BREAKING: Trump's billionaire Commerce Secretary says that seniors won't care if they don't get their Social Security checks — and that anyone who does complain is a fraudster.
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You are going to have to organize this protest sooner or almost half of Seniors who get Soc Security will be starving and living on the street since that is their sole income.
Indivisible is a great clearinghouse for protests planned across many groups. But if there isn't a rally planned near you start one. Have it wherever you've protested before, tell your friends, ask them to tell their friends. There's nothing more important than this, SS saves millions of lives.
I hadn't heard that, I'll have to look into it. I think they're mainly an organizing and protesting group versus a PAC giving to candidates but nevertheless you don't have to donate anything to use their website and it is a great resource
You are clearly missing the point. They are comparing funding with a payroll tax vs. general revenue (income, corporate, estate taxes). The exact contribution a person makes to Social Security are their own payroll tax contributions These can be known to the penny. General revenue has no such link.
2/ The Social Security Act makes no provision for borrowing funds, so when the trust funds' reserve funds are exhausted in 2035 or so, the system can only pay out what it receives in payroll taxes. it won't print money or any other MMT magic you think FDR was endorsing.
If they change the law they can completely change everything about it. Higher tax rate. raise the cap. Cut benefits. But that is not what the law states. They have no authority to use other funds (except about 4% of the revenue is now taxation of social security benefits of higher income households)
There is no direct link between the money you paid in and the benefits you might get. It’s not a savings or investment plan. It’s a directed tax and a benefit. The money you pay in today pays for the benefits people receive today.
The law says benefits can only be paid to the extent that there is money in the trust fund based on existing levels of taxation. I don’t think there’s any chance of that structure being changed in any way that would benefit recipients.
It think you are confusing whether your tax dollars are somehow saved for you and the link between your contributions and benefits. Current taxes pay current beneficiaries. But your contributions are a fixed % of earnings and your benefits are directly linked to your benefit. /1
We’re watching the country be driven to the brink of ruin by people who are only in it for power and profit. It’s astonishing how people can ignore everything they knew about Trump, his character, and his history, and still elect him. It speaks volumes about the moral decay we are witnessing.
These people in Trumps cabinet and other vital functions are out of touch with the needs of ordinary citizens. The fact a Billionaire can lecture seniors and other poor people about their SS money is just CRAZY. Voters should know what the Trump administration thinks of them.
Please share this protest info as a comment on every news article, opinion piece, etc. We need a massive turnout. Almost every town will have a protest on April 5th.
DEMOCRATS MUST communicate better what is happening to our country. Many are simply too busy to know. Despicable acts by Trump-Musk-MAGA & news of resistance occur daily. Need TV ads; Website(s) with links; Frequent news releases; National Spokesperson; Daily news briefings; Podcast, etc. URGENT!
There are two congressional seats up for grabs on April 1 in Florida. Florida where a great percentage of residents are seniors. Why aren’t these races getting more attention? Picking up these seats and the one in NY could flip the house.
And Gay Valimont.
I think it’s great that Democrats around the country are going to Town halls in Republican districts. I’d suggest they send AOC and Bernie to Florida to wake up these seniors and remind them to vote on April 1.
Well, well known pundits/strategists like Simon Rosenberg have said there are limited resources, Rs will spend whatever they need to to defend these seats, and pouring resources in and still losing by Ds would be a big setback. I think he's just being pragmatic.
Absolutely! My community is sadly contaminated with MAGA and they are mad because we’re not giving Shitler enough time to fix everything.
I’m embarrassed to live in a country filled with such willful ignorance.
well, those seniors that voted for Trump who are the parents of a billionaire are pbbly ok, regardless of what happens to Social Security🙄. what an ass.
Please know that many people were conned, & our election system was likely grossly compromised. Essentially No One voted for what Trump's regime is doing! His campaign lied about, concealed & obscured practically everything he planned.
Let's wise up & rise up!
Hey I'm 72 he wasn't able to con me they voted for Dump because their hate is Dump's hate they didn't care until it happens to them! Don't whitewash it!
No doubt there were many in the hate category as well! But I don't believe that it was anywhere near 70 some million. They have some loudmouths & some paid haters (every accusation is a confession with Trump). Trump has No mandate. Check out Election Truth Alliance.
I heard a breakdown of the last election today on "Pod Save the World." The statistics say that a 70 yo man was more likely to have voted for Harris than an 18 yo.
They are owning the libs soooo much!
They sure did own us!!
Own the libs!!!
Own the libs!!!!
They will love it even more when the SS checks and Medicaid payments for their insulin end.
Fuck off! They should continue to be told that what everyone was telling them was going to happen is happening. Snowflakes don't want to be reminded that their choice is having these consequences. No. We have tried being reasonable with them, and some of them never cared about their actions.
“HANDS OFF SOCIAL SECURITY. Stand Up for Democracy!” Here’s another sign for demonstrations. It is laid out for 18”x24” signboards. Please download and use. Contact me if you need it in a different form or if you have wording for a sign you’d like.
PLEASE start sending out messages reminding people that because ONLY #FICA payroll taxes fund Social Security (including the salary of all SSA employees) there are no "Fed Budget" savings to be had.
People who make a lot of money - are obviously getting a greater value for living in this country - why SHOULDN'T they pay more? Economists need to start looking at things from Working class perspective.
I wonder why this wasn’t done while Democrats had the control. We always heard dooms day scenario about Social Security. I knew about the existence of the cap but when was it set up at $176,000? As the wages went up was this cap readjusted?
For six short weeks in 2009 after Al Franken was finally sworn in on July 7th, 2009, after his opponent lost his last appeal - until Ted Kennedy died on Aug 25, 2009.
Frankly I know the reason rich ppl get social security payments like the rest of us—FDR wanted it to be fair for everyone—but my brother in law is a millionaire. He doesn’t need social security. If the wealthy actually paid more and at a certain level of wealth didn’t get it, SS would be fine.
Also we need - Corporations over a certain profit level to start paying MORE taxes , not less to PAY back the funds that were borrowed from in the past by Congress.
Musk & his Incel Youth target veterans & retired people in a nation where 107 million people own 500 million firearms.
Game theory much, Lutnick?
"Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the kingdom of idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts."
- Amb. Londo Mollari
Most of the magaturds I see (on tv rallies) are not old people. I know it's only anecdotal evidence but not one 65+ I know voted for Drumpf, not even the Republicans. Is it possible this hidden mass of old folk voting for Drumpf is GOP bs to explain the very suspicious amt of votes he won?
Ah ok. Well my generation were mugs in their prime (80s glorifying Reaganturds) so I guess it's wishful thinking to expect them to have learned their lesson. I'm glad I'm living where I am now - much better crowd.
This dude has lost his mind if he thinks Seniors wouldn’t complain, they’d be totally freaking out with no food, no way to pay bills or not even a phone ( because they couldn’t pay the bill) to call for help. Is this their plan now to kill senior citizens off that aren’t millionaires?
OMG! Sounds like Vance! “Curtis Yarvin, a controversial figure known for his far-right views, once jokingly suggested converting "unproductive" people into biodiesel to fuel public transportation, highlighting his extreme and disturbing ideology.”
What a fucking piece of shit!!! Clearly his mother-in-law doesn’t depend on Social Security for SURVIVAL!!! I would love to punch this motherfucker in the dick!!! 🤬
Yep, I’ll join ya!! These people don’t even understand what it’s like to have to live off of social security check. They can’t even conceive, but they do want to steal it all for themselves.
Um I care. I care that I won’t be able to retire in a few years as planned bc social security is part of our retirement budget. Fuck me for working for 45 years
No, the hungry, the unhoused, the sick will be the loudest because if they take our Social Security we have nothing! And people that have nothing, have nothing to lose!
There's a great scene in The Godfather II. Michael is in Cuba, prior to the overthrow of the corrupt Bautista, dictatorship, by Castro. Michael is chauffeured to see Meyer Lansky, the Mob connection. But Michael pulls out when he sees the revolution, unfolding before him. Business hates uncertainty.
One of my favorite song lyrics, from “Me and Bobby McGee”, sung by Janis Joplin and penned by Kris Kristofferson: “Freedom’s just another word for nothing left to lose.”
I don't post much, but this is ridiculous. We use our monthly check for groceries, heating, auto gas etc. Does he think we are independently wealthy? Or does he think so little of us that he can insult us with no conscience.
He's not alone...., everyone in the orange dotards circle feels the same way...., couldn't care less about us. Including not caring for those fools who put him in office.
I’m pretty sure they think we all have a hidden slush fund we can just break out and use. Maybe his taxes he should have to pay? Bet that might help a big clump of us.
What is with this guy? So obnoxious, condescending, and out of touch with reality! He's another billionaire who thinks he can be in government because he's rich.
I’ll definitely need it. And I’m absolutely disgusted that there’s even a question as to whether or not YOU get your check. It’s criminal. It’s your money.
This guy is taking gaslighting to a whole new level. He wants people to be frightened to complain if they don’t get their social security checks. Not going to work, buttwipe!
Thank you Bernie for showing this guy. This is truly appalling & disgusting! How dare he!
This administration doesn't care about regular people. Shame on them!
Those ppl can not relate to the average person. I couldn’t pay my mortgage, electric and oil bills if I didn’t get it. Much less food and medicine! Geeze
This is WTF SHIT 💩!!! I’m disabled and my mom is on Medicare and we depend on Social Security every month! Whoever says this , calling we recipients of SSA Checks fraudsters, take a fucking look in the middle, dumb ass!!! OUST MUSK AND TRUMP!!!!!
Outrageous at every level. My mom needs every dime of her SS check. She has Alzheimer's and can't complain even if she wants to. His comment about fraudsters is beyond the pale. I suspect his mother-in-law has one hell of a financial safety net most others lack.
Fraudsters usually want to stay quiet and be invisible...under the radar. But the person living month to month who now can't eat or pay rent is going to be distraught. If they don't make a huge fuss because they feel powerless or can't get through to Soc Sec., those around them likely will complain
Strong evidence being rich makes you stupid in the Bonhoeffer sense. Dude doesn’t even know some people get such small SS payments they run out of food before the end of the month. We do not need the rich.
Let’s now do the richest man in the world whining about people picketing his place of business or burning down a few cars, crying about how he’s never hurt a soul in his life. Can we do that one?
Does the fraudster shrug his shoulders or make the loudest noises crying and complaining and whining?
So ... You're either so wealthy that your Social Security check just not coming is totally fine and you wouldn't notice or care, or you really need the money, so you contact them, and then you're going to be investigated for fraud. 🤬
Might be a few people around the country who would like a private word with him
Reminder, he was the billionaire investment firm president who refused emergency paychecks to the families of his employees who were killed in the 9/11 attack
But the majority of women over 65 did not. In any case, we’ve heard enough about what white ppl did. Okay? We know. We’re here, and we did NOT. It was hard enough, that he “won.” All the hatred after the election was understandable, and unavoidable. We don’t need anymore kicking. Please.
Umm, this guys an idiot. The fraudster would think that their scam had been found out and would quickly disappear and pop up under a new name and continue with their fraud. They don’t scream about their fraud getting uncovered. And someone call in a health and welfare check for his mom.
Billionaires are so out of touch with the needs of regular people that they actually think seniors would not mind not getting their Social Security checks. Outrageous! Calling people fraudsters. Projection much? Do they really believe this?
I strongly believe he has no idea WE PAY INTO IT and our employers 50/50 match
We also pay FICA which helps pay for SSA to manage the programs
POTUS Musk and 1st Lady Trumpina don't know either.
Oh my god! So many people would starve if their checks weren’t on time. This guy is either lying or so disconnected to how normal people live that he might as well be a Martian.
"Let's say Social Security didn't send out their checks this month. My mother-in-law, who's 94 she wouldn't call & complain, She just wouldn't."
BECAUSE HER BILLIONAIRE SON-In-Law will help her! Not everyone has that!
Angry people with signs outside of a district office, and showing up at meetings of the county Republican party demanding to become voting members . . . that is what would really scare them.
Most living facilities are owned by private equity. Most Seniors are not wealthy. Even those who have pensions & investments depend on their SS. Those w/investments will have to pull out (economic hit) & soon enough, they won’t be able to continue payments. They’re crashing our economy.
My elderly mother would care. My whole family cares because we have paid into Social Security our entire working lives just like every other working U.S. citizen. We are all depending on receiving our Social Security when we're of age.
Wow, how tone deaf can they be? So many seniors RELY ON THAT CHECK MONTH TO MONTH. They're not fraudsters. They're people who worked their lives, duly paying their social security and medicare taxes, and now these oligarchs want to stiff them.
You should always keep track of your money - any smart person in business would agree. If I'm expecting any sort of financial transaction to go through on a particular day, & it doesn't, you better believe I'm following up ASAP. It must be nice to be so rich that you have no concept of wealth.
I reconcile my personal accounts weekly on a spreadsheet, just to keep track of where my money is going and what I might be wasting it on. (This has helped me manage my money better.)
By cutting people like me and countless others off from their sole means of survival only serves to facilitate the creation of a population that has absolutely nothing left to lose. I pray it doesn’t come to a full, violent revolution but this absolutely will expedite it.
I've seen and heard people like that twist things around so that if you stand up for yourself, you feel like you're all alone. At least people see through his bull on this one.
"A fraudster always makes the loudest noise and complains."
So you're talking about trump, vance and elon. They sure are loud and complain an awfully lot!
Exactly, people in SS paid into it and more than likely have paid more into federal government than most of them Jamokes, the biggest fraud in the history of mankind is coming, cryptocurrency untraceable? Where does your president want to put the USA reserves?
I reposted it pointing out this is psychopathic grooming language - hinting that ONLY Good Grammas silently starve while their greedy Grandson's empty out their fridge in stealth. He is SO evil, he doesn't see his evil.
Let’s make a plan that if they take away our Social Security, we show up at everyone’s home, the millionaires, billionaires representatives, Congress, White House, Mar-a-Lago. Tell him we’ve come to live with them since they have all our money.
This is a man who’s wearing a suit that cost more than most of us get for Social Security. In fact, it could be several of us. He has not seen the increase of people at the food bank just trying to make it through the month because of the cost of food. Get off your high horse and come visit us.
💯 He doesn't realize he is OUTING Trump, Musk & all MAGA sychophants. This messaging is sneaky though - It is grooming people NOT to complain so they don't look like liars - interesting timing since it is the MAGA who are being silent while their leaders rob the US Treasury.
It's hard to believe he (and they) don't see the hypocrisy. Maybe he does but realizes the base won't see or care. Interesting point about prepping the MAGAs.
Is he saying that Landlords are fraudsters? Because they complain really loud if they don’t get their check. And if a senior doesn’t get a check then they can’t pay the landlord.
"a fraudster always makes the loudest noise to complain"
If that isn't the big load of projection that perfectly highlights Trump and his entire administration I don't know what else does.
OMG. I just said that on a previous post.
More people need to call Donny out on his projection. Its one of the reasons I end up yelling at my TV and also why I end up turning it off.
Fraudster?? People who don't pay rent get evicted. Don't pay electric bill sit in the dark and their major appliances quit working. Don't pay the heating bill stays cold. Who is this azzhole? #HowardLutnick If your 94-yr old mom didn't have you to rescue her, she'd be bitching loudly!
Out of touch elite are always on the right wing and they blame the left for being out of touch Republicans are terrible and national security and the economy yet the MSM gives them a pass and assumes they're better on him and they're not
Um, I certainly care. I'm disabled, without it I'm as good as dead. I don't even fill half my prescriptions because I just don't have the money. In so much medical debt because our for profit healthcare system has taken everything. Really hating this country right now.
Work with to run this abominable Howard Lutnick statement all over the country as a 30 second ad to help win 2026 races AND urgently to flip the two Florida House special elections in April 2025. RAPID RESPONSE AD.
Total BS. His mother-in-law is probably well taken care of by her billionaire son-in-law if she misses a check (or is even getting one), but the rest of us law-abiding seniors would definitely seek to find out what happened to our checks because we need our earned benefits to be timely.
WTF is wrong with him? You can bet your ass seniors would call (if there are any SS telephone operators left to answer the call after DOGE and Trump have their way).
Public records suggest that his mother-in-law, Geri Lambert, lives with Lutnick and his wife Allison, at his Upper East Side townhouse in Manhattan. If that is the case, she is unlikely to be relying on Social Security for rent or mortgage payments.
This a..hole obviously lives in another world. If you are waiting for your check so that you can buy groceries, you would call to find out what had happened before you starved to death
NUTLICK is the perfect name for that soulless POS. They must have done some psychological testing of trump's cabinet picks. If they tested positive for empathy or integrity they were out.
You take our checks that all Americans pay into for retirement, and I'm pretty sure you will have a huge huge problem on your hands. I'm saying millions of people will not stand for it.
Tell me you’ve never worried about money without telling me you’ve never worries about money. All these fuckers trying to shut Social Security should have to live on it for 6 months.
Oh it's definitely trump. And it's Lutnick and it's Steve mnuchin and it's Jeff Bezos and it's Elon Musk and it's Betsy DeVos and it's Jamie diamond and it's Mark Zuckerberg and.........
I could go on forever these greedy mofos would rather be dead than poor.
We’ll lose our farm. At that point what else do we have to lose? They’ll try to impose martial law, but the sheer number of angry people will overwhelm them. There will national strikes. There will be violence. And I’m not sure that the police and military would stop us. They might join us.
One can hope...personally I do not see any way out of this without the populace rising up as they have done In Ukraine in 2014, in Syria, in Budapest. My prayer is that the military will STOP THIS COUP...but not sure they will...smh
Sadly many "police" will do the villionaires bidding. The villionaires want to own more. The own the prisons and want a larger incarcerated labor force, and we fit the mold.
Looks like an easy way to ferment the crisis they want to impose marital law. That said they should not underestimate the repercussions of pissing off a large number of people at once. It’s not just the recipients is it it’s their younger family members who will also respond
And, it’s OUR money that’s been collected over a lifetime. The hubris of people like this who dodge taxes and then call US the fraudsters. Now, that’s rich.
Flat out bullshit! And dangerous talk! So are you saying you’ll go after the 94 year old who complains they didn’t get their check because they need it for groceries?! That that’s who is committing fraud?! The senior citizens? WTF!? You gonna send them to El Salvador too?
Fucking pompous pustule of evil!! By the way, it’s not just seniors receiving social security. It’s also disabled people like me. Disabled children. Ya know, over 70 million people. And guess what? We do fucking care!!! #savesocialsecurity #savemedicare #savemedicaid #stopelon
Absolutely! No one should have to live in this daily fear of losing their SSI or SSD and access to healthcare. Especially children. I know how much this breaks my soul everyday and can only imagine how you get through it for your child. That is some real strength if I ever did see it 💜
I'm from Europe and I have a disabled son. I feel so sorry for you and all the other innocent victims of Trump and co.
And I'm afraid such things can happen everywhere 😞
I'm sure his mother-in-law can afford to miss a check, unless he is a piece of shit billionaire son-in-law. Gee, who do we know that's a fraudster, always making the loudest noise, screaming yelling and complaining? (Hint: it rhymes with hump.)
My question is; why is she accepting Social Security? If I had a billionaire son, I would make him pay me to make up for giving him life. I wouldn’t have even applied for Social Security. Gee wiz.
I wouldn't complain. I would just quietly go hungry and not pay my bills. I'm sure my utility company would understand why I can't pay a $300 summer power bill.
What Lootdick really means to say is old people wouldn't know their $ gone cuz MEMORY!
Eliminate SS tax and fund SS by just printing dollars for the elderly
Or keep current law & give the elderly a raise by printing dollars dollars & giving them to Grammy
fucking double standards.
And special treasury bonds that pay interest go into the SS Trust Account
Every treasury bond in the trust funds has to be redeemed by the Treasury when needed to pay benefits. There is no such thing as not paying it back.
Josh Weil & Gay Valimont in FL; Crawford WI; call/write
Protests: 3/29 TeslaTakedown
4/5 DC; all state capitols + more cities; 50501 + many
Get millions in the streets!
Share info, call reps, boycott, national strike, local gov.
We have lots to do!
Trump will blame Obama...the idiots will believe that...and suffer due to extreme stupidity
And Gay Valimont.
I’m embarrassed to live in a country filled with such willful ignorance.
Are you happy with yourself, motherfucker?!
Most of them have family counting on this shit as well. We're all gonna be paying for their shitty decision-making abilities.🤬
Are you happy with yourself?
(less vulgarity, more disappointment).✌🏻
Let's wise up & rise up!
60% of voters turned up. Less than half voted for Trump.
Had Democrats put forth a modicum of effort to win a fraction of the 40% who didn't vote, they'd have won.
Instead they courted Trump voters.
If you lose to the most vile person on Earth, that's on you.
Similar to immigrants and minorities.
Actually no one deserves this but that is what they voted for.
They sure did own us!!
Own the libs!!!
Own the libs!!!!
They will love it even more when the SS checks and Medicaid payments for their insulin end.
What the fuck have Republicans done for rural communities? At least Dem's have gave it a shot and don't actively try to ruin/close rural schools.
And now you're both going to be shark food.
Unless you patch the boat.
You can't save what isn't spent!
Most of us pay social security tax on every penny we ever earn, but not the top %.
If we eliminate this cap and cap benefits paid out, that will save social security.
Flip the cap to save social security.
Most people never hit the earnings cap
So most people do not know about it.
Flip the cap to save social security.
Which is what rich Patriots would do.
Social Security benefits are fully funded to pay out 100% until around 2032. Then, until 2098 they can pay 70%.
Disability fully funded until 2098.
Just needs a small adjustment not a huge change to fully fund until the 22nd Century!
Spread the word.
Game theory much, Lutnick?
"Only an idiot fights a war on two fronts. Only the heir to the throne of the kingdom of idiots would fight a war on twelve fronts."
- Amb. Londo Mollari
It’s also going to be gd heartbreaking when millions are thrown into poverty and homelessness.
After all, Fox News didn’t tell them this would happen, and Trump lied to them.
Why would they intentionally time it now? Is Hair Fuhrer gonna swoop in to save the program he was going to kill, right in time for elections?
My mortgage company expects my money each month.
Peter Thiel’s new Private Equity Venture!
Most of us pay social security tax on every penny we ever earn, but not the top %.
If we eliminate this cap and cap benefits paid out, that will save social security.
How about the seniors who can’t survive without SS checks? The ones without filthy rich progeny. Those are the fraudsters you’re referring to?
There's a Godfather III, but you could (and arguably should) skip it.
Men in Black 3 (the time travel one) was better than 2 (the one with Lara Flynn Boyle & Rosario Dawson), and almost as good as the first.
Hotel Transylvania 3 is (arguably) better than the first 2 films.
Also, good thing I'm vegetarian.
Ceiling for savings that can not 🚫 breached
You might too, when you get there.
Im sure he'll care.
Trump is ALWAYS screaming yelling and complaining….
Because he is the REAL fraudster!
This administration doesn't care about regular people. Shame on them!
Most of us pay social security tax on every penny we ever earn, but not the top %.
If we eliminate this cap and cap benefits paid out, that will save social security.
I really wonder how Fox would spin it if Donny scrapped Soc Security.
They don't understand how many grandpas will literally go insane and pick up guns if they stop getting their checks.
Does the fraudster shrug his shoulders or make the loudest noises crying and complaining and whining?
Reminder, he was the billionaire investment firm president who refused emergency paychecks to the families of his employees who were killed in the 9/11 attack
Oh so that’s why Trump and MAGA never shut up
We also pay FICA which helps pay for SSA to manage the programs
POTUS Musk and 1st Lady Trumpina don't know either.
Most of us pay social security tax on every penny we ever earn, but not the top %.
If we eliminate this cap and cap benefits paid out, that will save social security.
The Democrats should set up a fully staffed 1-800 number to collect complaints and explain who is to blame.
They could pay for it by firing their consultants.
BECAUSE HER BILLIONAIRE SON-In-Law will help her! Not everyone has that!
Trump voters actually believe trump wont touch social security.
Anyway that’s what they tell me. I guess they need to feel the pain.
Some people have concrete skulls…go figure!
Dress up nice, and pay a visit. The staff is there to listen to you!
Their boss may be afraid that Trump may primary them.
Senior constituents deprived of benefits would be *much* scarier.
Angry people with signs outside of a district office, and showing up at meetings of the county Republican party demanding to become voting members . . . that is what would really scare them.
Most of us pay social security tax on every penny we ever earn, but not the top %.
If we eliminate this cap and cap benefits paid out, that will save social security.
That was my fate.
Now as I await my new incarnation
I pray my karmic debt has been cancelled.
Actually the opposite is true. Fraudsters when their money stops coming in become hyper aware that they may have just gotten caught.
Money doesn't show up in your account and you know what your money you yell about it!
So you're talking about trump, vance and elon. They sure are loud and complain an awfully lot!
Your an idiot!
Actually the opposite is true. Fraudsters when their money stops coming in become hyper aware that they may have just gotten caught.
Money doesn't show up in your account and you know what your money you yell about it!
If that isn't the big load of projection that perfectly highlights Trump and his entire administration I don't know what else does.
More people need to call Donny out on his projection. Its one of the reasons I end up yelling at my TV and also why I end up turning it off.
He really doesn't seem to know that a billionaire's relative is not under the same stress, in the same need, as a "lower class" retiree.
He seems totally out of touch, disengaged from, and unconcerned about the worker-bees.
Get B out of government!
shut tf up 🙄
Actually the opposite is true. Fraudsters when their money stops coming in become hyper aware that they may have just gotten caught.
Money doesn't show up in your account and you know what your money you yell about it!
You would need to be a consumate liar
He’s just a clumsy liar
Actually the opposite is true. Fraudsters when their money stops coming in become hyper aware that they may have just gotten caught.
Money doesn't show up in your account and you know what your money you yell about it!
I could go on forever these greedy mofos would rather be dead than poor.
Trump's billionaire Commerce Secretary says
that seniors won't care if they don't get their Social Security checks —
and that anyone who does complain is a fraudster.
Commerce Secretary’s unconscious “Projections”
the Dangers of Psychological Projection
Actually the opposite is true. Fraudsters when their money stops coming in become hyper aware that they may have just gotten caught.
Money doesn't show up in your account and you know what your money you yell about it!
And I'm afraid such things can happen everywhere 😞