Always ask if the CEO has taken a paycut. If they haven't then firing employees is a scummy move. 9/10 a CEO taking a cut could save at least some jobs.
Sure, you lose a major block of revenue and your costs look to rise, first you fire the guys you like the least. Rabble rousers tend to be the least liked. Organizers are targets for angry COOs.
They're a nonprofit that just lost a huge source of funding (HBO canceled their contract). It was an unfortunate coincidence of timing not a reaction to unionization.
You also believe Starbucks and others when they suddenly close stores for "underperforming" the instant they unionize?
Have you at least considered that they're simply providing a narrative that aligns with legal reasons for firings and that they have legal counsel advising them, strategizing....?
I'm not refuting anything you're saying, and I won't deny it looks suspicious. That said, Sesame is not and has never been a large corporation like Starbucks, Disney etc. and I think that's what a lot of people are forgetting when discussing this. I just think both possibilities should be considered
Organizations have playbooks for restructuring and "benches" of people to keep/lay off ready to deploy at a moment's notice. It's usually last in/first out but your direct supervisor or your nearest HR agent knows where you lie
Okay? I never said they weren't. I don't like capitalism either, pal. I'm not trying to debate anybody, but i'm open to having a normal conversation like a human being
Every attempt I've made to work at any of their affiliate stations has been stonewalled with shit like a bunch of white people asking how my obviously "diverse" ass is going to contribute to diversity, only to not get hired.
One of them told me "well you know public broadcasting is kind of dominated by straight white people so we're trying to undo that" only to hire another straight white guy. Like what.
I'm just frustrated trying to get employment in my field because I would've liked to not be told I'm not good enough by the network of former radical acceptance.
Earnest question. Doesn’t Sesame Workshop make tons of money from licensing? I don’t understand why they are always in economic straits and can’t find any articles explaining it.
Thanks! 70% of their income is from licensing and distribution. I thought Sesame would make a few hundred million a year. Harry Potter made more than 7 billion in toys so far.
Well, judging how astoundingly fucking dumb America is as a country, Sesame Street has been an abject failure.
And the world is truly sick and tired of the bullshit propaganda that's shit from the arsehole of America in the guise of childrens' entertainment and education.
Jim loved his coworkers, employees, and staff very much. They all sing his praises, to this day. I am sure he would have tried what he could, found private investors, used his own money, etc. Unfortunately, I'm sure Sesame Studios gets quite a bit of federal funding 1/2
Sesame Street is ALL ABOUT diversity, inclusion, education, fairness, love, etc, to keep with those passions, they will lose their federal funding and should be proud to do so. But I'm sure it calls for restructuring temporarily. 2/2
I remember my mother wanted me to stop watching once it got too “whatever” in the 80’s but it’s always been to diverse. Shame she’s driven by fear. This is such a depressing post. PBS helped shape me into a halfway decent person.
Thanks for the info! 4% is still a sizeable chunk, to me, depending on how many of their grants are restricted vs unrestricted. Hopefully they've started doing better financial management since 2019.
That's not ongoing funding, though, but a running average over time from when they received grants for specific projects the government wanted (like programming for Iraq children in refugee camps created when we needlessly invaded). It was all pay for service, not part of the general budget
Just so I make sure I am replying intelligently in this conversation, and I can take away knowledge, are you saying because it's only 4% in grants that they shouldn't have to restructure?
They've deliberately arranged 'online, tomorrow' firing meetings to deny them union representation. Their union should be telling them about their right to representation and to respond in writing that they will only attend a meeting with a representative of their union.
I like how corporations are bending over backwards to get employees back in the office for “productivity” but have them stay far away for layoffs. 5 stars peeps! ⭐️
Isn't it criminal to retaliate against workers for unionization by firing them? I get that these laws are not well enforced but still, National Labor Relations Act is still good law and these firings are illegal so that seems worth mentioning. No reason to buy the CEO's BS framing
You're correct, but the NLRB is now run by the Trump administration and is now hostile to labor in all respects. The odds of the NLRB taking the workers' side is very slim now.
Have you at least considered that they're simply providing a narrative that aligns with legal reasons for firings and that they have legal counsel advising them, strategizing....?
- They are broke. The HBO deal saved them, and now that is gone. There is no replacement funding.
- They announced this now bc of the union being formed; they need to cut personnel expenses & they want to do it quickly.
And the world is truly sick and tired of the bullshit propaganda that's shit from the arsehole of America in the guise of childrens' entertainment and education.
So fuck 'em all.
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That’s your largest single investment you assholes!