The latest crazy just proves what we all know. They are discussing everything on Signal to avoid any discovery or FOIA or archival laws. So illegal but here we are.
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Going to the streets works faster when your country is small and has one capital city...vs 50. I went to a protest a few weeks back and when so much has been criminalized, I think we're going to need a diversity of tactics beyond just hoping showing up in numbers helps elected folks find a spine.
Complete overhaul - no more parties. We have technology with biometrics we don’t NEED the gov to have our voices heard. Developers should create a way for people to vote THEMSELVES on issues of how we want to handle issues. They don’t do their job people elect them for so why do we need people to…
It could be done tomorrow.
Simply add a voting option on every cash machine.
Receipt shows your bank balance and your voting selections.
If the banks trust them with money handling, then we can certainly trust them for voting... compared to the current system, for sure!
What Trump's DUI hire Hegseth has done is a MUCH worse Natl. Security Threat than Clinton's emails. Hegseth would be tossed in Jail with any other admin than the fully corrupt Putin/Trump/Musk/GOP. Yet, we all know that since corrupt Putin/Trump/GOP have a "trifecta" in DC there will be no hearings.
Yep. The massive double standard and hypocrisy with these people is astounding. But not surprising after all of these years. They are all the same. Self-centered, egotistical, narcissistic tendencies that use God as their cover to be assholes. They truly are trying to change this country. 😡
Are they doing it because of that or because they’re mouth-breathing morons who think OPSEC is a guy bragging about screwing anesthetized patients after six beers (or fifteen if you’re a Hegseth-level drinker)?
I’m going with both, and I hate my brain for thinking of this stuff. Send puppies.
It's a deliberate way to avoid scrutiny. Putting the reporter on was the stupidity unless it was someone who wanted this to come out. That they've been illegally using signal for all kinds of government records, which keeps them out of reach of a freedom of information act request and is a crime.
But it's not illegal if they do it, Joe! We are just being silly, left-wing wackos because everyone wants The Stain to do whatever he wants because no one has ever loved him as much as any other president, certainly not like Sleepy Joe, the worst president ever who was so nasty because he etc.,etc.
It was probably prudent that Jeffrey Goldberg went public with this story to reduce the risk of further breaches, but if he didn't and he stayed on, there's no telling how many other conversations he might have been included in. Any one of those future conversations could have been preserved.
I imagine it must be a bit of a quandary to find oneself in that position. One the one hand, you’ve been handed a potentially journalistic golden goose that could feed you leads for quite awhile (and just think about the monumental book deal in the end). 1/2
Those future-conversations - which might have been deleted - would have formed the basis for an investigation that could have led to criminal prosecution.
Republican voters and non-voters still haven't grasped how vulnerable they made the US by giving the White House and Congress to Trump & co
Thanks to Republicans and non-voters, we have the wait the full 4 years of Trump's Presidency before any investigations could happen. Electing Trump was bad enough, it was made worse by electing him when they knew he would only appoint yes-men to do whatever he wanted, including AG @ Justice Dept
2/2 On the other hand you have a societal and ethical responsibility to disclose in real time.
My journalism “career” only took me as far as high school but I imagine if I had accepted the scholarship I didn’t want, this would have been the sort of ethics problem I might have studied in college.
Agreed. It is...frustrating...that good people's willingness to abide by ethics isn't recognized and acknowledged more; if they were, Trump would never have been rewarded with a 2nd term. Meanwhile the immoral and unethical behavior appears to be ignored, and even rewarded.
The journalist should have stayed in the group to gather evidence but leaked occasional little nugget such as Vance/Hegseth about Europe 'freeloading'. Not only would he have built up a story about what classified material they were discussing but they'd start mistrusting each other - win/win
"Getting away with it" seems to be of limited value if one has bequeathed oneself a junk yard to live in. Still we all have to suffer through resisting it until it ends (which, perhaps, God grant, might not be a full 4 years). One thing though: they won't escape hell that way; God records all.
You mean non-voters. MAGAs do not care if the US as we know it ceases to exist as long as they don't have to share socioeconomic power with people they deem undesirable.
Right, it "could have" led to criminal prosecution.
That's why I follow that sentence by reiterating how much voters screwed this country over by electing Trump: they elected a guy who installs sycophants, and those sycophants answer to him, not the Constitution.
The public had ample warning that Trump would install sycophants in his cabinet, they just didn't care because they didn't think the guy who tried to commit insurrection would do anything bad in his 2nd term.
We've got some pretty big problems in this country.
But going back to Jeff Goldberg: if he had chosen not to report about the group chat (again: probably not advisable), he might have seen many more chats, have taken lots more screenshots, and submitted those to a future-Justice Department under a Democratic President, who would have investigated.
We have the most incompetent, unqualified, ignorant, arrogant people running our federal government. A dictatorial, corrupt, felon & psychopath as president who invites a billionaire megalomaniac to tear down our government.
Is this what we want?
Wake up America!
Impeach Trump!
Deport Musk!
To think this administration will do anything that is legal or legit is to be proven a fool. They can never be trusted, never be believed, and never can you turn your back on anyone of them in or aligned to this administration.
"The fact pattern presented by Director Comey makes clear Secretary Clinton violated the law. Individuals who intentionally skirt the law must be held accountable."
- Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) House Oversight Committee Chairman, 2016
"Hillary Clinton’s reckless conduct jeopardized our national security and potentially put lives at risk. The American people deserve to know the truth, and justice must be served. No one is above the law." - Mike Pence, Governor of Indiana, 2016
"Hillary Clinton mishandled classified information on an unprecedented scale, and the law is clear—gross negligence in handling national security secrets is a crime. She must be held accountable for putting our country at risk." - Darrell Issa (R-CA), 2016
"Hillary Clinton mishandled classified information and broke the law... No one who compromises national security like this should escape accountability." - Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR), 2016
"Clinton was ‘extremely careless’ with classified information—by any definition, that’s gross negligence, which is a violation of the law. The American people expect equal justice, and she must be held to the same standard as anyone else." — Michael McCaul (R-TX), Homeland Security Chairman, 2016
And they threw such a fit about Hillary’s email.. seriously this WHOLE FUCKING ADMINISTRATION needs to be locked up for crimes against the people of the US
For its time, Clinton's decision to do the business of the Secretary of State through a completely unsecured basement server was shockingly bad judgement. Any VP at a Fortune 500 company caught doing the same would likely have been fired.
But her recklessness doesn't even hold a candle to Trump's.
ah yes let's not forget that 😆, also, we're in the future, can we see his emails now?
"The National Archives now has 220 million emails from the Bush WH, and there is a long backlog of Freedom of Information Act requests already. But not all of the emails will be available to the public until 2021"
Are you still harping on about a Russian manoeuvre to discredit her, seized on by the most untrustworthy person in the USA. ( Chump most probably a Russian asset, even Musks Rog gave him an 80% probability) Happy I am not to be American. And more n more people feel the same over here.
The big issue is for classification levels, the device, area, and software have to be cleared WHICH NONE OF THIS IS NOT! In my opinion, this is a spillage at a minimum and because it is pre-meditated it is a grave violation!! This needs to be swiftly followed through and people held accountable.
That's just it they are such a criminal administration.. they all knew it was illegal.. but they are absolutely incompetent imbeciles.. Both... very very dangerous...God.. I can't believe this!! FIRE THEM ALL!!
Sadly, Americans voted for this; they were warned, over and over, and over again; repeatedly and consistently.
They have what they CHOSE. Either by choosing to ignore the 14th Amendment BEFORE the election, choosing to vote FOR Dump, or choosing not to vote, thereby handing their vote to Dump. 🤡
What steps have you taken thusfar to remove him from office? I hope you’re gonna give us one very long list, including how you’ve been organising millions of #armed #veterans; that’s the veterans who swore to defend the #Constitution against this very type of #enemy… yet most veterans voted FOR him.
Any acting service men and women who were on the fence about this regeam will surely be off it now that it has been made unequivocally clear that they are exponentially more concerned about keeping themselves off the record than the lives of those in service.
Maybe a few cult members would dismiss this. But MOST veterans, and government employees (NSA) take confidentiality VERY seriously. This is not something they would just dismiss. The lives of our troops depend on confidentiality, that is NOT something they would just ignore or forget.
Vet here, I served with some of the most intelligent critical thinkers under life or death situations and I'm here today because of them. Don't sell us so short.
I wouldn’t worry about it too much. They’ll include the wrong person in one of their chats and disclose everything we need to know publicly, anyway. Saves court time. 🤷♀️. Said it before, our country is being run and ruined by drunk psychopathic billionaires. Awesome for us.
Don't recall you lefties wanting to incarcerate Hillary when she used non-governmental computers to do her dirty work and then destroyed them before anyone could investigate the goings on.
So like an idiot you just blow it off as “well what abou her emails…”????
What level of stupid are you?
This is almost everyone in the current administration caught disseminating classified war plans prior to America attacks a sovereign country thereby endangering American servicemen.
Wake Up!
Democrats assumed that because it was illegal, it wouldn't happen. They struggle with the idea of breaking the law so flagrantly. Even now, many of them just assume that Republicans are wavering, daunted by so much illegality happening under their noses, and SURELY they'll start cooperating soon.
They love it even it enacts the pyramid of oppression they believe is "natural". (Which in every case is defined as "my spot doesn't go down relative to my peers.")
Mini Elon
wipe a large hard-won
booger dug out of his nose
on dictator donny's
desk as he
leaned in and told
he wasn't the
Kids know how to get
two germaphobes out.
Adults know it'll take 2 straitjackets and 4 burly men.
The former Polish government under the rule of the PiS party used private email accounts on google and other providers to discuss all governmental matters. Of course, the emails leaked. These right-wing idiots do stupid things all around the world.
I'm not sure about anyone else, but this is the most serious security breach that I can remember in, say, forever! DonOLD tRump has now made sharing top-secret information and classified documents outside government secure channels the norm. What could go wrong next?
Absolutely. This is worse. What if it hadn't been an ethical reporter? And why are they doing it outside secure government channels? What are they hiding? What else are they hiding? And who will stand up to the illegality of it all? Laws are being broken and there is no one to hold them responsible.
There was no other reason to avoid the secure, official channels except to hide what they were doing. And one of the participants was actually in Moscow during the meeting. We are over the waterfall.
Our government is walking around with their flies open and everyone is too polite to tell them their signals are showing. Suits on fire but nobody will tell them to just plain ZIP it.
Let alone the fact that they might as well discuss top secret National security on WeChat just to share the love because do they really think Russia isn't actively monitoring signal?! LOL!
So the way I’m reading this, when Trump said that Musk was never informed of our war plans with China … he was more than likely filled in through Signal or the like … got it.
Others have made a great point. Cant have Signal on GFE device. They are sharing classified docs on PERSONAL UNSECURE devices. This is fucking insanity.
This was a consistent pattern in Trump's first administration. It's domestic scrutiny they wish to evade. Trump thinks like a mobster with regard to information trails that could become evidence of his never-ending crimes. Hence, everything is done via back channels. No logs, minutes or notes.
Spot on. He is a mobster. Tr*mp Org is a front for laundering Russian and other foreign money. He’s part of an international crime syndicate masquerading as government.
Exactly. Lie and deny, and if they hadn't f'd up, no evidence. DoD is required to maintain records of these conversations throughout its lifetime for continuity and transparency.
If their fascist treason doesn't get us killed, their incompetence will. Meanwhile trump is busy selling corporate sponsorships for the WH Easter Egg Roll, complaining about his portrait in Colorado Capitol, deporting people without due process, waging war with allies, destroying our Democracy.
By using a ‘disappearing’ text app, these govt executives circumvent:
-the official secrets act
-all legislated record keeping
-future freedom of information requests
-future subpoena to appear in court
This video came out some months ago, but i think it fell through the cracks, because it only got 1K likes. This needs more attention. Evidence of collusion between church and state. Please share this, thank you ❤️🤍💙
Trump is not a Christian but has been using religion to get what he wants from his many followers. I believe Trump may well be the antichrist that Christians fear.
We could potentially check in with Democracy Now! (Amy Goodman) and see if they have checked in on him lately to see if the journalist who did the undercover op is ok.
But Russell Vought is back in his same spot, and handing #TraitorTrump the EOs to sign. The follow up is the project2025 tracker.
Congressional staffers for Dems, responsible for research seem to be asleep on the job when it comes to informing Dems - bipartisanship is IMPOSSIBLE w/ an admin focused on reviving ChrisCon Nationalism. The Deep State IS MAGA intent on ripping the constitution to shreds. Full-on projection
Me too, I am surprised I didn't cry today. I am afraid too many young people - who spent formative years during Covid - have a weird concept of this country - they don't remember & don't recognize the good parts of America - it is all an abstraction to them.
They were deleted, phones smashed, and hard drives given an extra pass with Bleachbit. The emails were a mystery. We don't really know what was in them. She ran a private email server to evade supervision.
These government workers are using Signal to evade supervision. Same thing. Precedent.
I guess when something happens on a Saturday, it’s too much to get the gang together in person for this sort of thing? No worries, just text it. What could possibly go wrong? Hard agree re: priority of keeping it non FOIA- able.
Literally the first action taken by DOGE was transferring OPM email to offsite cloud servers, creating major security risks, for the purpose of instant deletion if/when necessary.
No they're discussing things on signal so that no record is kept. Then it can't be released in a freedom of information act request. This is all deliberate. These people behave like spies not morons. Morons is the cover story.
PS they are also dim & fanatical. But not teenager-level incompetent.
No, they're discussing things on signal because messages were easily set to auto-delete after 4 weeks, and this way they don't leave an evidence trail for all their crimes. They (kind of) learned after the texts were subpoenad and showed up in J6 trials.
No it is not just a FOIA violation. This was an active military operation. That has to be extremely classified. This is jail time, or should be. Certainly it is clearance revocation time (in a sane world). Anyone involved should also (obviously) be out of a job.
What they have just inadvertently admitted is that the US is responsible for causing military disruptions in the Middle East. There bombing and civil destruction causes thousands of displaced people to seek refuge elsewhere. UK and Europe is sick of dealing with the refugees that America creates.
I sincerely hope so as I already felt unsafe with Putin on the warpath but since mid-January that feeling has gone into overdrive with The Orange Felon running rampant.
And yet, FL Govt wants to see our children's texts.
Florida House Bill 743 would require social media platforms to disable end-to-end encryption or other data encryption features for accounts held by minors (under 16 years old).
If officials are deliberately evading oversight mechanisms like FOIA and archival laws, it raises serious concerns about government integrity.If there is credible evidence of misconduct, it should be investigated, and those responsible should be held accountable.
Aren't they above the law? If they get caught who will prosecute them? Bondi will more likely go after the news outlet, like her boss did when he blamed the journalist.
And I’m not advocating it, but we’re not even breaking shit or turning stuff over.
Simply add a voting option on every cash machine.
Receipt shows your bank balance and your voting selections.
If the banks trust them with money handling, then we can certainly trust them for voting... compared to the current system, for sure!
Time to fight fire with fire!
We're not just living history,
we're writing it.
I’m going with both, and I hate my brain for thinking of this stuff. Send puppies.
Republican voters and non-voters still haven't grasped how vulnerable they made the US by giving the White House and Congress to Trump & co
My journalism “career” only took me as far as high school but I imagine if I had accepted the scholarship I didn’t want, this would have been the sort of ethics problem I might have studied in college.
That's why I follow that sentence by reiterating how much voters screwed this country over by electing Trump: they elected a guy who installs sycophants, and those sycophants answer to him, not the Constitution.
We've got some pretty big problems in this country.
Is anyone keeping track of the lies and mis statements so far? Just curious.
Her private server
Is this what we want?
Wake up America!
Impeach Trump!
Deport Musk!
" My stuff is important, so I'm allowed to bend the rules because I'm important"
" Those rules make my life difficult, I'm an alpha, so I can ignore them
- Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) House Oversight Committee Chairman, 2016
Probably something like Nuremberg Trials. Because they know what they're doing is criminal and corrupt.
The nazi were fastidious at record keeping, and that evidence is what got them hung.
But her recklessness doesn't even hold a candle to Trump's.
"The National Archives now has 220 million emails from the Bush WH, and there is a long backlog of Freedom of Information Act requests already. But not all of the emails will be available to the public until 2021"
They have what they CHOSE. Either by choosing to ignore the 14th Amendment BEFORE the election, choosing to vote FOR Dump, or choosing not to vote, thereby handing their vote to Dump. 🤡
Any acting service men and women who were on the fence about this regeam will surely be off it now that it has been made unequivocally clear that they are exponentially more concerned about keeping themselves off the record than the lives of those in service.
Illegal. If Trump does it it’s legal. Tyranny 101.
No messages, No FOIA.
What level of stupid are you?
This is almost everyone in the current administration caught disseminating classified war plans prior to America attacks a sovereign country thereby endangering American servicemen.
Wake Up!
Mini Elon
wipe a large hard-won
booger dug out of his nose
on dictator donny's
desk as he
leaned in and told
he wasn't the
Kids know how to get
two germaphobes out.
Adults know it'll take 2 straitjackets and 4 burly men.
These motherfuckers are all going to be writing books about this.
There was no other reason to avoid the secure, official channels except to hide what they were doing. And one of the participants was actually in Moscow during the meeting. We are over the waterfall.
Elon's tweet should make your blood boil!
Huge shocker this administration fails to comply.
-the official secrets act
-all legislated record keeping
-future freedom of information requests
-future subpoena to appear in court
👀 I’m sure it’s all fine.
But Russell Vought is back in his same spot, and handing #TraitorTrump the EOs to sign. The follow up is the project2025 tracker.
Scary Undercover video
Re: project 2025
Our country wont be able to be what it was after Trump.
That so many buffoons still believe his con - I kinda wonder how we lasted this long as a nation. Did we just fail upward like Don the Con?
I actually love this country.
TBF, I love it like I loved my dad- deeply and fully cognizant of his many flaws.
I think I am in daily mourning, watching the demise of the land I love.
ONE was LATER classified
These government workers are using Signal to evade supervision. Same thing. Precedent.
You can't charge someone without any evidence or links to the crime?
Try as Republicans might since Bill Clinton was in office.
Let me fill you in on something:
What Hillary Clinton did or didn't do never compromised our nation's security.
Signalgate will leave us wide open to potential terror attacks on the scale of 9/11?
Because of Trump's innate incompetence and stupidity?
*Republican President
PS they are also dim & fanatical. But not teenager-level incompetent.
Not that they ever HAD TO
The government was already notorious for NEVER FUCKING responding to those in anything resembling a timely or reasonable manner.
They probably own part of it.
"Join Signal, you might randomly get National Security info!"
Everything they are doing is fraud or illegal or corrupt
They’re just asking to be arrested
Turn over all the evidence and these war criminals over to The Hague and wash our hands of them.
Sorry, but we will have to deal with this attempted take-over, ourselves.
Florida House Bill 743 would require social media platforms to disable end-to-end encryption or other data encryption features for accounts held by minors (under 16 years old).
This got me confusing
It took me 30mins to understand what you meant