This is MAGA against Against Active Military and Veterans, then the guy stands there like he didn't do anything! He knows he's trying to provoke him to elicit a reaction! He's gonna get a reaction alright!
The artist is interesting for our times, I would argue he is the artist for our times. Represents the fragility of our post WWII world, by painting his fractured self.
The Walton family that owns Walmart actually does have museums and centers for art and performance they sponsored. The new generation of billionaires not so much. We have Aldi's in the US and the Internet has spread knowledge of Waitrose, Saintsbury's and Tesco across the pond.
Old British sitcom, Only Fools and Horses. The only French Derek Trotter knew was this (from the Eurovision Song Contest), imparted as if he were quoting Voltaire, and “Bonnet de douche!”
This settles an embarrassing misunderstanding I’ve had for years: I always thought that quote originated with Reg Holdsworth from 90’s era Coronation Street
"Knowledge = power = energy = matter = mass; a good bookshop is just a genteel Black Hole that knows how to read."
(Terry Pratchett - Guards, Guards)
Encore une master class de notre idole Richard Sur Terre avec sa nouvelle chanson qui dénonce : C'est pas Sandrine Rousseauuuuuuuuuuuu, c'est Sardine Ruisseauuuuuuuuuu ! Quel talent incroyable !
Mr Chen it’s Mr Chun. France is a great place. It helps if you speak the language. And Francis had nothing to do with pigs but if childish things that belittle other places amuse you then I suppose I cannot stop you Mr Chen.
When it comes to pushing back on Russia, if you think France is bacon, Finland is a bacon-wrapped bacon sandwich with extra bacon... and a side of bacon. Moto: Russia is big, Finland is so small, where will we find room to bury them all?
"bacon" is one of the many words we humans invented to hide our cruelty toward our fellow Earth beings, and to hide our cowardice to admit it. Only the deluded monsters among us eat our fellow beings. It's no wonder aliens never show themselves here.
Learn Chinese?
Sir, France is Bacon?
When I’d ask a question of my parents, they would tell me to look it up in the dictionary or encyclopedia.
And now I hear that it came from Sir Francis all makes sense.
Knowledge is power....only if you are in a position to use it!!
Right hand man to one of England's greatest and longest serving Monarchs.
Explorer, Writer, Maritime Academic, Engineer...
France is bacon
The price of eggs has my knees shakin'.
This price is less than a week ago...CAD$
(Terry Pratchett - Guards, Guards)
I always have a lick of the streets when I visit a new town, and I've done so for four decades