Dear Democrats,
Nothing will change until the progressive left is given the chance to lead your party. The 80+ people must pass the torch. Until that happens, I shall keep not blessing you with the outcome you want—victory.
Nothing will change until the progressive left is given the chance to lead your party. The 80+ people must pass the torch. Until that happens, I shall keep not blessing you with the outcome you want—victory.
Stop mansplaining & start listening to women.
Kamala Harris is one of the most qualified candidates in modern history. She had policies that would have actually helped people. But leftist brats just HAD ratfuck us.
Luckily for us, unlike Hillary, she's NOT retiring. 😏
Care to tell me what her climate change policy was when she still supports fracking.
What about her border policy?
Don't worry, sweetie, I'm not an idiot. I still voted for her over Trump. But she's not the savior you think
100% chance you're a white TERF lmfao
Term limits are easy. Getting voters' asses to the polls & actually voting for their is the tough - and, IMHO, better solution.
Pelosi, Clyburn (especially) and all of the over the hill gang need to retire.
Dementia Don is disqualified.
They can object to the election certification through the #CountAct on the basis Dump is disqualified under AM14 §3 (20% vote needed to reinforce)
2/3 to remove the disqualification, he doesn’t have the support. #14thNOW
What have the Dems got to lose after the 2024 results!!
Too many people believe that the institutions of gov are strong enough to prevent the worst from happening.
The institutions are only as strong as the people who enforce them.
Unfortunately, there has been very little enforcement of the rule of law in the last decade.
Twice? You get nothing forever
An the progressive left should understand this and set goals accordingly
I'm not holding my breath.
Believe me when I say this pains my heart to say but, …
When we have certain people spending $Billions on hate campaigns towards immigrants, then you go to Walmart and have employees blocking the aisles and yelling to each other in Spanish, it gives those certain people an upper hand.
Rich politicians see progress as more of an enemy to their paychecks than regression.
from the DNC:
No. Never. Nuh-Uh. Negatory.
[can’t shake head; it might fall off]
A lot of things have changed in the last 50 years and attitudes need to change with them…
Yeah. No.
Go fuck yourself.
Biden won while openly espousing the following "far left" policy ideas:
- raising the minimum wage
- forgiving student debt
- fighting climate change
He then did 1 out of the 3 of those, then also signed MANY pro-corporate laws and worked with republicans.
And he couldn't get it done because of REPUBLICANS and MODERATE DEMOCRATS, who consistently and predictably sabotaged any and all efforts to enact progressive policies that would help Americans.
The first option wasn't on the ballot, so the second was chosen. It won't work for long.
Purely an observation btw.
Joking aside, they need to get the F out & pass the torch to the younger generation that has actual skin in the game.
Leftists have "plans" not reality on a scale dwarfed only by the Right. Useless rhetoric and helping get Repubs elected, is all they actually accomplish. The last time Dems let the Left control the Party, we got McGovern.
So glad I never believed in you, and get bent.
Over the last 25 years, the Dems have had control for only 3 years, 18 months in 2009 and 24 months in 2021. The other ~22 years EVERY single piece of legislation REQUIRED Republican votes
Biden was fine, but he shouldn't be given anymore credit than that. He made his choices.
They need to stop trying to run things in their old fashioned ways.
Pass the torch to AOC, Raskin, Crockett, Moskowitz, Frost and others.
Time for the old timers to step down.
Please make an exception for Bernie. Also make him Saint Bernie.
This Bernie Sanders?
It was his network, built over decades, that achieved the successful infrastructure package and chips act.
He also put more diversity on the bench than any other president in history.
How about we stop infighting? Notice how it worked with Hakeem in the House vote. More of that.
Yes there are sexists out there convinced “no one will respect us with a woman in charge”, but they’re a minority. There were hundreds of reasons people voted for and against both of them. Pretending it was gender only blinds us to the lesson.
An ancient white male can be progressive, idealistic and positive (Bernie?).
A younger-looking woman can be as regressive and anti-female-rights as anyone (ACB?).
I won’t vote for or against anyone due to sex
OG racists and misogynists just keep aging out, our time will come. Sooner, rather than later
Also, is that the "progressive left" who didn't vote in November & allowed for the opening of Trump Mediterranean in 2026?
Glad that we can discuss kindly on this platform.
Identity politics, scolding billionaires was quite irritating even before October 7th. People should be equal, given a chance, not equalized. Protected. After October 7th with persecution of American Jews it got a reek of hypocrisy too.
Blacks, the hardcore of Dem party, Jews, the workhorses of it, will leave, if progressives are ever near power.
You lost working class, you lost Asians, with your inability to be fair. Don't move it further.
When this country learns how to vote like BW, then and only then will it understand what it means to care for everyone.
We are the only people whose vote is always a vote for everyone.
I'm an atheist for sure now!😉
Donation link👇
Sorry, but that's just so laughably wrong it's not even funny.
The progressive left cannot win an election outside a deep blue district and only by back-stabbing Democrats who actually GET THINGS DONE, unlike them. They helped elect Trump. Do not reward them.
Stop being so damn wrong.
Coalition politics is what the left needs. Folks who are like-minded on enough of the stuff that matters working together, and all of us collaborating with people who are like-me-adjacent rather than just-like-me is the only way forward. Together! ✨
This is why I aim (mostly) to use whatever voice I have to lift up those in the trenches fighting for democracy rather than nitpick.
This Bernie Sanders?
Please help,
I wish someone would tell them.
Hmmmm why would dems don’t want to work with these people?????? Lmao
I say sexism. What do you think?
The National Assoc. for the Advancement of Time is calling...
They are winning more.
But the progressive left has a problem if they think it's establishment and not voters.
So they should progress on race and not just class.
I would never want to rule this stiff necked people
If he had a pair
He'd wipe it
Start over
Make the world bipedal dogs like Bluey
If we're in the image
That's the fucking problem
I push for the liberal faction of the Left; I fund Liberals in primaries against Progressives. I'm sure you mean well; nothing personal.
We were told that if we wanted Trump then we could F off. This happened in multiple states. We were worker bees. Hosts. Poll watchers.
Harris was a good candidate. Her team though. Not so much. What made 2008 work is that that prep work was done. When you say f off to part your core you better have plans to replace bees.
Unless I see dramatic and substantial progress from these folks, i don’t entirely trust them either.
Give new Blood a chance.
Kamala lost bc she was a woman, and a minority, and unfortunately there are still far too many bigots breathing today.
BTW - you know how you’re all so excited about Independents every election? That’s the left. Wake up so you can one day win an election.
Somehow massive protests from her own side of the aisle, in the battleground states,
didn't convince her that she might need to change course.
Revisionist history only helps fascism.
But do you mean “pro Palestinian” cause we don’t condone the mass murder / cleansing of an entire ethnicity?
As it is, Dems have a lot to do get their act together. Especially with attitudes like this one.
The green party is more politically aligned with Eco terrorists than the common leftist.
Guess you don’t know anything about Biden’s 300 years in the US Govt
Progressives are so tied to their belief they are always right they never stop to examine the results of those beliefs.
Which is why they lose.
Aren’t you even in the least bit curious what it would feel like to feel good about a candidate’s platform?
One that is more than “I’m not Trump?”
Keep blaming everyone else for your losses, it was the Bernie bros in '16, instead of the horrible candidate that ignored campaigning in the swing states, while Bernie did for her ffs.
More voters didn't vote than voted for each candidate.
That means starting locally, regionally, state level and working up. Doesn't matter how small: County Council? Progressive up! School Board? Progressive up! Mayor, Gov, Sen, Rep? get them Progressives Up!
Ok, most of them go to hell straightaway.