103 IQ max and I am not kidding
Reposted from
Aaron Rupar
Musk: "My mind is a storm"
No one takes them
He has—or really, had—one or two useful skills, as many do, but everything he says and does and how he says and does it screams “average intelligence.”
People who think he’s a genius simply don’t know his life story. They know a mythos he co-wrote.
That undereducated people like Joe Rogan are such fanboys shows how easy it is to get suckered.
Very much above average narcissism, sociopathy, entitlement, racism, fascism, misogyny, small dick syndrome.
Sounds a lot like Trump, actually.
—Dumbasses who think they’re geniuses
—Fragile malignant narcissistic sociopaths
—Successful only because of Daddy’s money
—Many kids with multiple mothers
—Serial cheaters
—White supremacists
—Often incoherent
—Fat, ugly, balding
They could be twins!
I haven't seen much evidence of any of these...
Paid for
Shoved down the world’s throat
Got paid for
I’m not a musk biographer but how close a summary is that Seth?
He sure managed to trash Twitter and his politics are making Tesla stock crash
Any behavior that is atypical.
Slowed breathing.
Psychotic behavior. Any behavior that indicates a disconnection from reality, such as:
Believing things that are untrue.
Extreme paranoia.
(Remind you of anyone?)
Anyone who has been, and who is not deeply needy, can easily see Enlo is shrewd, not wise. Fortunate not smart
And re: the way they are conducting investigations, I am being threatened with arrest by a man (and presumably his sheriff sidekick) for speaking on social media.
Not a joke.
Hope he does toooo many to end up like Matthew Perry!
But his rats will have control of our government by computers.. Damn
It blocked me for airing this. Its nym was "misterlittlebear" 1 mo. ago. 😂
Oh, and he obviously has massive female issues, massive.
He's a dumb junkie.
What the actual fuck. Lmao
However, I've spent most of my life in the company of very smart people. They have one thing in common: they don't talk about their wonderful brains or how smart they are.
It is real! , Jessie Walters mentioned it on Fox. Lots of I didn't think Veterans would be hurt and my favorite PT at the local VA is gone.
LSD, psilocybin, and DMT can cause dilated pupils (mydriasis), Migraine Medications: sumatriptan or antidepressants like amitriptyline
Even if he managed to find ppl to hack the election.