Many of my elderly neighbors don’t have access to hot or fresh food. Meals on Wheels can’t be delivered this far out and we have no restaurants. Some elderly folks in my community count on the food bank who comes to our town to deliver fresh food.
Those food banks are now losing their funding.
Those food banks are now losing their funding.
Get used to it, Ameristan.
Jan 6 ringleaders pardon Thread:
Justice is coming meme Thread:
If Meals on Wheels recipients could opt in to a database where caring people could see who was going to go without meals in the absence of MOW services, it would give those of us (like me) who are willing the opportunity to provide meals to those folks.
Crowdsourcing help.
What's that? Social security checks stopped and cable got shut off?
Maybe pray about it and sleep well knowing that kids aren't getting gender reassignment surgery in the school nurse's office anymore.
Oligarchs can GFT.
These little boycotts are not enough to meet this moment and stop these measures.
The Scrabble commercial "got sn idea isn't that cute".
Genesis 4:9 I know not. Am I my brother’s keeper?
Demand paper audits. Statistics suggest the swing states were compromised.
Demand ACTION!
These are legally planned & peaceful protests. It's a good first protest if you've never been to one. Contact your friends to join!
When millions of us show up, we become scarier than the billionaires.
April 5th: show up!
But mostly now I feel sad for everyone who's impacted, including the MAGAs who were so trusting of their media.
They are having the day they voted for.
I’m tired of being mad about them losing shit they voted for losing.
Yes the food was important, but it was the human interaction that really made this more than just a hot meal.
Taught me a lot. Thanks Dad.
this makes me so fucking mad
I saw all kinds of folks coming and going bet never one I would call a freeloader.
We're closing food banks when we should be making them unnecessary.
Could the Dem party or candidate try to organize a food back, as a way of expanding their base?
Hunger may shake them up if they don't die first due to lack of medical care.
So bad things happen to those others, not them.
That is the basic philosophy of many rural folks.
Their 🍊 messiah turned the back of them, so now they are stuck.
Oh shit, nevermind. I remember why. He doesn't need votes anymore.
A lot of denial going on.
It is hard to admit that they were wrong for years.
I have lost all sympathy. They need to just suffer through this.
I’m tired of trying to tell them they did this to themselves.
The norm was 70 boxes for distribution; the new norm is a little over 100.
People get in line three hours early.
"Die" is the operative word here.
They decided to kill themselves by their self-centered choice
But if he’s doing more than what you bargained for then places like Oklahoma better start pushing back… yesterday
'cause that is going to influence my level of sympathy.
He sets his sights on food bank attacks!
He cancelled Ohio’s food, and now it rots!
As he eats his fries, doesn’t that tell you a lot!
In 4 years.
What they want.
People begging them
That is how we lose.
They negated everything we have tried to do. I’m in my 50s. So tired of my votes over all these years to help them being negated by their votes for their own destruction.
I’m just done.
I’m Gen X. My generation is fucking stupid and masochistic.
We know better and voted for Asshat. I can’t expect anyone to feel sorry for me, the rest of my gen ruined us all.