Lolol.... she's one of them, so, nothing is going to happen, it's going to be the courts, again, that have to deal with these clowns...
This plays in my head with every new post about the circus...
Directing real-time wartime military actions as on the job training. Send these players back down to the farm team...def not ready for prime time. Get America an "A" team now!
This is what trump gets when he hires idiots that don’t understand government. What was it that they chanted when Hillary used a private server??? On, yeah, lock them up!!
By 'treated as such' I presume she means left for the corrupt Supreme Court to condone, the administration to ignore and Senate and Congress to do a lot of head shaking, tutting and running away from journos over?
18 U.S.C. § 793(f) makes it a federal crime to for people entrusted with information related to the national defense to, with gross negligence, disclose it to others in violation of that trust.
I have a pretty good feeling that this won't lead to anything, not even slapped wrists
And anyway, since Trump and Tulsi are already giving Russia all this info in advance, it's technically not an issue since our historical enemies (and now our only friends apparently) already have the info
No one expects that MAGA will be prosecuted by this Justice Department. The new regime rules by decree not law which means it is a crime if Trump says so, otherwise not. That is what Roberts has made constitutional: A Hobbsian state.
Democrats are scheduling a meeting for next week to create a committee for coming up with a snarky tweet response to all this which won't make the President angry of be bothersome to Neville Schumer.
Just watch, they'll go after Goldberg for this for mistakenly being invited to a group chat.
Imagine what else has been sent over Signal that we don't know about... (yet)
When asked about the breach, the man in the Oval Office responded, “I know nothing about it.” That is his standard response when asked uncomfortable questions. For a guy who claims to know everything and be so in control, he always claims ignorance when it’s convenient to him.
Donald J. Trump has taken another joyride through the Constitution, and this time, he’s run over the rule of law, reversed over due process, and parked right on the chest of free speech. Please share and repost thanks.
It’s a good thing that Jeffery Goldberg was an upstanding guy.
This could’ve been a very bad thing. Not to mention they have not realized they’d done a very bad thing, until it was way too late to do anything about it.
All these people in this regime need to be impeached immediately.
And they will do nothing because one of theirs is responsible. They will spin & excuse it, just like the J6 trash. Or they will find a way to blame Biden, Kamala, Obama, the "woke" or someone else they hate. Jeff needs protection before he disappears under questionable circumstances.
Learn the Declaration of Independence it allows us to do exactly what we’re doing by protesting calling our congressman, writing our congressman signing petitions. It allows us to overthrow our government. Would it become becomes authoritarian and a regime. Learn the constitution it is the laws !
Do any of us expect them to do anything other than excuse it all away as journalistic lies at this point? I mean - we are WAY WAY WAY past the point of accountability with this administration. They just bend or ignore the law to their liking and favor, seemingly without recourse.
Hegseth, Waltz, Rubio and Vance committed treason by disclosing advance details of a military operation outside of classified channels. They should all immediately resign, face charges and be stripped of titles and clearances. They literally put the lives of American military personnel at risk.
That's why everyone on the group chat should have their titles and clearances stripped and face charges. They simply cannot be trusted to protect the national security interests of the United States.
I don't count on MAGA or congressional Republicans for anything, but I do hope patriots rise up over this. It's utterly unacceptable for the supposed leaders of natsec to put American troops in harm's way with this type of careless, reckless behavior.
Given tRumps post a few days ago, sounds like all these thugs would enjoy time in El Salvador and the “lovely conditions”! Can you imagine all of them with shaved heads?
😱🧑🏼🦲 😬😬
My question to everyone is imagine this. Imagine if a Democrat did this. Imagine the fire and brimstone. Fox News will be on it for hours and hours and hours.
You are absolutely right. From a standpoint of newsworthiness, it's hard to overstate the risk to national security that this incident has created. This is a time when a story SHOULD be dominating every news platform and publication nationwide.
Shouldn’t they all be held accountable for violating the Federal records management regulations by using an unauthorized platform for communication, which was set to erase these federal records?
And nothing will be done by any of them ..until congress begins to exercise its own authority . Constitution crisis actually means “NOT FOLLOWING THE CONSTITUTION” .. it means it’s been willfully nullified !
Man can I get an invite to wherever you Trump nuts party at? It's gotta be some good shit the way you all are acting. Name of the house physician will do? The last time he was handing out drugs like trick or treat lol
Silly rabbit...Republicans don't have to obey laws or be competent. Why, I myself say him hate all the right people and give perfectly good lip service to the flag on my very own TV.
Gabbard claims there was no classified info in the chat. The only thing I can imagine is that this is a technicality. Something becomes classified through action to classify it. Clearly, just a written discussion of a war plan, even without detail, should be classified.
They sound like they are setting it up to say Hegseth had already de-classified it, but that really doesn’t make sense. TG was clearly fibbing in that Senate hearing and too mum. And then Ratcliffe seemed to contradict himself at times.
The Trump Administration has been blatantly breaking the law since 2016. It's just more aggressive and more frequent now. I listened to live court stream with WH attorney insisting that obstruction of justice is Trump's "right" as President and is not to be questioned. Trump=nauseating autocrat
The difference between that tweet and reality is that absolutely nothing will happen to the careless jackholes that shared the information without authorization.
Lock up the DUI hire Hegseth already!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Similarly, if I txt you war plans and you read them, perhaps YOU should be arrested not me.
This plays in my head with every new post about the circus...
Directing real-time wartime military actions as on the job training. Send these players back down to the farm team...def not ready for prime time. Get America an "A" team now!
-Source me: 21 years having a top secret clearance. I would be in prison.
This administration is a threat not just at home but worldwide.
And anyway, since Trump and Tulsi are already giving Russia all this info in advance, it's technically not an issue since our historical enemies (and now our only friends apparently) already have the info
Apologies to the pigs.
They know nothing about law
Except they don't like it
They go low; we go nowhere.
Imagine what else has been sent over Signal that we don't know about... (yet)
But nothing will happen….
Whoops!! It certainly was only ten days ago!!! Wonder what she’s thinking right now??
Every single Rep would talk about it in the next 3 election cycles!
Such incompetent fools! America how can y elect people like this? When will y learn?
Short fucking memories! That’s the impression I have!
This could’ve been a very bad thing. Not to mention they have not realized they’d done a very bad thing, until it was way too late to do anything about it.
All these people in this regime need to be impeached immediately.
The app is on the poster
😱🧑🏼🦲 😬😬
I think I'm on safe ground when I say f*ck all will be done
And I wouldn't want to be Mr. Goldberg; they never quit and they never forget.
Listen to the fool.
But it isn’t
So many skeletons in the closet
Truth be told
In a french accent....
There's no way this is going to be applied even-handedly.
It’s in the *fine print*
Let’s just see how accountable they hold each other.
More LARP promotions for these fuckin’ clown shoe grifters!!
But who are we kidding they are the masters of failing up.
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
Lock him up!
2) Aside from the shocking security breach, I can't believe these guys communicate like dipshits on Facebook - with the prayer hands and other emojis.
3) Everything fuckin' sucks and is stupid.
That would be way too principled of you.
Cancer isn’t principled. It’s just out to destroy.