60 days in and we've become a mature dictatorship: protesting a company run by co-POTUS Musk will now get you sent to a prison in El Salvador.
We went from being the United States to being the Soviet Union in 2 months—and Democrats did nothing to stop it.
We went from being the United States to being the Soviet Union in 2 months—and Democrats did nothing to stop it.
That’s Trump’s authoritarian America.
Twisted Trump with a fragile & sociopathic mind.
But it’s the “woke” that spawned them. Since El Salvador is full, sent them to GITMO
If we really want to solve the problem, it’s the Progressives. How long to rebuild those camps they sent the Japanese in WWII?
The constitution is only valid if it agrees with Trump
Judges are only valid if they agree with Trump
News is only valid if it agrees with Trump
Voters are only valid if they agree with Trump
#dictatorship #fascism
Must Democrats always be the mature GUY in the room. Theirs is to fix all the troubles brought on the citizens by the republicans
"Democrats did nothing to stop it"
Trump broke the USA in 8 weeks and GOPQ Senators did nothing to stop it. Voters chose to SIDELINE Democrats.
1. They could ensure all vote on party lines.
2. They could revoke unanimous consent.
3. They could have used the fillabuster.
Democratic leadership is complicit with Trump's agenda.
If McConnell could block virtually all of Obama's legislation for 8 years using the tools above, then Schumer could as well. Any assertion otherwise is uninformed at best and deliberately misleading at worst.
See my pinned post for more info.
The entire country has been bamboozled by a carnival barker.
Even if Democrats in the House or Senate had any power, do we really think President Musk or even Trump would care?
You better start saying Chuck Schumer, did nothing to stop it!! PERIOD!
Problem is. the US has a 'leave no prisoners' adversarial system, systemic corruption (lobby groups) & the extraordinary executive power given to just one 'man'. King (soz, President) Trump
You've got a shit democracy.
Consistency isn't your strong point is it?
If you want to challenge my position, please do so
But casting asinine personal aspersions my way will yield you little.
On every level.
My sister died of brain cancer. How terrifying for the child, & their parents.
Apathy, ignorance and arrogance did this and the democrats can’t dig you out.
Seth's post & your reaction both underscore real concerns about governance & accountability.
While pointing fingers is tempting, the priority should be mobilizing people toward meaningful action.
#TrumpCheated again and Dems wen and hid.
The time is NOW for us to UNITE!!!
It's our turn!!!
Let's show them what the U in USA stands for! The ONLY way we can defeat them is to stand UNITED!!!
#Resist #HandsOff2025
I assume these Organizations will be considering other locations… outside of the U.S.
These Countries wouldn’t want their athletes and citizens to get arrested and deported somewhere, right?
REPUBLICANS have the power to stop Trump and Musk. Democratic office holders lack that power.
I assume that the lawyers suing to enforce the Constitution are Democrats and not Republicans.
Did I get that right?
Sorry for the all caps but the "blame Democrats" narrative is getting old.
Damage a Tesler it's an Act of Terrorism & you’re sent to HELL on Earth. The US has morphed into 1930's Germany but swapped out Rail Cars for Airplanes
Members of the House might fear that the Speaker will take away their "taxpayer funded perks" but they have no perks that Trump can deprive them of.
That's one way Republicans keep their representatives in line.
'You no longer have the cards!'
'You no longer hold a company!'
Obliterate the fascist.
#Musk alienated his client base by joining forces with extremism, degrading dehumanizing,abusing staff, trolling women, cutting corners costing lives,& stating that PEOPLE are essentially parasites to him= #Nazi
Bernie, for instance. He said "The system very seldom makes the mistake of giving someone like me power." Because he would have actually changed it.
Inanimate objects matter. American children do not.
Where are the million+ person marches? National strike?
Posting your frustration here won't do a damn thing.
It’s happening again but here now
soon, we will all be re-living this nightmare
Absolutely disgusting, but completely unsurprising.
He then cancelled his book selling jolly when he realised that people were really pissed at his book selling jolly.
So now he was a traitorous coward for no reason at all.
What a fucking joke
And, the badass and bold Federal judges that are sticking their necks out for this country.
Coughs nervously….
Trump, Musk, et al have been in power for over 60 days.
Things are only going to get worse unless we unite, mobilise, and directly (and non-violently) fight the regime.
He is just milking him.
Don't play into that linguistic trap.
Tump's 3rd wife is no where to be found and instead Elon lives at WH & MAL, shares Elon's son, travels, accompanies him everywhere- now even to the Pentagon- there is something latent about their close (husband/wife) relationship...