The Trump administration just shut down a food safety committee to prevent bacteria in baby formula.
They are also threatening to fire employees who prevent deli meat from being infected with Listeria and applesauce from being laced with lead.
They are also threatening to fire employees who prevent deli meat from being infected with Listeria and applesauce from being laced with lead.
This is just more par for the course.
So, what alternatives are there? Victory gardens? Supporting local farmers?
One thing I’m curious about is what options there are for people who might not have the resources to afford $5/tomato at the farmer’s market or have space/time/energy to grow a garden.
It’s what I don’t get about this level of bring on the mass danger and great risks of harm for slightly higher profit margins deregulation glee and indirect but foreseeable killings for profit are a-okay and as American as can be crowd.
Yet some dumbass ants still think he’s cool?!?
Impeach that Son of a Bitch!
food, safety inspectors & deregulating factory guidelines under the #45 POTUS Regime, created formula recalls.
Baby formula had several recalls due to contaminants & metals found without inspectors, still by June 2021.
There was product shortage
And here they are allowing infanticide.
It's incredibly f_cked up.
The President can not impound funds to stop legal programs and Congressionally funded programs.
He is violating his oath of office and should be impeached for his repeated violations
The Seniors, chronically ill, disabled, poor, they want us all dead!
They only want the strongest to survive!
That way, they have good slave labor!
While we’re in a second Great Depression, they will buy of all land and resources
Then they will rule over the ashes!
The kill economy to steal plan is not going to happen cuz like in 1930’s nobody is going to have liquid assets
My family went from a large estate and 9 servants down to a house and 2 servants
That will kill the value of the dollar which will spike prices.
Higher rates and higher prices starts a depression not a recession
May 9, 2023: Jury Finds Him LIABLE FOR SEXUAL ABUSE.
May 30, 2024: Jury Finds Him GUILTY OF 34 FELONIES.
JANUARY 10, 2025: Judge Passes Sentence on Felony Convictions.
He Is Forever-A CONVICT!
Gee. It's as trump is prosecuting Putin's offensive. If trump was *openly* working directly for Putin, what would he be doing any differently?
And it won't be tariffs that will destroy the USA, it will be healthcare and the lack of it. A simple measles outbreak out of control, no Flu bird control, no security for safe food/water. Woman will be props like Melania or breeding machines.
That is the GOP
Yeah THAT on a massive national scale. Trump is culling the American herd.
I fvckn hate these fvckn psychopaths.
How many billionaires are making sandwiches, eating applesauce, and feeding infants with baby formula?
I wish what I said was sarcasm...
Mix in some laid-off Musk bros with no healthcare or savings.
And that’s just for starters.
#DystopiaNow #OrangeIdiot
Because it concentrates oligarch wealth.
Hope they are paying attention and not buy any from the US dealers j/s
Babies die there for sure will be riots
Wait, he can fire the ride inspectors. What a great idea!
Good grief. The committees were already strained to begin with. We're going to have more people become critically ill or die, because regulatory inspections will be down to nonexistent.
Pro-life my a$$!
Will they ever know what the FDA, CDC are doing i doubt it, same for NOAA, NIH and HHS.
suggestion make a 3 minute video on what they are responsible for and how it impacts the lives of average (MAGA) Joe and Karen.
Its Dear Leader and his Klown Kar Kabinet are actively trying to poison and infect the population.
Then we have Jim Jordan on CNN giving a hard selling timeshare talk to convince everyone that justices are being political. It’s funny how they’re always the victim yet actively victimize.
But nothing will come of since they are acting in their quasi-official capacities.
I think he’s just lying and trying to rip us off.
Such waste and abuse of general wellbeing
Guess we’re going back to putting lead in every product.
But keeping born babies from getting deadly bacteria, nope.
Gotta love MAGAist morality.
I guess it's just a form of "Fuck it, let 'em all die and let god sort it all out".
And why I believe religion is usually evil.
If you want to know where the US is headed, this article spells it out.
No throwing stones. ❌ No violence. ❌
Trump is itching to release his Gestapo on US!
The science and risk is well established and this administration is ignoring it.
No offense to black lives matter, of course, because if they don't matter, all lives can NEVER matter. ALL the parts need to matter before the whole can matter. If you say /all lives/ but can't say black lives matter, you don't mean it.
That’s why Trump thought he invented the word.
This feels like a purposeful design. I have a theory but it's too fucking annoying to speak out loud
Anyway not making this shit up. It’s basically the tech bros playbook.
Break free Australia.