One thing I will give credit to Fetterman for, he sticks to his principles. He'll dress like he's going down to the corner store in flip-flops for a snack run, come hell or high water, and no amount of decorum will cause him to abandon this. He has a monastic conviction about being a slob
it's become a meme of sorts in pro israel/pro genocide/anti Arab circles, which once again highlights the ghoulishness of the ideology they all rally around.
They weren't indiscriminate. Distributed to individual members of Hezbollah, it was probably the most precisely targeted attack in the region's history.
A risk existed for collateral damage. At least 4 of the 2800 people affected were innocents. That doesn't change the fact that the precision was exceptional and the degree of discrimination unprecedented.
It was 3,250 injured and it did damage in ways that were, at every level, war crimes. None of the 'hezbollah' people were actually confirmed outside some level of suspicion and, to repeat, they did war crime damage, blinding and maiming often rather than killing.
Yes, it is. If Israel had sent in troops, Hezbollah would have put a lot of human shields in the way. The pager technique averted a lot of civilian deaths in comparison.
Look, it's not Israel's fault if, every time they want to deployment some armaments, Hezbollah arranges for platoons of "human shields" to be just in the precise location where the most damage is down.
This ongoing pretense at moral purity, combined with victim-blaming, is utterly grotesque.
Members of Hezbollah wouldn’t have their pagers when they’re out in combat. They have them when they’re out with friends and family in civilian areas. This attack was precisely targeted to hit civilians.
Civilian hospital staff and utility workers got hurt too on account of their jobs needing pagers and the Mossad INDISCRIMINATELY distributing these tampered devices (not to mention bystanders).
It's terrorism. If Russia had done this to Ukraine you'd be shitting yourself to death with indignation.
How does setting off thousands of tiny bombs in the middle of dense civilian sectors show an "interest in minimizing civilian casualties" you absolute bellend?
"Distributed to individuals" is a blatant and disgusting lie. They're rigged up a case of pagers, and then sent it on its way to be distributed - there are countless civilian uses for a pager.
Israel infiltrated Hezbollah's supply chain. There are countless reasons for a civilian to have a pager, but only one reason for someone to receive a pager directly from Hezbollah.
Netanyahu: "Mr. Fetterman, please don't chew it. It's not a piece of candy. Calm down, I know you're upset that it isn't candy but...please stop trashing the room! Oh God! Somebody hel-"
Fetterman's aide, while loading a tranquilizer gun: "This happens sometimes, so please stand back"
That is exceptionally fucked up, since the pagers killed numerous innocent civilians... and Zionists have threatened Jewish Americans and College protestors with death threats involving IED pagers... it's a borderline antisemitic ceremonial gift considering the implications... and he liked it too?!
According to the Lebanese government, the attack killed 42 people, including 12 civilians, and injured 4,000 civilians.
This was an absolutely reckless act, but Fetterman loved it!
Pair of sick bastards, and a Democrat to boot!
If Hezbollah were interested in minimizing civilian casualties there wouldn't have been a conflict in the first place, though.
The pager attacks target doctors and emergency responders. Israelis always murder the helpers
Hezbollah has a more moral position than Israel ever did
Gaza can you help me please by donating or sharing send me love❤️🌸🫶🙏
What is wrong with you?
Because it's more precise to blow up a pager that might be anywhere or carried by anyone in a household than, say, a shooting with a gun.
Just stop with this kind of crap already.
"Hezbollah would have put a lot of human shields in the way."
Do you understand how absurdly biased this would sound to a neutral observer?
You completely ignored the precise language I was criticizing. You seem hopelessly biased here.
Your tone is onanistic.
Excuse me while I vomit.
This is a child's understanding of evil.
This ongoing pretense at moral purity, combined with victim-blaming, is utterly grotesque.
It's terrorism. If Russia had done this to Ukraine you'd be shitting yourself to death with indignation.
like, you know that, right.
Next person who leaves a voicemail message for Fetterman may be unintentionally responsible for his untimely death!
Imagine a silver-plated trophy celebrating that.
It's morbid, gruesome, and repellent.
If he wants to exaggerate Fetterman being a Superfan-Boy shouldn't he give him a hoodie with a "I ❤️ exploding pagers" print?
Only shows me he's gone MAGA.
This endorsement of international crimes shows us another face...
Fetterman's aide, while loading a tranquilizer gun: "This happens sometimes, so please stand back"
But that's also true of any other gift Netanyahu is giving out.
That doesn’t sound like a keepsake, it sounds like a veiled threat.
I can’t believe I voted for this fascist asshole
So, people said it about Trump... and Harris.
This was an absolutely reckless act, but Fetterman loved it!
Pair of sick bastards, and a Democrat to boot!
Doesn't he respect Bibi?