I know a lot of people are upset with him for a number of understandable reasons, but the simple fact is that history is—broadly speaking—going to remember him kindly. There is just no getting around that.
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I agree he accomplished a lot. I just wish he had announced on day one that he would not run for a second term. Democrats do better when they have competitive primaries.
And yet he lost the election on the economy. I think the problem is that no one lives in a macro economy -- and that for an awful lot of people the economy was below average.
Biden knew every day that the media mocked him. He knew they kept his approval ratings below 40 on purpose. He knew the right hated him, and yet he went to work every day, raising wages, and 401k's. He never appeared bitter. I'm not sure any of us could do that.
If he would have announced in 2022 that he wasn’t running for reelection he would have been beloved and all the good things he did accomplish would have been his legacy to a grateful nation. Now, he will be known for putting our constitutional democracy at risk on the alter of his 82 year old ego.
As presidents before him, he invited Trump to come to the White House. He will be there for Trump’s inauguration. Trump did neither for Biden. Obama did both for Trump. It’s call Protocol - Respect.
Biden's biggest mistake was to appoint Merrick Garland as AG, who slow-walked investigations of crimes that we literally watched happen on TV to the point where they "ran out of time". That seems to be the plan from the start for Merrick.
I am 64 and he is the best President of my lifetime. He was handed a shit show and a half. We have way too many willfully ignorant voters. Despite all of our blessings we are a stupid country
He overcame seemingly impossible obstacles to prevent a recession/depression, endured relentless attacks from the felon and prosecution of his son while the felon's children committed huge crimes in broad daylight and was always the American President to ALL.
He did a stellar job under wicked circumstances. Mistakes. Yup. A few. But overall he did better than I expected or better than anyone without experience could have done. I’m proud of him. Congress not so much.
He and his admin did well leaving us a strong economy and added I believe 1.6 million jobs in the US in 4 years! We can argue about Ukraine and whether he and his Ed could’ve done more, but we also know that he’s been blocked by Republicans too. I predict after trump people will beg for biden
There were some mis-steps but overall Biden did an amazing job. The issues he ran into were out of his control mostly. Inflation was going to happen no matter what he did, given supply after covid; Israel was never under his control, no one could have managed that.
Ill always remember him as the one who enabled Israel for a year to cause one of the biggest humanitarian crisis in recent times... too bad he went full Zionazis.
Joe Biden will not be remembered. He will be just another unremarkable US President with the exception of being a Trump sandwich and the last President before the oligarchy was installed.
History will remember Biden as the president who abandoned the rule of law and allowed the organizers of the coupe to go free with no consequences. His lack of action makes him complicit in handing government to the billionaires and trump. Biden did a horrible job protecting citizens.
Many people did not vote because Biden was forced out in a coup of sorts. What a lot of folks don't get is Biden had loyal supporters who were pissed. I suspect a lot of the millions of Dems who did not vote were Biden loyalists.
I am just regretful he didn’t run in 2016. I know the reason why with his son dying. I completely get that. But where would we be with NO Trump and 8 years of Biden? My guess is we would be swearing in our first woman President instead of the Trumpster fire. When I think about what could have been…🙁
Its my understanding that narrative is outdated now.
I think its come out that President Obama pressured him to not run so that Hillary could. I can see that as the fulfillment of an agreement for her to support him after he beat her in 2008.
Agree, but this is the one I've talked with ppl who hate everything about Drumpf, but they're struggling & think he'll get more $ in their pocket. It's bizarre, but it's a generational lie fueled by GOP.
Came here to say this! I heard this on @politicsgirl.bsky.social on her latest podcast, and yes, they say Republicans are fiscally responsible and that is their platform. But in my lifetime, that has never happened.
Joe Biden will always be remembered as the President who handed unimaginable, unaccountable power to a rapey, treasonous racist fascist, who is bent upon the destruction of Democracy.
It was on his watch that Elon Musk was allowed to purchase the 2024 election, right out in the open.
Here is how there is "getting around that"...trump belongs to a party that has zero intention of documenting or learning from history and america just gave them they A-ok to do so. Will anyone in the future even know that Trumpistan was ever called the United States?
I ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️Joe Biden. I feel Rupert Murdoch created a lie about his health that destroyed Justice. I Hope Rupert a swift decent to hell right after his shithead son Lachlan They McConnell Johnson and Rump have given Satan a master class in hate making Satan scouring for a place below Mengle and Hitler.
Majority of white America only wants an economy that benefits them only. White America wants to kill black and brown people and steal their property. Shitler 2.0
He did more for the people, economy and infrastructure of this nation than any president in our lifetime. Historians will probably put him in the top 5, if Trumpies don't rewrite the books. I consider him a failure for not "protecting us from threats foreign AND DOMESTIC" not jailing traitor Trump
If these 3 presidential terms were a sandwich, the fact is a single decent slice of ham is not enough to overcome the two moldy bread slices around it. That's what I'll remember.
Job Market. 😆
I don't think that's what will be discussed. More like his soft entrance to Fascism. But yes, he's done okay. For someone we didn't want.
He's a good man and in any other time he would have done a great job as President. But I think history will only remember that he capitulated to Trump. Nobody remembers Neville Chamberlain's unemployment numbers.
For all the good he did, he was instrumental in losing a democracy.
No one paid the price for an insurrection, no one paid a price for the attacks on Americans.
Trump did not start this. Reagan invited the Christian Coalition into the tent and made sure to take down all guardrails on the press.
Trump just brought the racism they had been planting for decades out of the closet.
Old school republicans are busy complaining about the party they created.
Historical you might be right about Ronald, Donald did not follow this up in his first term. Now he is surrounded by idiots and he takes the oppertunity.
That might be true-and, in a different time, Biden would have left a different legacy.. but for now, I am enraged that he broke his promise to America when he said he would be a one term, transitional president- handing the reigns to someone else. He should have kept his promise. Now we have Trump
Whether you want to admit it or not President Biden was a good President yes he made terrible decisions with Israel. BUT he got us out of a pandemic. He made sure we didn't go into a recession. He was the most Pro worker President in my lifetime. He was going after monopolies n corporate greed 💯
Biden did a lot of good things but im upset with him that he doesn’t recognize as commander-in-chief and defender of the US Constitution the threat that trump poses to America—Biden should declare an emergency and stop trump.
For his flaws he was a more productive president for the middle class than we've had in a while. Unfortunately like most Dems following a Rep president he was handed half a deck and expected to deal a royal flush.
Admired for his great achievements domestically. Absolutely.
Forgien policy he has been a disaster. A spineless cynic who intentionally subverted & blocked Ukraine & protected Russia. Millions of lives destroyed. He & his idiot child Sullivan will be remembered with contempt.
UPSET? Nope, the man took the country that was on its knees by the scruff of the neck and dragged it upright and facing forward. 16 million jobs, capped Medicare , challenged ‘big everything . and was straight into every disaster with aid. He had FEMA and funds in place before the storms hit.
If they are focussing on Gaza, then they need to look at History, no one has sorted that conflict and he’s been held back by Netanyahu who has been waiting to hand the ceasefire kudos to Trump. What happens next with Israel annexing all of Gaza unopposed is his payment.
My prediction when he became the Dem candidate in 2020 was that he would do nothing to deny the growth of fascism, would fail to be reelected, and will be remembered as the last person who could have saved the US.
Hopefully what set us apart from the maga animals is our ability to acknowledge that while he was not perfect, he was competent; that while some of us wish he had done more in some respects, he succeeded magnificently in others. It’s never black & white. He did a lot of good & we are better for it.
Most of those reasons are beyond his control but people are too ignorant to see them. If our media was held to a standard of truth, fairness and decency I think we'd be in a much different place, we wouldn't have had trvmp in 2016. How can we hold these media people accountable too?
Debatable. His # 1 job was to protect and preserve The Union. Preserve our constitutional democracy. Right now it's in critical condition. Hiring Garland. Not firing Garland. Not using the immunity SCOTUS provided. Running for a second term when he wasn't up to it. His legacy hangs in the balance.
I’m upset with him over his handling of Israel. He should have called “genocide” a LONG time ago; otherwise, his only fault was getting older. Can you imagine!
Biden is one of the main contributors to the current situation. He is the only man on this goddamned planet who had actual means for preventing all of this. He chose formality over duty, and made world a far worse place than it was prior to his term. He will not and should not be remembered kindly.
As usual, Americans weren't smart enough to recognize that we WERE moving in the right direction, so we still can't have nice things with the money that WE pay in. And these rich douchebags who pay very little or no tax, think they're entitled to make us pay for their tax cuts. Look up, morons! 🤬
I still think kindly of him. And I always will. Regardless of what peoples opinions of him are towards the war. Israel and US are allies. Do I agree with everything he has done, no. But he still never got the credit for all the good he has done.
He should of been President earlier in life. He proved that the Reagan Revolution and trickle-down economics has always been a lie. He proved you could bring down inflation without causing massive unemployment.
Yeah good point, they may have fucked up there too... I think it was a loose/loose for Biden with Netanyahu in Power, he clearly does not want peace and nor does Hamas. It's unfortunate for the Palestinian people who are really paying the price.
I am angry at him for what he didn't do & thankful for what he did. He would have had my vote again.
Resistance isn't futile.
Revolution is necessary.
Merrick Garland was his biggest mistake. That said, Biden is the most consequential and best president of my lifetime. Eisenhower was president the year I was born. I've seen a few.
While I agree he has done some good things, I'm afraid his legacy
Will be mared by the fact that garland and the DOJ slow rolled justice and he ended up passing the United States to its first official Tyrant. It doesn't matter what history says, They will be the ones writing the history books.
Nope. You don't treat a piece of scum with respect under any circumstance.
Biden a dinosaur. Harris, at least, has the spine to fuck protocol and say no to Vance.
You don't let someone shit on you and your family for 4 years and then invite them into your house. Unless you're an old wimp.
I'd just like to say that his accomplishments speak for themselves. He could not dictate to the wannabe dictator Bibi no matter how much he hated what was happening in Gaza. Bibi would look for allies elsewhere as he did when he supported Hamas in Gaza.
Here,here-great President! Upset with him why? The most compassionate (add in Jimmy Carter+Obama)..this man-Joe Biden-knows the human condition+rapid change and grief/knows the human heart. I can attest. Instant loss(know that-deep grief) and so he utilized that capacity to help the American People🥳
Maybe on domestic issues. Personally, I’ll never forgive him for giving financial, political, and ideological support for a genocide that’s taken so many innocent lives and will further destabilize global politics for the rest of my life.
I have the same standards for the GOP. Even less expectation that they’ll live up to it, sure. But the same believe that taxpayer dollars should not find a genocide. IMHO Trump’s hands are already bloody given his chummy relationship with Netanyahu.
One of the great presidents of my lifetime. I did not always agree w/him. Sometimes, not at all. But I never doubted he meant well & was a kind person, doing the best he could, which is really all you can ask. He did the job well! Pleasing everyone all the time is impossible. He deserves better.
He deserves better remembrance than maybe people will give him initially, but I feel certain, as you suggest, historians will view him mostly favorably, as a very successful President. They will no doubt have things to critique, of course.
We will remember him for working with Ronald Reagan to create "mass incarceration"
Supporting the Iraq and Afghanistan occupations.
1% less bad than DTrump to win an election.
One of the people who worked with the DNC to stop B Sanders from being president.
He is shit.
That's what we will remember
I would like to agree with you, and in normal circumstances it would be true, but the times called for something different. Biden-Garland failed because they continued to operate in a bygone era. Hubris. Musk, trump, Netanyahu were left free to destroy whatever they wanted.
Why would you want to “get around it”. He’s been right all along and has told the truth even when it’s been ugly, unpopular. We couldn’t handle the truth.
In general, but he still could have reined in Israel more. It's hard to swallow that he facilitated the war with the weapon sales AND tried to give aid at the same time.
I still like him better than most presidents but I will forever tie him to Gaza.
You're probably right as you have objective facts on Biden's side. The problem - with this assessment & with our party's behavior since c.1980 - is that it ignores that we've let Rs gut workers' income, etc. We need to fight for policies that help these problems (NOT scapegoating migrants)
Depends on how deep your dip into facism or imperialism goes. I bet he might be judged by fumbling the election so you got Kamala instead of a real contender winning primarys
He was supposed to protect us from enemies foreign and domestic, uphold that sworn oath. Allowing the person who tried to over throw the government four years earlier to finish the job is a dereliction of duty, full stop.
Biden should’ve declared Trump a threat to national security, a domestic terrorist leader, on day one.
Sure, Biden accomplished a lot. But he didn’t protect us from our biggest enemy. All because he didn’t want to look political. Now, USA becomes an autocracy in a few days.
So disgusted with the Dems always playing nice. Willingly handing over OUR country to a fascist traitor. But oh well at least you didn't look political, Joe. Goodbye
America....nice to have known you. #ComplicitDems
President Biden deserves all the praise and honor sent his way. He is a great leader. People want to find fault, just wait a week and you will have plenty to complain about.
Don't think so. You're a little brainwashed dude. Just because they let you in the clubhouse doesn't mean you need to drink the kool aid. That's what separates real journalists from propagandists. Democrats are not Rapublicans, but they still suck, they're still powerless & they still let it happen
I’m not American but my knowledge of U.S domestic politics is good. I tend to judge presidents by the impact/legacy on international politics. Carter was Prez when I turned 16 and he’s still top dog. Biden was doing okay until late 2023 then dropped the ball, and he’ll always be #GenocideJoe to me.
I don’t think so. Maybe short term of 20 years max. World history will reveal him to the last potus of USA by handing over USA to tyranny…peacefully. Biden will be recorded as elderly man, did lots of things for USA but overshadowed by his lack of courage to use powers given to him, to save USA.
The fact President Biden let Merrick Garland stay in the DOJ position and thereby aiding Trump’s escape from consequence will colour that legacy. For some of us Unlawful America was the beginning of the end.
What is Neville Chamberlain remembered for? Anyone remember his policies? 🤷
History will be the final arbiter of Biden’s legacy & that will depend on the damage the tRump administration inflicts on Americans & the rest of the World.
Handing power to a self professed dictator is not a sign of stength
Biden has been a great president who got railroaded by a corporate media in hock to Trump and his corrupt party. I’d like to see a good breakdown of press coverage of Biden vs. Trump and this will be very apparent.
True. But if an arsonist sets your house on fire and you just sit there watching it burn rather than calling the fire department, you bear responsibility too.
The simple fact of the past election is that it would not have mattered who Democrats put forward for president ...Trump would have won. The narrative of the lousy economy (even though it was incredibly strong) carried the day. Long-term misinformation and a compliant MSM won the day.
President Biden's great job market will mean nothing after Trump is in office for three months and unemployment doubles. Any job market will mean even less once Trump and his incompetent Cabinet destroy our freedoms, and our right to vote, and turn America into Venezuela.
Joe Biden had not deterred looming russian genocidal invasion in Ukraine!
sitting on his hands in 2021 he invited and emboldened russia to start this war!
I wish him and all his offsprings to the seventh generation to experience all and every thing, that Ukrainians in Mariupol experienced.
I hope he doesn’t have to wait as long as Harry Truman for the “Wow, He Really Was Pretty Great” Tour. Because I’ll say it right now—he really was pretty great.
We are going to remember him kindly..after a minute of the bullshit chaos that is about to be unleashed on us!💙💙 T rump is 100 going to take credit for any ceasefire in gaza..
He's a modern day Jimmy Carter. Research has shown that most of what Carter did had no immediate impact but continues to affect us. Biden's agenda that sticks will last long term. He lost because people want instant gratification and his stuff takes year to show.
Biden failed to protect democracy. That's a fact and I don't care about his other "accomplishments" because they don't mean a hill of beans while we're being subjugated by Christofascists and Oligarchs. He failed to meet the moment and history will record it as such.
I think the voters and nonvoters did that. It was an obvious choice regardless of what they thought of President Biden, yet they chose the narcissistic sociopath.
Nothing he has done will mean squat. The orange 💩 stain will undo everything. Frankly, Biden's moral high ground is just disgusting at this point. He has the power to save this country. He simply won't. History won't be kind.
Joe Biden was exactly what the country needed after 4 years of relentless chaos. He wasn't perfect, not a single POTUS has been. He gave us all a chance to breath easy and during that time, quietly did the job. I see the improvements all around me. Even if I can't buy as many eggs.
Not just him. The entire spineless party. They continued to show how useless they were during the Hegseth questioning yesterday. No strats. No backbone.
That is on him and his hubris
And that is how he will be remembered
Tide turned against Biden and there was no way Americans would vote in those numbers again.
He could have been the one that healed the US after the Trump years and handed a healthy country over to the next generation
Joe was a great president, and he is a better human being than I'll ever be. But he also made a hugely consequential mistake.
I think its come out that President Obama pressured him to not run so that Hillary could. I can see that as the fulfillment of an agreement for her to support him after he beat her in 2008.
We didn't deserve him.
And frankly, he didn't deserve us.
Fuck us, Amurikkka.
Why is this one big fat effen lie not blown up every single effen day, like, FOREVER?!!!
Billboards would work!!
It was on his watch that Elon Musk was allowed to purchase the 2024 election, right out in the open.
The public sees the rise of fascism delivered by the GOP
Legacy media is now admitting #BernieWasRight
The public realizes GenocideJoe was an obstacle, as is Obama, along w Dem leaders writ large
And that's happening NOW!
Due to struggles of late stage capitalism!!
Ur wrong, Seth
I don't think that's what will be discussed. More like his soft entrance to Fascism. But yes, he's done okay. For someone we didn't want.
No one paid the price for an insurrection, no one paid a price for the attacks on Americans.
Trump just brought the racism they had been planting for decades out of the closet.
Old school republicans are busy complaining about the party they created.
He did much more than expected.
Forgien policy he has been a disaster. A spineless cynic who intentionally subverted & blocked Ukraine & protected Russia. Millions of lives destroyed. He & his idiot child Sullivan will be remembered with contempt.
💙💙 Biden💙💙
If you think we’re worried about history, you’re out of your fucking mind. History doesn’t matter if there’s nobody left to read it.
Only Jill Biden cares about Joe Biden at this point. He fucked us.
We're on track so far.
No, he was not competent.
This largely unwound the Fairness Doctrine
It's called capitalism
Where wealth consolidates & gets used to buy influence (govt, media, etc) & power.
Resistance isn't futile.
Revolution is necessary.
Will be mared by the fact that garland and the DOJ slow rolled justice and he ended up passing the United States to its first official Tyrant. It doesn't matter what history says, They will be the ones writing the history books.
The tech sector will not remember good economic times at all.
Two things can be true at the same time. He got us out of Covid and gave us a strong economy.
AND fucked us with Merrick Garland and his second bid for the White House.
Sorry, but as I struggle to get through these next four years, that latter will be what I remember.
Just my opinion.
Biden a dinosaur. Harris, at least, has the spine to fuck protocol and say no to Vance.
You don't let someone shit on you and your family for 4 years and then invite them into your house. Unless you're an old wimp.
How are you doing,I hope you're doing well sending you positive energy ✨️
May God bless you with happiness 😊 and joys
The same standards for GOP
Supporting the Iraq and Afghanistan occupations.
1% less bad than DTrump to win an election.
One of the people who worked with the DNC to stop B Sanders from being president.
He is shit.
That's what we will remember
I still like him better than most presidents but I will forever tie him to Gaza.
Sure, Biden accomplished a lot. But he didn’t protect us from our biggest enemy. All because he didn’t want to look political. Now, USA becomes an autocracy in a few days.
America....nice to have known you. #ComplicitDems
I also think history will be most deservedly unkind to Trump and his followers will be studied and mocked for millennia.
The rest of the world … not so much.
History will be the final arbiter of Biden’s legacy & that will depend on the damage the tRump administration inflicts on Americans & the rest of the World.
Handing power to a self professed dictator is not a sign of stength
But Gaza is the stain. And it always will be.
sitting on his hands in 2021 he invited and emboldened russia to start this war!
I wish him and all his offsprings to the seventh generation to experience all and every thing, that Ukrainians in Mariupol experienced.
However, he has left us vulnerable.
Unless he’s got something up his sleeve, that vulnerability will change America forever.
Knowingly and purposely without any pushback.