italian who killed a rich asshole.
I’d hate to see what happens with thousands of veterans that finally got pissed off at the right people.
Good. It’ll be entertaining.
He'll is scary! 😵
Monsters eat your flesh while you are alive and screaming .
They will feel every bite 👿
Even car salesman would give you 6 years. Our system is absurd.
Because it seems to me that’s really bad idea.
But I’m from the UK where we have free healthcare.
Like most other countries in the world.
Repugnant filth.
Unregulated capitalism killed democracy. Citizens United is healthy, the rest of us are dying penniless.
They are death panels that produce obscene profit.