Imagine having a fortune and still choosing kindness over greed? Thank you, Mr. Buffett, for proving that wealth and being a good person can actually be a thing.
Actually depressingly no. It’s only 0.323624595% of Warren Buffett’s net worth. If I pull a penny out of my pocket, it represents a larger percentage of my net worth than $500 million relative to his net worth. Now if he gave them about $15 billion that would be great.
Yes! Billionaires, used to be millionaires and they used to build schools and libraries and museums and theatres! They need to start to show these nasty #TrustFundBaby CEOs how to be wealthy! Instead of just a devouring #GreedMachine
It absolutely reminds me of small town ‘little prince syndrome’ where they just never live the life and are always trying to keep up with their perception of others at some over priced, under appointed, musty country club.
Now you have the Musk and Thiel technobro types who prefer to keep other people's social security, pull money from vets, and obliterate air safety, water quality etc
We are just the parasite class though, we don't deserve clean air and water. 🤬 I think the parasite class is a billionaire who gets $8 million a day, to blow up rockets and trucks and satellites and things. There's going to be so much blood on lonE skuM's hands, he'll never be able to wash it off!🤬🥺
well, no they didn't. J P Morgan, Rockefeller, Ford, Vanderbilt were all v much in the mould of the current bunch. Carnegie was more Warren and said that any man who died rich could regard himself as a failure. Diff now is that they have huge international influence.
Howard G. Buffett (Warren’s son) Foundation has emerged as a stalwart ally to Ukraine since Russia’s invasion, injecting $521,779,225 into humanitarian assistance for Ukraine as of January 2024.
There ARE good billionaires. As easy as it is to forget that we shouldn't, because real change is going to take good billionaires in order to make those changes successfully.
Hopefully it doesn't end up in a Swiss bank. Ukraine has an issue with corruption; which is why they weren't allowed to apply for NATO before the Donbas War.
Part of the great Red Army partisans. the night witches Also played a key role in the destruction of the third reich. Never forget trump is a symptom of the empire that inspired Hitler. Both parties support genocide. Both parties literally are zionists and nazis. ANTIFA USA
He’s always shared his wealth and he doesn’t get enough respect for it!Not that he’d ask for it!Buffett pledged to give away 99 percent of his fortune to philanthropic cause. He founded the Giving Pledge in 2010 with Bill Gates, where billionaires pledge to give away at least half of their fortunes.
This might have been a year ago, unless he’s donated last year and this year. In any case, I applaud him. He should challenge/shame more of the ultra rich to do the same.
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Warren Buffett seems like he tries to do the right thing. People understandably have gripes against the rich, but perhaps what we should be doing is engaging people like him to see if there is a standard we can create for responsible business.
Not really, he deserves credit for moving to do a really wonderful thing. Just because his father may have made most of the money doesn't mean Warren would have necessarily chosen to do what Howard did. Howard deserves kudos!
Yeah, well I'm not fond of billionaires either, but his company did pay $26 billion in taxes last year alone, so talking about him specifically as focused on tax loopholes falls a little flat. Pretty much every other billionaire I can think of is worse.
The article says 21%, but the point is he's one of the only billionaires arguing for wealthy people to pay a higher share of taxes. He's probably the last one to shit on. Demanding Ukraine say 'Thank you' to taxpayers on such tenuous grounds just makes you sound like the fuckface in the White House.
Oligarchs, I have a challenge; see who of you can send the absolute most money, (in billions), to Ukraine to help democracy survive in Europe!
Be remembered for something OTHER , than an offensive yacht!
You can take Bill Gates out of that lineup. He's spent over $100 Billion in super good philanthropic works. I didn't think much of him at all until he retired from Microsoft and started giving his fortune away. I like him much better now!
You say that but Elon Muskrat has $400 billion, I’m poor compared to him. I only have a $600 million yacht and a $400 million yacht for my girlfriend that thinks I’m jot, although I look like a spent condom said Jeff Bezos
Billionaires have pledged to give most of their money to philanthropy to address the needs across the globe. There are over 200 who have made the pledge.
TBF, Gates does spread a vast amount of $$ around... Musk, Bezos and Zuckerberg seem to want to go to space or a reality that doesn't exist, and that's how they spread their dough.
I know everyone loves to hate on Bill the misogynist, but to his credit, he has done a lot when it comes to health and welfare, including aid to help refugees resettle.
Philanthropy is good, but taxes are better. One is optional, the other is required. We should go back to a system similar to the 1950's. Every dollar over $200 million should be taxed 90%
Buffet understands the great benefits to the US from the stable era since WW2. The US as the manufacturing powerhouse needed stability and international trade to fund its great success. He also knows its now being pissed against the wall.
My thanks and respect to Warren Buffett! He is an example that a billionaire can still be a person with character and principles. I hope and pray Ukraine will be able to defeat the Russians with this financial help as well as assistance from other countries.
I think it’s a big issue when I private individual has this much influence on foreign affairs. If Buffett was a Musk-like figure in depravity, he can use that funding to get what he wants, pull the funding whenever he feels like it.
He didn’t do this out of the kindness of his heart. I guarantee that he’s smart enough to know that an unshackled Russia would be a travesty to the world economy. Don’t get me wrong, I’m glad he did it, but let’s not canonize the man yet.
Warren Buffet is a true American hero. Research him. You will see the character of a real man. He got his money by being smart, not by scamming people. Exhibit 1....
Please don't take that wrong, I'm just messing with ya.
Unlike most of them, he is a person with compassion!!
send money to Ukraine?
to thank him.
Part of the great Red Army partisans. the night witches Also played a key role in the destruction of the third reich. Never forget trump is a symptom of the empire that inspired Hitler. Both parties support genocide. Both parties literally are zionists and nazis. ANTIFA USA
Thank you Warren!
AND did you know he sold about half of his portfolio for cash
He sees the writing on the wall
Hegseth should be charged with treason
🇺🇦 💛 💙
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Never forget that Billionaires are not self-made. They make, keep and grow their wealth off the backs of the working class and tax loopholes.
Excellent article 👇
Spread your $$$ around! How many billions do you really need to live?
You still have lead pipes in the US?
Or even the 20th Century to be honest.
Perhaps in a 3rd world country - but the USA?
Be remembered for something OTHER , than an offensive yacht!
Bill Gates started this.
His wife divorced him when it became public
The others, not so much.
Gates Foundation budget reaches $8.74B in 25th year, on track to meet $9B payout in 2026
“But to put it in context, it's also around the same as just one year of Tesla sales.”
It’s obscene😏
Had enough yet?