God you see things so clearly..
And you’re good at math!🤭😉
You’re my kind of god, btw. Just listened to your latest and last of the year recording with Jesus, sooogoood!
They do this in backward countries periodically because of fear, ie people fear the vaccine causes infertility or sterility. Who'd believe Americans would be so dumb when faced with lifelong crippling or death or an iron lung?
I think it’s just a way for pharmaceutical companies to make money off of the vaccine. It was mandatory now it’ll be an elective. We are run by big pharma.
I've been saying this for years. Ever since this whole anti-vax Mania hit especially during covid. You just wait the polio trains going to come rolling through. And it's going to hit a lot more people than we think. Better start making iron lungs now
Big Guy, if they was to bring back diseases, then bring back Smoking on Airlines, bring back Lawn Darts, bring back Chi-Chi's,
and finally...
It's worse. They want to get rid of the vaccine that was given away by is creator for free. They'll let a huge number of people die, then introduce their "new" vaccine that will be 99.9% the same, but will cost a huge amount of money. They create a problem so they can profit from the solution
God, this is magical thinking.
With children, they grow out of it.
The people proposing an end to
vaccinations aren’t children.
They don’t understand that
stopping vaccines doesn’t just
result in something they don’t
like going away. And they’re
not going to grow out of
this way of thinking.
This might be disastrous.
Magas are so dumb they have learnt nothing from history and because of some stupid conspiracies, their innocent kids will have to pay the price.
Innocent people will pay for their stupidity.
This should be considered murder.
It’s why they want to get rid of birth control & abortion they want as many children as possible because they know the mortality ratio is about to go up
I remember the Iron Lungs, just in pictures, poor RFK Jr. needs to be locked into one for awhile. Creepy and a horrible little man he's a good fit for Trump.
What about the poor iron lung manufacturers? For years their profits have sunk since the polio vaccine was introduced, making them practically obsolete. Don’t their profits matter?
To align with reality is to align with evidence. History is clear: the eradication of polio was an achievement of reason. Reversing that is not freedom—it’s regression.
Polio cases will rise exponentially (I know, a math term). After being down to a few cases in Pakistan & Afghanistan a few years ago, numbers have risen alarmingly due to war in that region. Vaccines are vital. Polio WILL come back, with a vengeance.
In suffering desperate people look for an enemy to blame. They are priming the population for war. Sickness and and starvation along with Twitters Nazis whispering in everyones ear. State controlled media with a steady drum beat of fear and hatred. It's Musk's plan to depopulate the planet.
Trump wants Americans to get sick, and die. 300+ million people, are too difficult to control. I know this sounds morbid, but consider who will be at the helm.
They want to crash a booming economy, rip apart our government, get rid of vaccines. It would be so easy for them to roll with what's there, just be lazy and claim any success as theirs. Instead they are repeating Trump's history of having everything handed to him, and destroying it
Hard to find a better expression of the Republican mind than this. In a just world he’d be hooted out of town—if not burned at the stake—for seeking such harm on the country’s citizens.
Perhaps the most effective form of biological warfare our adversaries could anonymously perpetrate against the USA would be to amplify disinformation to persuade us to deliberately lower our defenses against vaccine-preventable diseases.
On the one hand, GOP want to force birth on women by abortion bans and restricting birth control because they need low wage workers (slaves), and on the other, they want to maim and kill healthy people by bringing back easily preventable diseases.
I recently got a booster shot for the flu and for COVID. Little did I know that I should have checked if the booster shots for polio, chicken pox, rubella, whooping cough and quite possibly the plague where available?
It's already happening with measles, whooping cough, and other dangerous childhood diseases for which vaccination rates are plummeting and outbreaks are rising at an alarming rate. Get the facts and the playbook to protect yourself and your family from anti-vax 💩. Use it, share it, DO IT:
My dad was taken off the 30 yard line in a high school football game. He couldn’t move. Polio diagnosis. He survived and flourished. Fast forward 55 years, Covid took his life. HOW are we arguing the validity of vaccines???
And you’re good at math!🤭😉
You’re my kind of god, btw. Just listened to your latest and last of the year recording with Jesus, sooogoood!
and finally...
They'll go after the disabled & the old folks first. What Peter Thiel/JDVance call
Failed People.
With children, they grow out of it.
The people proposing an end to
vaccinations aren’t children.
They don’t understand that
stopping vaccines doesn’t just
result in something they don’t
like going away. And they’re
not going to grow out of
this way of thinking.
What do they want ?
Magas are so dumb they have learnt nothing from history and because of some stupid conspiracies, their innocent kids will have to pay the price.
Innocent people will pay for their stupidity.
This should be considered murder.
Last week i got my Polio booster because of Trump/RFK jr
If there happens to be an outbreak there will be a mad rush for vaccines and possible shortages. I simply chose to beat all that by getting mine.
Maybe you should too?
My PSA for the day~
[grumbling] “…cast the first stone…yadda yadda yadda…”
It’s all your fault.
This country is getting dumber by the day.
Math is hard! (for the willfully ignorant)
Trump and RFK Jr want to make Polio Great Again
They want to kill poor people.
The rich will continue to get their polio vaccines.
It’s the new small pox!
"The Iron Lung"
So crazy that what people vote for these days.
‼️NB: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/37263873/
You'd almost think it was all part of some weird, roundabout eugenics project!
I can say that I am a cripple. Come at me limpy McGimpyson!