Montreal Protocol, but yeah. 1987 was a more civilized time, when people could wotk together against exsistential threats instead of rushing towards them.
I think this is tenement to understanding the concept of: "We believe in loud problems, not quiet solutions of people working together." If anyone was alive in the 1980's to remember. We had styrofoam with CFCs in nearly every McDonald's container. Nowadays it scares me deeply we have willfully/1
stupid people that will probably make problems worse because another willfully stupid person was skeptical of an expert. But is totally fine with Jim Bob down the corner doing is 'own research' off of blogs on the internet. It's no coincidence the Earth is Flat believers are growing.
It's like saying Y2K was overhyped, when software companies, software engineers and consultants worked on it for years prior to 01/01/2000 to ensure that there were no major fails overnight.
Yep… My ex worked on it. I can remember in the early 1990’s they already were already full speed rewriting software, adapting databases and endless testing.
"One man environmental disaster" Thomas Midgley Jr.
Founded in 1930 by gifts of the Ethyl Corporation, GM’s Frigidaire subsidiary, and duPont, research from Kettering Laboratory dominated the early medical literature on fluoride toxicology.
I worked as a chemical engineer in the CFC industry. DuPont and Allied Signal and every company that bought CFC’s spent literally Billions of dollars building new plants and shutting old ones down to manage this transition. What level of ignorance does it take for a statement like this?
This is glorious. Maybe instead of bitching about everything and everyone else all the time, Walsh should read a fucking book. If he can read which is doubtful.
The Montreal Protocol was passed thanks to the efforts of Brian Mulroney and George Bush the elder. This was when Conservatives believed in science and using market forces to avoid an environmental calamity. Too bad modern Conservatives don't follow suit WRT carbon.
Amazing how this dipshit literally didn’t even bother with a basic Google search to know the history. He just wanted to own those libs so he just lied.
I remember I wouldn’t use aerosol hairspray in the late 80’s and on because I heard it was bad for the ozone layer. I was such a good girl, I tried to do my part. 🤷♀️😁
Well, kinda. We couldn't actually FIX it. The ozone layer has thinned considerably and is really bad over the poles and New Zealand and Australia, but it stopped getting worse!
Research about the seasonal trend of healing the ozone layer, showed the concentration of ozone increases in spring/summer. Recently, in winter, the rate of healing is the highest. This is because NO has a longer lifespan during winter, causing it to spread farther horizontally and vertically.
I remember that from the 80’s. At the time Aqua Net was one of the culprits and it broke my heart because I had to give up crispy bangs to save the ozone or whatever. 😂
Of course the ozone hole is coming back, which no one (in America) will believe now because we are a nation of dolts who don’t even believe in climate change despite the fact that many of us die of heat exhaustion every year.
My friend.
Just telling some of these people the numbers they have been counting with their whole lives are called “Arabic numerals” have sent people to therapy.
yes Derek is right, and we then thought we were ok, in 1996. But why tf was noone listening to Carl Sagan telling congress in 1985 that CO2 is going to cook us all?
Republicans and manufacturers claimed at the time that the rule changes would destroy refrigeration in America and cause untold financial damage.
It forced new and better, much more efficient cooling systems that saved consumers huge amounts of electricity over the years.
Okay but like..didn't that make just a minor difference? Were not out of the woods yet from what I understand. I know in my area it's still getting hotter than usual
adding to this, lack of regulation on rocket technology could hinder the recovery, if not undo the progress made by phasing out CFCs. and we know what social class loves their unregulated rocket technology
Yup, I'm not gonna launch a rocket anytime soon, that for sure. And with a certain scammer in the political power now, we know it's just gonna go worse.
I've heard Matt's view before, from a well-educated and (I thought) reasonably well-informed friend. Telling the truth is hard work, but essential. Thank you.
Well, the good news is the world has moved on from listening to ‘experts’ and ‘scientists’ and kids will now die from measles again, like they’re supposed to.
There is a great documentary on PBS about this, "How we saved the planet". If Reagan & Thatcher hadn't succeeded in pushing through the Montreal Protocol, we'd been in some very deep doo-doo now re skin cancer
Unfortunately, the other side also learned from the Ozone Hole experience and they have worked very hard (and quite successfully) to delay & deny the science on global warming. See
When I lived in Phoenix in 2004, at certain times of the year the freeway warning signs would flash with “warning! Hole in ozone for next (however long) wear extra SPF!” The fact that people don’t get those warnings because the problem was fixed is absolutely amazing.
As someone who has been in IT since the mid 90's & remembers how much work we put into preventing Y2K problems, I see that kind of thinking over & over again (as noted by other people here). I love humanity. It's people I can't stand.
I lived through this period. This success gave me hope for our future when I was a young man. I was wrong. Unless Musk's pogram of destruction and corruption pushes the sleeping masses to action and we respond with regulation and an end to loopholes for billionaire enemies of humanity. Tax the rich
Ten years early in my career was spent coding/upgrading/remediating systems because memory/disk was very expensive and no one thought the systems they were writing in the 70s and 80s would still be in use in 1999.
The media was more excited in reporting on the potential disaster of it all and not on all the tedious work being done by anonymous people behind the scenes.
Wish you would include #AltText when you post images and screen shots. It's easy, just touch the ALT on the image right before you post and you can add a description or transcript. This makes the image accessible to folks who use screen readers.
Me: Because you never cared about it in the first place. Let the grownups handle saving the planet. You go back to the "kiddie table" and pick up a book.
Remember when they used to say that cars caused smog? Yeah, what happened to that? LOL Fking idiots. Seriously, how do these people live as long as they do?
EXACTLY. It’s shocking to me that most people have forgotten this. It’s almost like certain people don’t want us acting in concert to solve global problems…
Remember when people spent years panicking over the Axis Powers and warning about them and then suddenly everybody stop talking about the Axis Powers and nobody ever talks about them any more?
Is this a serious question? Are you being facetious? Cause (similarly to the ozone damage) ARP resulted in reductions of sulfur dioxide (SO2) by 95% and nitrogen oxides (NOX) emissions by ~90%. So not entirely gone, but much less destructive. #environmentalscience #cooperationmatters
WTF!!! Only in America!!! Matts the reason the Internet started was to share scientific information. Get a computer or smart phone and do a “quick” search on the ozone layer. Or be this guy! The choice is up to you.
But also, what a great example of Brandolini's law: Derek's response may have been concise and not much longer than this idiot Matt's, but he had to expend effort to actually know these things to refute such a moronic statement so succinctly.
I was in Antarctica last month, and people were shocked at how they were burning even in short periods in the sun with 30 SPF sunscreen. And then the expedition crew reminded us that the hole in the ozone is there.
Nothing like the facts to enlighten a conversation. Too bad our media cannot or will not do this instead of merely publishing or repeating Krasnov’s rantings and lies as truth. How can many reporters sleep at night knowing they are pawns used by a fascist regime out to destroy everything.
Notice how the flat earthers (normally) avoid engaging with experts.
I love the poorly educated.
Donald J Trump
Founded in 1930 by gifts of the Ethyl Corporation, GM’s Frigidaire subsidiary, and duPont, research from Kettering Laboratory dominated the early medical literature on fluoride toxicology.
I think you should, before bandying such terms around.
Damn these people were born yesterday? The stupid is painful.
Give them enough rope and they'll take care of themselves.
Oh, and hey, I heard they had a special on tiki torches as well. I’ll see how many of those I can grab on my way out.
it took decades for the Ozone layer to repair itself...
cosmic rays turn O2 ( oxygen) into O3 (Ozone) repairing the damage.
most people are unaware of this...
Free Education for ALL!!!
Posting from the European Space Agency, since the US data has been deleted, corrupted, altered by the Doge Balls.
Blast them to dust in mere seconds.
Ah, there must be infinite bliss in a brain uncluttered by thinking. (But I wouldn't trade being entertained to find out :)
Remember when bald eagles were dying out.
Banned ddt ..40 years later we got eagles.
Remember when everyone was getting Polio,
Something about not being born till the mid 80s in the UK. (UK last case was reported in the 70s)
Proves your point.
“I see two 1s not the number 2. Two 1s looks like 11 to me, not some woke curvy line”
Just telling some of these people the numbers they have been counting with their whole lives are called “Arabic numerals” have sent people to therapy.
It forced new and better, much more efficient cooling systems that saved consumers huge amounts of electricity over the years.
They regard ignorance as a badge of honour.,oxides%20injected%20into%20the%20mesosphere.
He sounds like an arrogant no-nothing.
Hundreds of millions spent to make it a non-event
It turned out to be a non-event because of the work done.
People made fun of what they perceived to be much ado about nothing.
Ten years early in my career was spent coding/upgrading/remediating systems because memory/disk was very expensive and no one thought the systems they were writing in the 70s and 80s would still be in use in 1999.
There were a lot of us. A whole lot.
It was a very successful nothing burger by design
Serious question...
I was there.... I did the work.
It was no hoax.
You can still get sunburnt on a meh day in New Zealand and Australia.
But you'll be fine in the blazing heat in North America.
Me: Because you never cared about it in the first place. Let the grownups handle saving the planet. You go back to the "kiddie table" and pick up a book.
Of course, it's not really a paradox, it just requires a tiny bit of critical thinking!
? Then suddenly everyone stopped talking about it?!
Hopefully this will help reduce New Zealand’s skin cancer rates too.
Magats are in trouble.
That’s before corrupt pols started denying science.
…now let’s do the same for Co2 and reduce the amount of gas usage!
Buy EVs!!!
Bug. The Matts questioned what all the fuss was about.
They really aren’t very bright. Presumably MAGA.
What he is, we know.
– Matt Walsh, probably
Just beautiful.