Okay but now let him drive it. Doesn't even have to be on the main road. Just around the grounds there. Let's see him drive like a big boy. Surely the leader of the US can drive a car.
Right. Because just the idea of writing a check for a worthless pos car isn’t a slap in the face to the rest of us who are scraping by to afford groceries for our families. Never mind the rest of this asinine circus. Gross.
That's how a Democracy works!
Portuguese Prime Minister centre-right government, lost a Vote of Confidence amid a conflict of interest scandal, because he had a Company with clients who could benefit from his decisions as Prime Minister.
Would this happen in today's USA?
These Yt men are what they think “trailer trash” is & just because they have money they think it exempts them. Naw buddy, that lack of integrity, lack of moral compass, complete selfishness, baby daddy mentality & deplorability makes them the poster child for that stereotype. Just missing a red hat.
The US is a failed state. It’s time for all sane nations to drop the US dollar for international trading and liquidate all US dollar reserves. A robust retaliatory measure to combat the destabilizing trump regime. Get in early! The US dollar will depreciate exponentially once the divestment starts.😎
What other President in the history of this country, after only a few weeks, alludes to the fact that due to his policies, the country may enter a recession?
He was putting tariffs on everything. Even before this election, let alone this week. Tariffs - a beautiful word. Not saying he's not petty enough to just do revenge but current PM not strong. So when Trump said he'd think about it, he never intended to think about it. He was doing it regardless
He is so insane and petty, he's closing our parks and passed a law to cut down all the trees 🌳, because we buy our lumber from Canada 🇨🇦 and they can TARRIFF us. Sick
A lot of us are out there every week. Whenever Trump comes to town to play golf many of us are somewhere hounding him. We need to march on Washington by the millions is what we need to do.
Oh he's not being idiotic about THIS, he fully intends to crash every market worldwide so that the billionaire acquisition broligarchs like him can swoop in and buy EVERYTHING for pennies. They want to own the world and force their crypto on us all so they can rug pull us, taking even our money
Trump turned the White House to a Fortune 5,
Selling out the system just to keep the rich alive.
401ks in freefall, the wolves still feast,
While we scrap for crumbs in the belly of the beast.
From the magazine making brash and anger popular.... Donald Trump is aggressive, abrasive and audacious. That’s why we love him. He’s the hallmark of a truly transformative leader. Here are some of the ways Trump got to the top of the heap.
Mango Mussolini must owe this mother fucker a ton of money. This is completely illegal, along with everything else that shit stain does. Fuck buying a Tesla, fuck Leon Skum, fuck Trump. No real Patriot would spend one fucking time on the swastika cars
This is disgraceful! What’s next? Is Trump going to set up a kiosk to sell Trump sneakers on the south lawn of the White House? Just proves that he’s nothing more than a sleezy snake oil salesman!!
I checked my retirement account and they inserted pop up warnings over the site ‘due to recent sudden market fluctuations’ it’s best to think before you make changes… (as u watch ur retirement account reduce)…as I watch the guy in charge doing infomercial for the worlds richest man…instead of us 🤢🤢
I think this is the point where we never get it back... The world can never look at our country seriously again now. We're just a planetary billboard now, advertising to the universe how fucking stupid we are.
Yes. I keep wondering when we cross that Rubicon. This is it. Outside the White House, no less. Remember when Trump despised anything electric? “They want us to have electric tanks, etc.” Now they are the greatest thing, evidently.
Yes. I seem to recall some small-minded campaign ad by none other than MTG where she was firing a bazooka or something at a Prius. You know how MAGA Nation loves to equate anything remotely friendly to the environment as “woke.” Until Toyota liked a tweet, then, “Toyota, friends of mine..” 🙄
I was perfectly happy when Biden left office - eggs were 18, not a dozen 18 $3.58 - those same eggs now $9.54. Other things went up as well since 1/20/25 mind u.
Completely enabled by his republican congress. At this point every hurt he does to Americans is on the backs of the GOP Congress that does nothing to save every day Americans. VOTE THEM OUT!
He’s not acting as president at all. 🤬 Trump has humiliated America, he’s tarnished the reputation of the White House and has made US Congress look weak and useless — mute, deaf and blind bunch of Congressmen and women. SAD! ☹️ 😨😡💔
Ugh, remember that? “His policies worked.” Every time I hear someone say that it’s like nails on a blackboard. How are these “policies” working for you now?
If MAGAs want to buy electric vehicles that's great. They should probably be advised that there are other great vehicles on the market, and that Tesla's are frequently targeted by vandals.
When does Krasnov start doing product placements all over the WH?
Today's Secret Service agents have guns provided by Glock.
Oval Office furnished by Fred's Fine Furniture.
Photos and notecards used by the President are printed on Epson Office Products.
Presidents typically refrain from endorsing products for several reasons:
1. Conflict of Interest
2. Neutrality
3. Ethics & Regulations
4. Public Trust
5. Focus on Duties
Reasons ensure that the president remains focused on their role as a public servant and maintains the integrity of the office.
But nobody's going to do a damn thing about it just like they didn't do a damn thing about it the first time around. They might throw their brow or write a Stern letter but they won't enforce the fucking law. We might as well admit there aren't any laws and we can do whatever the fuck we want
Ford, Chrysler etc should complain and move their manufacturing to Canada. They are at a competitive disadvantage in the US unless they can use the WH for marketing purposes too.
There is no public trust, no ethics, DJT does not consider himself a public servant and he has never maintained any integrity of the office of the president.
Okay Propagandist, Donnie doesn't "hop" anywhere. He does an old man shuffle and they cut away while he tries to bend his old man knees and then cut back when he's inside.
You know what let the the Orange turd use the cyber truck from now on, I very much like the idea of his breaking down on the side of the road on a weekly basis
Why hasn’t a republican in congress expressed outrage at this stunt? Its so outrageous. Musk is smiling because he is getting big returns on the millions he spent to get this orange creep elected president.
At least it's a higher end product than beans or pillows. He's such a grifter. Terrible use of his position. He obviously has no respect for the office.
It's unsettling when policy feels tied to a single stock's fate. Folks' security shouldn't be market-dependent whims. It chips away at trust and stability for everyone else.
Could be direct financial interests, like personal investments rising with that stock. Or seeing that company as politically vital and wanting to elevate it, even if it means others take a hit.
Portuguese Prime Minister centre-right government, lost a Vote of Confidence amid a conflict of interest scandal, because he had a Company with clients who could benefit from his decisions as Prime Minister.
Would this happen in today's USA?
Trump will CONTROL TikTok AGAINST STUPID DEMs (letting him have it w/o a fight). And he PERSONALLY will make BILLIONS $$$s.
Sell cheap2Musk &Trump if losing Control
Only Trump. The man who bankrupted a casino.
$38 BILLION was WIPED OFF the Australian Stock Exchange (ASX), as global markets TUMBLE due to Trump’s Trade War
Why you ask!
Because one of our previous PMs, Malcolm Turnbull upset Trump on Monday
Trump retaliated against him in a Truth Social post
So Trump's rejection of an Aussie exemption to the Tariff is actually Trump’s REVENGE against Turnbull
I'm more worried about Dutton, who's using Trump’s playbook to gaslight Aussies.
Dutton plans to implement Trump policies and bow down to his Trump sucking racist billionaires!
I'm clearly going to hell, if you know what I mean!
We need to band together to stop him.
As Elmer Fudd sez, "FIIIYYYAH!"
Selling out the system just to keep the rich alive.
401ks in freefall, the wolves still feast,
While we scrap for crumbs in the belly of the beast.
The abject DISRESPECT and contempt he has for people is astounding.
After WW2, Trump 2.0, the exceptions to his lying & being treated differently, there was no playbook/plan to legally counteract his maliciousness?
There's still time. And they also know this isn't the citizens. This is an isolated group of assholes.
He did it.
We watched him do it.
I was perfectly happy when Biden left office - eggs were 18, not a dozen 18 $3.58 - those same eggs now $9.54. Other things went up as well since 1/20/25 mind u.
We had a stable economy that was growing.
I also believe this is a moment of change. Either there's going to be a class/civil war within America or The People's demands will be met.
What's diff now, we are not our ancestors. Those that know history, know how to fight.
He’s not acting as president at all. 🤬 Trump has humiliated America, he’s tarnished the reputation of the White House and has made US Congress look weak and useless — mute, deaf and blind bunch of Congressmen and women. SAD! ☹️ 😨😡💔
tRump is literally an illegitimate President.
Every action he performs (executive order, or otherwise) is non-binding and illegal.
John Roberts should be impeached and removed for violating his oath of office when he administered the Oath of Office in violation of 14A S3. 🤬🤷
Today's Secret Service agents have guns provided by Glock.
Oval Office furnished by Fred's Fine Furniture.
Photos and notecards used by the President are printed on Epson Office Products.
Wall cleaning by Stainpros
1. Conflict of Interest
2. Neutrality
3. Ethics & Regulations
4. Public Trust
5. Focus on Duties
Reasons ensure that the president remains focused on their role as a public servant and maintains the integrity of the office.
He’s a con, and it’s so obvious
At least make your propaganda believable.
Which one of you Trump voters is stepping up to fund my retirement? You voted for this shit show. Own it.
I just can’t deal with this anymore.
Republicans are enemies of the people ~ always have been in my 73 years
Including those who's grandparents are gonna get rid of the money they'd pass to them.
No one gets generational wealth now lol.
Anyway it won't get any woker so they made America woke again. MAWA it is.
These two give the whole world the shits.